Proto rainbow Lurky

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Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Galacticatt wrote:I love Rainbow Lurky- his fur is extra silky, his legs & bottom are made from soft red material- and he just looks so much nicer than regular Lurky.

He seems quite a bit bigger than regular Lurky too (although not nearly as large as Emotions Lurky) - but I almost think that this is just because of overstuffing and maybe he was even hand sewn (I can't tell). I love his soft orange nose and purple antlers too.

Anyways, I took a comparison pic to share the difference:

Image Isn't he neat?

One odd thing about him vs. the regular guy, is that he doesn't have a mouth!

I was looking at the picture here and realized something. It looks like Rainbow Lurky's coat was made from the coats of several other sprites...

Starting from the top with the antennae, we have Posie. The top of the head is Spritzie followed by Flutter, Merrily and OJ at the bottom.

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Rainbow Brite
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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Galacticatt wrote:Katy, the Emotions Lurky didn't come in a box- he just has a paper tag and blue Emotions tag.
Gotcha. The one I bought is missing the paper tag, but I don't really care about that.
You can actually see a difference on this little pic- about halfway through this ebay guide- (the big one is Emotions lurky, the smaller is the regular Lurk that came in a box) ... ssPageName (you can also see the difference between regular STarlite and the smaller Emotions Starlite...)
Looks like I was missing the Emotions Lurky from my guide, and you're missing the 10" Mattel Lurky from yours :lol: One day we'll get it right!
I think that both Lurkys can go for pretty cheap (of course the prices fluctuate)
I think you got a good deal if he still has the plastic tag-
Awesome! Thanks :) Crap, I just remembered I still need to respond to your
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:I was looking at the picture here and realized something. It looks like Rainbow Lurky's coat was made from the coats of several other sprites...

Starting from the top with the antennae, we have Posie. The top of the head is Spritzie followed by Flutter, Merrily and OJ at the bottom.

Oh that's so!! :lol: I'm afraid to ask...what does SYSBR stand for?
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

No morbid involved. What I was saying is that it looks like they made him up from the parts bin, taking a bit of this and and a bit of that from what they already had on hand to create this version.

And SYSBR!!! is a secret code that only Sarah and a few other people that I've known for a long time know the meaning of. ;;;---D)))
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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

And I guess we could add Romeo to the list if we include Rainbow Lurky's legs. :)
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Rainbow Brite
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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Got my Emotions Lurky today :) Here's a lineup of the three:
Dsc_0064 edit.jpg
Dsc_0064 edit.jpg (30.85 KiB) Viewed 1547 times
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

Very nice! Now I've got to find the big one, preferably boxed.
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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Galacticatt »

Cool! I had no idea there was a 10" Lurky !!!

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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by mistic_imp »

rainbow lurky is cool!
Where did you find him at???

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Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
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Proto rainbow Lurky

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »

G-Cat (Sarah) has been a professional doll collector for many years and knows where to look for unusual items.
Blondine et moi!!!//Rainbow Brite and me!!!//Azurine et moi!!!//Regina Regenbogen und ich!!!
