Major Ursa?

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Re: Major Ursa?

Post by SunSpire »

I couldn't quite believe it when I first read about his passing, not long ago he was still posting in his blog and nobody would've imagined this ... it is very sad :( Kenny and I didn't talk often, but we've been PM'ing back and forth over the boards on numerous occasions and it's sad that we didn't get to speak to him again after he went to the hospital.

He will always be remembered by those in the community who knew him.

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Re: Major Ursa?

Post by Radiant Bridge »

This is a horrible shock. I hadn't been here since the beginning of summer, so I knew nothing of Major Ursa's hospitalization. I'm very saddened by his death. He was so congenial and generous, and always one of the most passionate board members. I was a fan of his stories. Kenneth went so young. He was probably no more than forty. His family members must be heartbroken; they have my condolences.

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Re: Major Ursa?

Post by Clinozoisite »

It is sad to think that Major Ursa will no longer be around the forums. He shall be sorely missed.

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Re: Major Ursa?

Post by Patreek »

I've enjoyed reading MU's posts and found him to be a very lovely happy friendly person and a huge presence on these boards. I well very much miss seeing him post, and wish I had gotten to know him better. For all of the folks on the boards who undoubtedly knew him I'm extremely sorry for your loss. :-(

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Re: Major Ursa?

Post by RainbowQueen »

Wow I am at a loss for words, I do not come on here often anymore, and this is the LAST thing I ever expected to see! It is so sad, and for what i've read we really don't even have a explanation as to what happened exactly? He was a good man and he adored Rainbow as do we all that is the connection that tied us all together and forever will, you will truly be missed major, an I will miss your online teddy bear hugs :0) they were comforting! Rest in peace for you are surely in a better place full of rainbows and happiness!

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Re: Major Ursa?

Post by Aquarius »

RainbowQueen wrote:Wow I am at a loss for words, I do not come on here often anymore, and this is the LAST thing I ever expected to see! It is so sad, and for what i've read we really don't even have a explanation as to what happened exactly? He was a good man and he adored Rainbow as do we all that is the connection that tied us all together and forever will, you will truly be missed major, an I will miss your online teddy bear hugs :0) they were comforting! Rest in peace for you are surely in a better place full of rainbows and happiness!
My thoughts exactly. I seen this thread before and didn't think anything of it till I checked it out, as I haven't heard or seen him since I came back a week ago.

Major was one of the kindest people I've know on here. I known him since 2004 and he was a regular on here. He was such a good guy that really shared a lot with us, had good stories, and his bear collection was so cool to look at. I will really miss him.

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Re: Major Ursa?

Post by Cypher »

I too am saddened by this news. Major Ursa was always on here, welcoming newcomers and willing to chat when no one else was around. He was one of the first people to welcome me on board. Rest in peace, friend, and all the best to your family. :(
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