Bait Rainbow Brite dolls- Free to good home!

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Bait Rainbow Brite dolls- Free to good home!

Post by Tilas »

I've had these dolls for ages, and I was gonna make custom dolls with them but I found it too hard to get the supplies I need up here, so since they've just been shoved in a box for the past year, I've decided to get rid of them. Since I know some people here custom dolls, I'd like to give them away to someone who can use them. All I ask is you pay for shipping from here (Yukon, Canada) to wherever you are. I would like to get rid of them all as one big lot, because it's just easier and shipping is pricey up here. ^_^;

2 of the heads have been customed. I... don't' remember where I was going with either of them, but the Rainbow head is done in purple yarn, in braids with purple ribbons. The Buddy Blue head is rehair in short brown, and the eyes have been painted brown with acrylic paints, but should wash off easily. One of the RB's is a little dirty but should come clean with a good wash. One of them (next to the beheaded one) is REALLY nice and clean, she could be given a dress and be almost mint!

Shipping: I'll ship worldwide as long as you agree to pay for all shipping. PM me if you're interested with your location, and I'll get you quotes on the cost to ship the box. When we agree on a shipping method, please pay me via paypal, and I will ship the dolls the following day.
Payment: Paypal only

My Deviant Art~ KeonaKii
