Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Clinozoisite »

Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:I certainly wasn't expecting Lurky to look like THAT! I've seen him rainbowed out in a number of the German comics and the stripes tend to be more vertical. I've never seen him with rainbow rings like that prototype.
In the cel I own, the colored stripes are horizontal. :)

http://stemcels.rubberslug.com/gallery/ ... mID=102937

Galacticatt - I like the sailboat. Very cute! If you're looking for catalog scans, I have some...someplace on my hard drive. I'll try and dig them up for you. If not, I'll drag out my old catalogs and scan 'em again. I need to keep better track of my digital files. :lol:

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Galacticatt »

Oh cool! Thanks for sharing! I forgot about that RBB commercial- maybe I can get a screen shot from the commercial somewhere- or would you mind if I uploaded that pic next to him? I'm SURE that the rainbow Proto must have been based on drawings from the cereal commercial- rather than the cartoon (I'm thinking)- maybe it was going to be a promotion of some kind? Wouldn't it be neat if there was a Rainbow Murky too? (but I probably would have heard of it- alas)

- I do have a bunch of catalogs I was planning to scan, the Moonglow one from Germany is especially neat- but my computer stopped working at home- so I either have to scan them at work (sort of hard to explain, heh) or load the scanner software onto another computer... just haven't had a chance to do it I guess :)

but of course if you have any full sized scans already, I'd be super happy to put them up! :D

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Clinozoisite »

Galacticatt wrote:would you mind if I uploaded that pic next to him?
Sure - feel free to use that image. I, too, was wondering if the prototype was based off the commercial or the TV series. It would be interesting to know specifically when it was made. Did the creator have any notes? Fabric types, colors, etc?

Galacticatt wrote:...if you have any full sized scans already, I'd be super happy to put them up! :D
I'll take a look around and see if I can find those scans. If not, I'll attempt to rescan (something I should probably do anyways) some time in the next few weeks. I'm always happy to share my stuff -- I don't really care too much, since it helps out the RBB community as a whole to have this stuff available online.

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Galacticatt »

The only thing I know about this Lurky is what he told my go-between/dealer guy- that there was only one prototype made. (usually there are more than one- ie there were two of the Castles). I get the feeling he doesn't know much about the series- he said that the Lurky was "from when Lurky was turned back to being good."

Unfortunately, I have not been able to talk to the designer directly- he is very secretive. He doesn't want me to contact him :( He probably thinks I am a nut or afraid of Mattel- (I suspect that prototypes belong to the company, so there are probably rules about selling them/taking them home) -working with a professional third-party dealer probably feels safer.

So I am dying to talk to him about the stuff he worked on, but don't really blame him for his worries. Maybe he thinks Mattel will come after him- (thinking of that lawsuit where Mattel sued the creater of bratz because he came up with the ideas for them "on company time.") I am just so grateful he is willing to part with his treasures at all-
Last edited by Galacticatt on Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Tom-sprite »

The only thing I know about this Lurky is what he told my go-between guy- that there was only one prototype made. (usually there are more than one- ie there were two of the Castles). I get the feeling he doesn't know much about the series- he said that the Lurky was "from when Lurky was turned back to being good." Hmmm
I think this is very interesting Galacticatt !
Maybe at one point of evolution they really had the idea of Lurky turning good in the story. Might be ...
The German story tapes have also that kind of vibe regarding Lurky.
There he loves colours and does not like how Murky treats the colour kids.
There is even a point where he impends Murky that he will break with him.

I also think that the designer fears legal consequences.
But you are still very very lucky to have a connection anyway ! :) ;)
Last edited by Tom-sprite on Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Galacticatt »

I do feel very lucky- I promised not to try and figure out who he was or tell anyone of my suspicions (he did mail the stuff to me, after all- hehe)

It really is too bad Mattel is so scary- I'm sure that is why there are not more prototypes around. The few designers that still have them are afraid they would get into trouble if they did something like put them on ebay...

the few US cartoons/books seemed to indicate Lurky was a good guy deep down too- he does like the Pretty Rainbows after all :D

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Galacticatt :

I guess it is totally exciting to communicate with somebody who was involved so deeply into rainbow brite creation. :)
Precisely because this is so unusual in general !
I think it is understandable that he wants to remain in the shades !
It would be quite dangerous for him to tell his civil name I guess. ;)

The only difference between US-Lurky and German-Schleichmichel is that this good-guy-image was a little bit more intense in the german story tape version.
Lurky even playfully rides in a carrousel togehter with the colour kids and states :
"This is the most beautifully day of my whole life !"
:-))) (so cute and a little touching too)

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by Galacticatt »

Tom-sprite wrote:@ Galacticatt :

"This is the most beautifully day of my whole life !"
Awww- so cute!

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by BabyDoll »

That Lurky is awesome, truly awesome. It looks like they're actual separate stripes of different colored fur, instead of one solid fur that's dyed different colors, am I right?

I'm tempted to try a custom version of this! I did attempt a rainbowed Brian once but abandoned it when the paint I was using on his head reacted badly with the vinyl.

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Rainbow Brite lurky prototype

Post by BabyDoll »

Oh...I just wanted to say a little something as an aside about prototypes and why companies protect them so carefully, too.

I did work for a brief time in the field of toymaking and the sculpting firm I worked for was lucky enough to be doing work for one of the licensees for the Lord of the Rings movies. My boss there informed me that each of the prototypes we were crafting, after all of the costs of time, labor, materials and tooling (the technology used to create replicas) were factored in, each prototype was valued at about $30,000. Yes, THIRTY GRAND! That is how important these one-of-a-kind items are to the company! Those prototypes were so valuable that I was not allowed to remove them from the premesis (like I would) or even photograph them for my portfolio. The licensee we were working for paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the right to make LOTR toys...it is a case of THEM going to the owners of the LOTR property and pitching their products and paying for the right to make money off the license, not the owners of the LOTR property going out and finding people to make their wares.

To put this in the perspective of Rainbow Brite, though I think the values would be much lower for the prototypes (just due to licensing costs, no having to pay fees for likenesses, inflation ect), each one of these wonderful items Galacticatt has found for her private collection represent a huge investment by Mattel at the time that, in the case of the unreleased items, they never received a return on.

Another story about the importance of guarding prototype property like this actually comes from the early days of Mattel, before they even rolled out the Barbie doll. As some of you may know, the name Mattel comes from Matthew and Elliot, the first names of the two men who made the company (Matt Handler's wife, Ruth, was the inventor of Barbie). In the early days of their partnership they made furniture including doll furniture. They came up with an idea to build a small ukelele (musical instrument) for kids to expand their line. This toy that they called a "Uke a Doodle," they shopped around to a few producers before deciding just to make themselves. At the annual toy fair, when they unveiled the Uke a Doodle, they were chagrined to discover that one of the producers they had been to earlier in the year had ripped off their design and was also showing their own toy ukelele. In fact, their prototype was just a Mattel Uke a Doodle with the name scratched off. :wacko:

So, yes, Mattel learned early on to guard their intellectual property VERY closely!
