Custom Stormys

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Custom Stormys

Post by mtaylo28 »

Here is mine. She was made by kittybrite from the old boards some years ago.
edt.JPG (110.85 KiB) Viewed 1428 times
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Custom Stormys

Post by Tom-sprite »

I think she s cute ... cool fabric ! :-)

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Custom Stormys

Post by Galacticatt »

Yep- she did a great job. It really is too bad she was so dishonest-

I remember when that fabric was at Joanne's fabric... I bought some for my large rainbow brite costume- (of course it didn't come out nearly as well as the custom stormy).

I think I still like Katy's custom stormy the best in terms of the hair...

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Custom Stormys

Post by mtaylo28 »

yes i agree with the post about the hair. while this one is a beautiful color is it not as soft and fluffy as the original production dolls.
Galacticatt wrote:Yep- she did a great job. It really is too bad she was so dishonest-
I used to talk to her on the phone a lot right after i commissioned this stormy. I also bought my moonlglo from her. Then one day she just disappeared. I never knew what happened. she had so many jobs in the works that she just never followed through on. I was sad to see such obvious talent vanish from the boards.
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Custom Stormys

Post by Galacticatt »

She had a lot of friends- I was one of her friends too.

I think she just over-committed, spent the money that she was paid to make various projects- couldn't follow through or pay the money back, so she just disappeared.

I traded her my entire Rose Petal Place collection (MIB dolls & misc.) for a custom doll- she kept saying that she was making it- or that it had been mailed to the wrong place- so many different and crazy stories- finally she just stopped pretending and disappeared. I don't understand why she wouldn't have just sent my stuff back- but I think that she got too caught up in her stories- and couldn't come clean.

So, she was a pathological liar and a thief, but I actually do think she was a good person and a pretty great artist despite it all-

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Custom Stormys

Post by stormberryfairy »

That is horrible Sarah! I'm so sorry you got scammed like that! I would have been devastated at losing that collection for nothing. :'( I never knew that happened to you. Makes me so sad. :'(

I will have another Stormy to add here in just a couple days!!!

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Custom Stormys

Post by stormberryfairy »

Oh, and that Stormy that ya'll said KittyBrite made...looks almost just like the 1st one I got from one of my Strawberry friends! Maybe she bought her from the same person!

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Custom Stormys

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Galacticatt :

OMG ... that sounds just terrible !
You handed over your complete Rosepetalplace collection for just one promised custom .
You can't be serious?!
Excuse me a thousand times but I have to give you just one well-meant mayor cyber-bollocking for that. ;)
No custom dolly could ever be worth so much money.
I feel extremely sorry for you and i think it is absolutely unforgivable what she did to you. Shame on her !!! :angry:

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Custom Stormys

Post by Galacticatt »

I know, stupid of me, huh? But we had been friends for a while at that point- still, I will admit I should have known better- I already was getting clues she was over-committed even then. And it was going to be a very cool doll! She was making me a series of customs from the 15" Emotions dolls- She had already made the Stormy, which was really good. She was allegedly working on a 15" Tickled Pink. I didn't really care how long she took to make it, and that was probably my first mistake ;) She did send me a loose Buddy Blue randomly, so maybe she thought that made up for it.

Ah well, live and learn. Most people are very honest- I don't even hold it against her (although I wouldn't trust her again) I just feel sorry for her. I do think she intended to follow-through on her promise, but she had a lot of crazy issues in her life. (Not making excuses for her, but I realize that it is hard to put yourself in someone's shoes until you are there)

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Custom Stormys

Post by Tom-sprite »

It is somehow admirable how you deal with what she did to you.
You have a big heart ! ^^
Has to be a quite unpleasant feeling that a person you called a friend scammed you like that ... maybe she has to fight a lot of problems in her life but that is a little bit speculative right ?
I honestly tend to be a little bit more pissed for a long time in such a case ! ;)
I am sure you learned your lesson and you will never again be so dupable !
