Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by TheWendybird »

Chibi Rachy wrote:
Dialga-Brite wrote:I can second wendy's belief that children can come up with opinions on their own. I was fairly little when I was first found out that meat came from slaughtered animals, and I instantly took a disliking to it. I didn't become a vegetarian until like 3 or 4 years ago, but even when I was eating meat I had a problem with it - even when I was a little kid. My mom would always tell me - if you don't like it, become a vegetarian, and so I eventually did.
I didn't say they couldn't. I said it was rarer. I deal with students spouting all sorts of stuff and it's all from their parents. They have no idea what they mean. They just repeat things. Sure they may have opinions on some things, but they either can't act on them or haven't fully processed them. They may not have all the information they need to form a complete opinion.

I don't believe in labeling kids either, for good or bad. We always end up labeling though because that's who we are, but if you label a kid and tell it to their faces, well they start to either become inflated or deflated because of it. I've seen so many kids whose parents labeled them gifted and talked and talked about it to the point where the kid's ego became inflated... and then in the end, after they actually graduated, they're just another kid. They thought they were so good that nothing would hurt them or affect them. And it can go the other way too. Giving a kid a bad label only hurts them. They hear it and think they can never be good enough. So they stop trying. If they aren't going to be good enough, why bother?

I try to see my kids as just any other. I see my above average kids and some of them already think they are better than the others when it comes to grades. But now their grades are suffering because they aren't putting forth the effort. And then I've got kids on the other end who try so hard and are finally doing better. They see that. Two of my boys, T & J, are rather different. T is a bright kid when you get him one on one, but in a large group, forget it. J has asperger's, but you can really only tell if you watch his social skills.

And if I were to voice personal opinions about my students, I really don't like those who think they are smart and that that'll get them by. I prefer my students who work hard and put forth the effort, knowing they really worked to earn that grade.

Well when it comes to indigo and stuff like that if that's what you were thinking about labelling. I'm not at all suggesting that. Only that there are names for what certain people are. For instance I have anxiety disorder....I'm an anxious person (usually over stuff that involves no reason to be). Or someone may be autistic or have aspergers like you said. I don't think anyone should tell a child they're better or gifted more than any other. Only that when you see signs of someone being cultivate it through the proper means. Labels are simply only being used here as an example of how not all children think a certain way just cause mommy and daddy do.

Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children are not just children literally but many out there are adults now too.

I don't believe in inflating anyone's ego's. You don't need to tell the gifted kid they're gifted to the point their ego is huge. Just cultivate it should be. And treat everyone as they should be treated. I don't think anyone should be ignored tho. The only thing this is about is being treated for who you are....whether that be to do with gifts or religion or whatever. This is kinda my point. You look at a child and say they don't have the capacity for something..simply because they are a child. I say...give them a chance...many kids do have the capacity to feel and think for themselves. I only used labelling of those types of children (like indigos) as an example of the type that do think for themselves.
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by TheWendybird »

I also wanted to add this post just to make something clear: I'm not sure how everyone else interprets things online so I wanted to make sure everyone knew I just consider this healthy debate and not arguing...yeah lol
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by Dialga-Brite »

TheWendybird wrote:I also wanted to add this post just to make something clear: I'm not sure how everyone else interprets things online so I wanted to make sure everyone knew I just consider this healthy debate and not arguing...yeah lol
I agree, I don't think of it as arguing either, just debate. Also forgot to mention, I just especially LOVED this part of one of your posts:
It's one thing to respect the beliefs of your elders its quite another to be kept in a belief system you know you are not a part of or live a lifestyle you know is not you simply cause mommy and daddy don't like it. It's wrong. If children must respect the parents the parents must respect the children. Anyone who says otherwise needs their head checked (not saying you btw lol). The children have every right to have their own beliefs as the parents do. And everyone should be equally kind to each other about those beliefs. You can agree to disagree and still be a family or get along with people of different faiths or lifestyles. That's the problem with the mindset of humanity. Ultimately they stick to their own kind. i can tell you right now I have friends from every walk of life and I respect each one for their own individual views on things. Though sometimes I wonder how much is actually what they chose or what their parents did. I still respect them. Anyone who deviates should not be treated like a black sheep outcast. It's just them trying to be who they really are inside. You must ALWAYS be true to yourself and not what others want. That has nothing to do with respect. I am not christian. But I respect my family greatly and I respect the upbringing I had. But I also know in other ways it did a lot of damage to me. My message to everyone-BE YOURSELF.
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by TheWendybird »

Aw's just how i feel.
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by Dialga-Brite »

you're welcome! oh and here's my webpage that I made about being an indigo:

it has some Q & A that I made up about myself. :)
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by TheWendybird »

Dialga-Brite wrote:you're welcome! oh and here's my webpage that I made about being an indigo:

it has some Q & A that I made up about myself. :)
I really liked your site i just took a look at it. Read some of it to Starvoyager as well. You don't have facebook right? You should join...I'm on a few groups to do with this stuff! There's Rainbow stuff on there too :) Love the cute pic of Indigo on the page btw! hehe
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by Dialga-Brite »

thanks! I'd really prefer not to join facebook though, because I've heard some bad stuff about it. Like I heard it forces you to join with your real name and it's against the rules to use a fake name. I've also heard about them having being investigated by the police for not taking action against some wrongdoings (stalkers, perverts, or something - not sure what exactly). Do you happen to know if the stuff I'm saying is true or not? If it's not I might consider joining. :)
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by TheWendybird »

Dialga-Brite wrote:thanks! I'd really prefer not to join facebook though, because I've heard some bad stuff about it. Like I heard it forces you to join with your real name and it's against the rules to use a fake name. I've also heard about them having being investigated by the police for not taking action against some wrongdoings (stalkers, perverts, or something - not sure what exactly). Do you happen to know if the stuff I'm saying is true or not? If it's not I might consider joining. :)
I guess technically you have to use ur real name but if you make up an alias how are they really gonna find out anyhow u know? Plenty of people do i dunno...not sure about the wrong doings and stuff but you can change privacy settings on there so no one can view ur profile unless they are on your friends list and stuff like that. I find it more secure than myspace for sure.
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by Dialga-Brite »

ok I'll consider it then, part of it too is that I don't like having too many websites to worry about that I'm a member of. Right now I'm kinda happy with what I have - I just have this forum, the mlptp forum, youtube, my email account, sometimes ebay, and myspace which I don't use much because I don't like it.

I'll still consider it though, if you're able to tell me that the people in your groups are nice (which I imagine they are if they're indigos) like they are here and on the mlptp then that'll score brownie points with me. I just need time to think about it. :)
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Re: Views-Continued from the music discussion thread

Post by RainbowArmyGuy »

i find it funny that the grown ups who tell everyone else to grow-up etc. are the ones with nervous breakdowns, midlife crisis', ulcers, and who knows what else. but those of us adults who regularly play with our inner child lead healthy, stable, anf fulfiling lives. And the kicker is we all learned it from watching tv. (At least I did) :)
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