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Post by Cypher »

Mods, if there's already a Twilight thread and I didn't see it, or if we're not supposed to talk about it here, I apologize.

What the description says is this: feel free to talk about all things Twilight, but this is intended for intellectual discussion, not just rabid fandom. People may have differing opinions from yours; fans, try to keep it in perspective and not take things too hard. As a discussion opener, here's what I personally want to know: Is there anyone else on here who strongly dislikes Twilight, can't stand the story, movie, or anything about Twilight, thinks Meyer is not a very good writer, and honestly doesn't think it deserves all the hype? I know I go against the grain on this one, but I really am curious if I'm the only person alive who feels that way...especially since being a romantic fantasy-loving female, I ought to fall right into the demographic. (I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I have to speak out because I really don't like Twilight at all.) Thoughts on this, guys? Opinions? Sympathies? :P
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Re: Twilight

Post by Chibi Rachy »

I've never actually read the book so what I say is only from what I know. I can say that I'm not into vampire fantasy though so it's just just based on what I've heard.

I do think it's gotten way too much hype over it. My sister read the series and she said that by the time she was to the last book she was only reading to finish it, not for enjoyment. I've heard all sorts of things from it not being well written to some of the concepts in it are either silly or plain strange.

I don't think the fanbase helps either. My sister tries not to voice the little bit she does like from it because she knows what the fans can be like, and does not want to be lumped with those "rabid fangirls" as she calls them. She falls into the demographic for the book though, being 14 1/2. Vampire fantasy is her favorite genre, yet there are plenty other books she'd put at the top of her list before Twilight.

It has to be somewhat of a good book, but I think it garnered most of it's readers from the hype, not from being a really good book.

I suppose to sum it up, it's a book I've never read, one that I've only heard negative things about, and from a genre that's not one I like to read.
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Re: Twilight

Post by TheWendybird »

I, too, have not read it...and have not seen the movie...though we might watch it at some point yet I'm not sure. All I know is I've heard a LOT about the story line of the books in general. I have always loved Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts...etc etc and I gotta say...I think a lot of it is pretty dumb. I think the concept of a...

(SPOILER ALERT for people who havn't read the whole series or know what the future books hold)

...vampire getting someone pregnant is one of my major annoyances. This happened on the TV show "Angel". I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer but could never get into it's spin-off. My friend Ryan told me that Angel has a son at some point in the series. How does dead sperm give life? UUUGGHHHH

Then there is from what I've heard...a...somewhat on-going theme of posessiveness/almost abusiveness being shown as being dreamy to tweens. My cousin Nicole read this book and when I read about how Edward acts with Bella I started to worry my cousin would possibly end up looking for a normal LIVING human that someday...which would be...VERY bad.

I've also heard it was badly written as well and while i'm no published author (YET! hehe)...I do think I have a grain of sense when it comes to seeing something badly written (even if I'm still practising and editing my stuff myself). A friend of mine posted a review of this book in which they talk about the various descriptions of Edward's eyes that I found pretty darn funny.

As my friend put it as well...the main character of Bella is apparently suppose to look just like the author and therefore she has the theory that these books are nothing more than her own personal sexual fantasy. To this she told her to keep it to herself..don't publish it for the world to read because it's not good enough lol

I can't say I know for sure about that last one but I still found it amusing. I guess I'd have to read a chapter or two from it to be certain. I got to say though...I love vamps...and when I saw the trailer for this movie...I didn't feel an urge to go to it AT ALL. Edward from what I read only sounds to me like he is a macho semi abusive vamp. He tells Bella that it may come to a point where he might not be able to fight the urge to suck her blood? When translated into real life...and the tweens that are reading this COULD translate into "Oh he's hurting me because he loves me". There is more to what i've heard about the abusive theory than that though...way more. My last ex was abusive and one before that was starting to get abusive and ....I gotta say... IT DOESN'T DO MUCH FOR ME! :P But...I gotta say I wasn't thrilled when I found out my cousin read it.
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Re: Twilight

Post by FanChan »

Where's Dracula when you need him?

Amen @_@

I love the story of Dracula, the romanticizing of the battle against them, not the romanticizing of the vampires themselves. Part of the whole point of their existance is the lack of human emotion, only human vice. They're monsters, we're supposed to fear them, not want to date them -.-; (This is part of why I loved the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, and not the Buffy tv series.)

Now, I can understand romanticizing a person who is, perhaps, somehow transitioning from human to vampire, caught between the human heart and vampiric lust, which is something that has been done before (with one of my favorite vampires of literature).

But, come on, if you're going to change the rules, rules that have been laid out with great detail in a number of books, most famously of course being Dracula, then make up your own creature, don't play them off as vampires. At least the new 'breed' of werewolves are called lycans.

But anyway. I haven't read the Twilight series or seen the movie, and have little desire to. I've heard enough about it to know it wouldn't interest me in the least. But hey, if you're someone who likes it, that's fine, it doesn't matter much to me. To each his own.
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"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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