RB 20th Anniv. Doll Problem

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RB 20th Anniv. Doll Problem

Post by SunSpire »

Our lovely former forum member Amberlight (where may she be now?) sent me this 20th Anniversary Rainbow Brite doll when it was released a few years ago. It's been placed on my display cabinet ever since and has never been removed out of her box. HOWEVER, one day her head would suddenly become loose and the dress tore apart halfway just below the yellow collar. I am guessing this is partly due to a poorly sewn dress so her heavy head must've pressed down on it until it broke .. :(

Now taking her out of the box and putting her back in wouldn't be hard to do, but how would I go about fixing her dress .. if at all possible?

Here's a close-up picture:
101_0794.jpg (38.42 KiB) Viewed 714 times
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RB 20th Anniv. Doll Problem

Post by Galacticatt »

Yikes- nylon is very hard to fix- you have to seal the edges with superglue or seam-glue- then sew. Use a hidden stitch and it should look okay-

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RB 20th Anniv. Doll Problem

Post by SunSpire »

Thanks for this! :) I'll give it a go some time (when I feel brave enough! lol)

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RB 20th Anniv. Doll Problem

Post by Clinozoisite »

Nylon is incredibly difficult to repair -- once it has holes, they don't disappear. Your best bet is what was previously mentioned: glue. Many stores will sell nylon repair glue for products like camping tents.
