This is my collection I copied & pasted off from Microsoft word. I promise I'll get pictures of this soon. I hope this isn't too long.
1. (2), 1 MIB w/ booklet, Red Butler & Romeo hand sprite, MINT.
2. (2) 1 MIB w/ booklet, Lala Orange & OJ hand sprite, MINT
3. Canary Yellow & Spark hand sprite, MINT
4. Patty O’ Green (rare starshoe variation) & Lucky hand sprite, MINT
5. Buddy Blue & Champ hand sprite MINT
6. Indigo & Hammy, MINT
7. Shy Violet & IQ, MINT
8. Tickled Pink, MINT
9. Moonglow, MINT
10. (2) RB & Twink, MINT, 2nd (is rare starshoe variation) OK
11. Emotions Baby Brite, original hairdo and ties (messy), no romper, bottom a little dirty, missing bottle, OK
12. Emotions Canary Yellow, MINT
13. Emotions Patty O’ Green, MINT
14. Small Lurky, MWT (Booklet)
15. Giant Lurky, GC
16. 18” RB no hairdo, no dress, body a little dirty, Fair
17. 18” Patty O’ Green, original hairdo and ties, no bows, head is a bit loose, face + body a little dirty, Fair
18. 18’ Shy Violet, Near Mint (small stain on dress)
19. Dress for 18” RB doll, MINT
1. (2) Puppy Brite, 1983, MINT
2. Puppy Brite, 1983, chewed nose & felt stars faded/coming off
3. Kitty Brite, MINT
4. Large Starlite, MINT
1. Red Sprite Romeo, Bit of paint missing on nose, GC
2. Orange Sprite OJ, MINT
3. Yellow Sprite Spark, MINT
4. Green Sprite Lucky, MINT
5. (2) Blue Sprite Champ, paint missing on nose, blue mark on cheek, OK
Champ, Paint missing on nose, fur is matted, Ok/Fair
6. White Sprite Twink, MINT
1. Yellow Female Sprite, Merrily, MINT
2. Green Female Sprite, Flutter, MINT
3. Aqua Female Sprite, Spritzie, MINT
4. Pink Female Sprite, Dee-Lite, MINT
5. Violet Female Sprite, Glee, MINT
6. Dark Purple Female Sprite, Posie, Bit of paint missing on nose, face a tad dirty, GC
Taco Bell Sprites
1. Twink, MWT
2. Spark, MWT
Emotions Sprites
1. Spark, MWT
2. Lucky, MWT
3. Champ, MWT
Hatful Sprites
1. Lucky, MINT
2. Champ, MWT
3. Romeo, GC
4. Spark, MWT
5. Twink, MINT
6. Hammy, MINT
Baby Sprites
1. Yellow (Eensy)
2. Pink (Weensy)
3. Red (Bitsy)
4. Orange (Itsy)
1. Twink
American PVC’s Figures
1. Red Butler
2. Rainbow Brite
3. Puppy Brite
4. Romeo red sprite
5. Starlite
6. Lurky
1. Rainbow Brite
2. Romeo
3. Buddy Blue
4. Canary Yellow
German Minikins
1. Canary Yellow
2. Buddy Blue
3. Starlite
4. Twink
5. Red Butler
6. Rainbow Brite
1. (2) RB yellow star w/Rainbow pocket wall hanging (both missing logos, 1 has it, but need to glue it back on)
2. RB Color Pocket, (Moon shaped wallhanging) MINT
3. RB Color Pocket wall hanging, flowerpot, MINT (decal may be missing)
4. RB color cottage, GC, everything missing except 2 rainbow pillows (1 small and 1 large).
5. RB colorpocket, red pillow w/ rainbow pocket, still has decal, MINT
6. RB slumber set pieces: Rainbow sleeping bag, pink dress (missing star), and stretched out Twink slipper
7. RB wooden wall hangings, RB on Starlite & 3 Sprites, MIB
1. IQ Sprite, already sewn up + stuffed, MINT
2. CHAMP Sprite, already sewn up + stuffed, MINT
3. RB sew-up cutout, MINT
4. All seven sprites sew-up cutouts, MINT
5. Twink sew-up cutout, MINT
6. Starlite sew-up cutout, MINT
7. Lurky sew-up cutout, MINT
8. Twin comforter (needs serious repair)/fitted/flat sheets & pillowcase w/ RB, Starlite, Twink & Rainbowland & the Pits.
9. RB baby blanket type material RB and Buddy in hot air balloon
10. RB DIY Doll pattern, McCall’s
11. Custom made Twink doll DIY (found at yard sale)
1. Paper tablecloth, 1983 RB & sprites with balloons
2. Paper tablecloth, 1983, RB with cake & sprites
3. Have a RB Day paper plates, 1983, with RB & Twink on Starlite
4. A RB birthday with RB & Starlite with cake, sprites on rim
5. RB Plate with RB & Twink w/baton and drum
6. Pack of 5 RB Poster Cards & envelopes
7. RB with Starlite on rainbow maze card
8. Painting fun Easter card w RB, Twink & Red
9. Cup with handle RB, Twink, Red & Canary w/band
10. Small tumbler cup w/same design as above
11. RB thermos, small size, RB w/ 2 sprites
12. RB Riddle valentines, MIP
1. Murky Dismal’s Plan of Gloom, UK
2. Twink’s Lucky Escape, UK
3. Rainbow Brite Annual, UK
4. RB and The Magic Belt
5. (2) RB and the Brook Meadow Deer, little golden book
6. RB saves Spring, read-along
7. RB Happy birthday Buddy Blue, read-along
8. RB And the Star Stealer Comic book
9. RB Sticker fun, Welcome to Rainbow Land (5 or 6 stickers used/missing) otherwise GC
10. RB Dot to Dot book (RB with Twink and paint can) ok, pages colored and filled
11. RB Paint with Water (RB on pogo stick) MINT
12. RB Paint with water Colorful Capers RB and Canary, MINT
13. RB Coloring book w/ RB & Twink & Rainbow ice cream on front MINT
14. RB Coloring book Dome Sweet Dome MINT
15. RB Trace & Color book w/RB and baton on front MINT
16. RB Coloring book “Adventures in Rainbowland” MINT
17. RB Big Activity Book, RB & sprites on front, MINT
18. RB Golden Sticker Fun Book, MINT
19. RB Color the World with Love cross stitch book, MINT
20. RB Paper Dolls with Red Butler, MINT
21. Folder w/Lurky on front
22. Folder w/Murky & Lurky in Grunge buggy on front
23. RB and the Color Thieves, (Large Golden Book)
24. RB gets Rescued, (Large Golden Book), MINT
25. RB Happy Birthday Buddy Blue, (Large Golden Book)
26. RB and the Big Color Mix-Up (Large Golden Book)
27. RB Twink’s Magic Carpet Ride (Large Golden Book)
28. RB yellow vinyl pencil case
29. RB Erasers: RB, Twink & Rainbow, (2) Red Sprite (star shaped), Rainbow w/RB letters, Murky Dismal, RB pink eraser.
30. RB pkg of 2 erasers, Starlite in red star & RB pink heart
1. Invasion of Rainbowland VHS, MINT
2. The Mighty Monstromurk Menace VHS OK
3. San Diego Zoo Adventure, MINT
4. RB Risky Rescue & Sprite Emergency (VHS only)
5. The Mighty Monstromurk Menace VHS SEALED
6. RB It’s Your Party VHS SEALED
1. RB in pink hot air balloon
2. RB, Twink & Starlite with apples
3. RB & Twink with tray of cookies
4. RB asleep in bed with sprites around
5. RB squeezing a tube of rainbow paint
6. RB Puffy Christmas Stickers w/ Red & Patty & sprites, MIP
7. RB Sticker Album Refill Pages, MIP
8. (2) RB Stick –R-Treat stickers, MIP 1 opened
9. RB San Diego Zoo Adventure Sticker
10. RB & Starlite blue sticker Hallmark
1. 64 piece puzzle, RB & Sprite on coaster
2. 100 piece puzzle, RB with Patty, Canary & Red on rainbow
3. RB w/colorkids in Rainbowland
4. Have a Rainbow Brite b-day mini puzzle, many pieces missing
5. 300 piece puzzle with colorkids & Murky & Lurky
6. 100 piece puzzle RB w/ box kite & Sprites
7. 100 piece puzzle, RB & ring of Sprites
8. 200 piece puzzle, RB on raft w/Sprites, Never Opened, MINT
9. 200 piece puzzle, RB on Starlite + 6 colorkids, Never Opened, MINT
10. RB frame-Tray puzzle, RB & Sprites w/ rainbow ribbon pole
11. RB frame Tray puzzle, RB, Twink, Starlite, sprites & colorkids
12. RB large frame tray puzzle, RB on Starlite w/ yellow star sprinkles
13. RB frame tray puzzle, RB in tree house w/ sprites MIP
RB Giant Card Game
RB metal garbage can
RB bath towel
RB shooting star shaped AM/FM Wireless Microphone, MIB
RB & Twink rubber soap holder
Starlite Bank
RB record, Paint a Rainbow in Your Heart
RB Christmas Record, SEALED, MINT
RB small yellow purse mirror
RB valentine puzzle greeting puzzle w/ envelope, MIP
RB Easter egg decorating kit, MIP
(2) RB Christmas Advent Calendars, MIP
RARE RB mail in contest (search for sprites)
RB plug-in nite lite, MIP
RB Pink Lunchbox w/ sprites and Tickled Pink w/ thermos, EC
RB yellow lunch box, fair condition
RB yellow thermos (2 sprites on front) goes with lunchbox above, GC
RB large roll of Christmas wrapping paper, maybe 20+ feet.
RB blue heart purse, custom sewn on rainbow strap
RB Stacking blocks toy w/clock numbers & hands 8 pcs.
RB Holiday ornament round glass w/ RB, sprites on back w/ box
RB roller skates, Mint w/ Rainbow Brite skate box
Children’s Clothes/Nighties/Shoes/Etc.
1. RB 2T shirt Twink & RB playing volleyball
1. 7 RB movie photos from RB and the Star Stealer
2. RB and the Star Stealer mini movie poster, MINT
Large Dolls
1. Talking RB MIB
1. Rainbow Brite MIB with DVD
2. Red Butler, MIB
3. Canary Yellow, MINT
20th Anniversary (Hot Topic Exc.) RB MIB
10’ Dolls with Sprite Plush
1. Patty O’ Green and Lucky MIB
2. Canary Yellow and Spark, MIB
3. Red Butler and Romeo, MIB
4. Rainbow Brite and Twink, MIB
Loose dolls & sprites/doll sets/ETC.
RB Poseable with Hard-bodied Starlite, MIB
RB soft bodied doll backpack, MWT
RB blue Champ sprite (same size as sprites w/ dolls)
(2) RB green Lucky sprites (same size as Champ sprite)
RB IQ Sprite (Same size as Champ)
12’ Inch Sprites
1. Lucky, MIB
2. Spark, MIB
3. Romeo, MIB
Poseable Dolls with Light up Sprites
1. RB & Twink, MIB, box is not mint, torn in front
2. Canary Yellow & Spark, MIB
3. Patty O’ Green & Lucky, MIB
4. Red Butler & Romeo, MIB
5. Twink Light up Sprite, MOC
1. (2) Rainbow Brite
2. Twink
3. Lucky
4. Romeo
5. Spark
1. 10” Starlite, MIB
2. 10” Plush Starlite, (Loose), MINT
3. (2) Puppy Brites, MIB
1. Large gift bag
2. Treat bags, 8 ct
3. Napkins, 16 ct
4. Party hats, 8 ct
5. RB ponytail holders, 2 ct (red stars)
6. RB star sunglasses, 4 colors
7. RB party blowers, 8 ct
8. RB paper cups, 8 ct
9. RB paper plates (small) 8 ct
10. RB paper plates (large) 8 ct
11. RB table cover
12. Party invitations, 8 ct
13. Twink rolling stampers, 4 ct
14. RB Banner
15. (2) RB hard plastic-type cups
16. (2) RB wrapping paper rolls (light blue)
1. (2) RB Twink and the Sprites
2. Rainbow Brite saves Christmas (Hardcover)
3. (3) The World of Rainbow Brite (Punchout & Play Dolls)
4. RB Enchanted Kingdom (Paint with Water)
5. RB meet the color kids (with rainbow pencil)
6. RB Rainbow Surprises (Lift the flap book)
7. (2) RB Rainbow Falls (stickers)
8. (3) RB Adventures in Rainbowland sticker story book, one is done
9. RB Sparkling star sprinkles (star sprinkle stickers)
10. RB Friends Forever (coloring & activity book)
11. RB & The Star Stealer DVD
12. RB pink journal w/ star sprinkle rainbow on front, 2004
13. RB Group Journal w/ colorkids
14. RB Starlite & Twink
15. RB Mixed-up Colors
1. RB digital watch with rainbow band, MIP
2. RB pink digital watch with white stars, MIP
3. RB digital watch with red star and pink band, MIP
4. RB pink digital watch with RB flip up, MIB
5. RB blue wristband, MIP
6. RB Nokia cell phone face plate, MIP
7. RB bubblegum lipgloss w/ RB waterglobe
8. RB scented glitter spray MOC
9. RB set of 2 rings MOC, RB & twink
10. (2) RB Lanyard white w/ RB & Romeo sprite
11. RB shoelaces with RB & sprites
12. RB skinny white shoelaces RB & Romeo sprite
13. Yellow Sprite iron on patch
14. RB Slap bracelet, MOC
15. RB Gift set in yellow tin box, yellow alarm clock and digital watch, MIB
1. (2) RB round sticker, MIP
2. (2) RB postcards with colorkids
3. RB blue pen, MIP
4. RB stickers, 4 sheets, MIP
5. RB round note pad w/gel pen (CD-like case), MIP
6. RB, Starlite, & Twink stickers (clear backing), MIP
7. RB hologram sticker
1. RB blue hat
2. RB red shirt, MED
3. RB blue shirt, SM
4. White RB shirt w/RB by Changes
5. RB vinyl purse, blue with rainbow straps
6. RB PJ’s Lt blue tank top w/ dark blue PJ bottoms MWT
7. Dark Blue RB hoodie RAINBOW BRITE TAG
8. RB light blue t-shirt, Large by Junkfood
9. RB red & white ringer T-Shirt, RAINBOW BRITE TAG
10. RB large light blue thermal shirt, by Junkfood
11. RB XL Stormy T-shirt, Republic Couture
12. RB XL “Hanging with the Homies” green v-neck shirt, RAINBOW BRITE TAG
13. RB XL Tickled Pink T-shirt, Republic Couture
14. RB Scrub top, lt blue w/RB in hearts, XL
15. RB XL Lala Orange T-shirt, Republic Couture
16. RB XL Indigo T-shirt, Republic Couture
17. RB XL Canary Yellow Tshirt, Republic Couture
18. RB XL Red Butler Tshirt, Republic Couture
19. RB XL Buddy Blue Tshirt, Republic Couture
20. RB XL Rainbow Brite waving Tshirt, Republic couture
21. RB pink backpack w/ water bottle, Rainbow on top, RB & Twink on bottom
22. RB Blue panties
OTHER 2003+2004 STUFF
1. RB & Starlite Hallmark Christmas ornament, MIB
2. RB Color Castle, MIB
3. RB wind chimes with box
4. RB pillow doll
5. RB water globe
6. RB metal Lunchbox
7. Custom made pillowcase
8. RB custom made magnet
9. RB custom-made keychain
10. RB custom made mouse pad (purple)
11. Patty O’ Green & Buddy Blue (blue rim) custom made wall clock
12. Sprites w/ blue background w/ yellow piping Custom made cloth purse
13. Small RB Button sitting on cloud
14. Amigurumi Nite Sprite
15. Amigurumi Rainbow Brite
1. Large 15” RB doll, MIB
1. 10” RB, MIB
2. 10” Moonglow, MIB
3. 10” Tickled Pink, MIB
1. 10” Starlite MIB
2. 10” Sunriser, MIB
3. 10” Shimmer, MIB
2. (2) pks RB Stickers, MIP by Stickeroni