New version of "sexy" RB costume

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by Tom-sprite »

It s all about the money ... sex sells ...the old story ! ;-)
Rainbow and such a extreme-adult-dress doesn t really match .

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by Tennyo »

Oh come on you guys it's all in good fun. Have a sense of humor. It's not like this is marketed at kids.

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by Tom-sprite »

You are right Tennyo !
....but you have to admit that this costume looks a little bit extreme ... Image

and the design for this costume is taken from a cute kiddie-series ...

this context is just a little bit odd ... I really do not comdemn it at all ! ;-)

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by Tennyo »

Well I do agree that the second costume is ugly, but not because it's based on a "kiddie" character. It's just a poorly designed, tacky costume.

First one is adorable, though. That's the one I want. ^_^

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by RainbowBrite1983 »

i also dont like the fact that they are taking a innocent charcter costume and making it look slutty. the 1st RB costume is not that bad. but the second one is horrible. i dont like it all.

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by Wolf Ranger »

Tom-sprite wrote:It s all about the money ... sex sells ...the old story ! ;-)
Rainbow and such a extreme-adult-dress doesn t really match .

>_> Yeah...I already said that! xD

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by J3llyb3ans »

It dose not matter. Some people want to incorporate favorite childhood cartoons into their adult world. Some like the idea of said characters growing up with them and that includes sexy costumes. A particular character who was once marketed solely at children can branch out, especially if most of the fans are adults now.

I really don't understand the attitude that it's disrespectful to represent a character in a sexy way either. Some people show their affections for their favorite characters in different ways.

Are they trying to sell it to kids? no. Is it hurting anyone? no. I think that says it all.

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by Dialga-Brite »

Are they trying to sell it to kids? no. Is it hurting anyone? no. I think that says it all.
But it is hurting someone. For all the people that don't want to see their beloved rainbow brite become slutty, and get grossed out by it, it hurts their souls because they become kinda sad. This is hurting me as well.
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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by J3llyb3ans »

^If you don't like it, don't look at it. It's that simple. The title of the thread said it all and that should have been a clear enough warning.

There's no reason to ruin everyone else's fun.

Finally, I think it's appropriate to add that a woman's manner of dress does not make her slutty. Rainbow could wear a costume like this and still be as innocent as ever. One thing to remember is that attitude is the deciding factor, not manner of dress.

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Re: New version of "sexy" RB costume

Post by Tom-sprite »

@Wolfranger :

Yes you did say rather the same ... so we have the same opinion about that point ... ;-)

@ y3llyb3ans :

I think if it matters or not is somehow an individual decision ...

... both opinions are OK don t you think so too ? Image
