Four Sky Powers

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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by Maki »

I hope Stormy's not a villian. That would not mix to the other three for Sky Powers. The only female villian I can remember was the Dark Princess.

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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by Tilas »

Now I didn't say I didn't want the new release. To make a copy of the original would be pretty pointless. I just think that if they are TRYING to go along with the original story (since they say it's years later) then they shouldn't go twisting and warping the story by making huge plot holes. Either they follow the story, or they don't. It doesn't make sense to just take pieces of it, unless they're pulling a 2009 Star Trek with the alternate reality concept, then I'll accept it. :P
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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by WishBear2001 »

IndigoJoy wrote:I plan to buy all the merch too. Except maybe any clothing items that don't come in my size.
I will try to get clothes that would fit my chihuahua :P

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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by IndigoJoy »

Tilas wrote:unless they're pulling a 2009 Star Trek with the alternate reality concept, then I'll accept it. :P
It seems that's exactly the case.

RB, as much as we adore her, is a business. Playmates is taking a chance because they think RB can make money. I know that they're not following "canon" - that is, what has happened in the past. But they've likely done research and development and are taking a chance on what will sell the franchise.

Imagine if we were to get together and buy the licensing rights to RB, and made whatever merch we wanted, and did whatever story lines we wanted. We would likely lose millions of dollars because it would only sell to people like us - nostalgic folks - and maybe a limited amount of new people. Playmates is trying to widen RB's appeal to ensure that more people will support RB financially.
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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by Tennyo »

Indigo, I really don't know where you got the idea from that we only want vintage RB and will only tolerate the new to be exactly what we want. Just because we have something new doesn't mean we have to just suck it up and like it and that we're being too judgmental. There have been plenty of revamps of things I liked as a child that turned out very well despite not going in a direction I liked.

We know we won't have the original RB back and none of us are entertaining allusions that we will (at least not that I know of), or even should. But sometimes companies just don't do a good job, and sometimes adaptations just aren't done well.

We have to think, are we going to blindly follow just because it's something we loved in the past, or will we acknowledge when something just doesn't add up?

Now none of us have said that we are abandoning this altogether. We're still willing to give it a chance. But if things keep going the way we just don't like, then, well, I guess that's just it. :) As you said it's a business, and sometimes businesses don't do well. Also you say they are taking a chance, well sometimes taking a chance just doesn't pan out.

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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by J3llyb3ans »

I think it's already safe to say Stormy will be the fourth. I can't see her being a villian, but I can see her being the loner of the four. That could inspire some interesting stories.

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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by IndigoJoy »

Tennyo wrote:Indigo, I really don't know where you got the idea from that we only want vintage RB and will only tolerate the new to be exactly what we want.
It just seems like all I see around here is complaints about the new Rainbow Brite. This is wrong, that's no good, etc. I have seen very few statements of support and even fewer of enthusiasm.
We have to think, are we going to blindly follow just because it's something we loved in the past, or will we acknowledge when something just doesn't add up?
Certainly. But then people in this thread were jumping to the conclusion that Stormy could be the villain when I doubt that's the case. If she is, then yes, that will give me something to be upset about.
Now none of us have said that we are abandoning this altogether. We're still willing to give it a chance.
Fair enough, but looking at 1. all the complaints and 2. your point that I just quoted about not following blindly just because it's something you (the general you) loved in the past, it doesn't sound to me like everyone wants to support the new RB or even give her a chance.
But if things keep going the way we just don't like, then, well, I guess that's just it. :) As you said it's a business, and sometimes businesses don't do well. Also you say they are taking a chance, well sometimes taking a chance just doesn't pan out.
I agree. Thank you for seeing it from another point of view, and I'll try to do the same.

All I'm saying is, it would be great to see some enthusiasm or excitement about the new line. If Playmates is reading this board, we don't want them to see all criticism and get discouraged and tank the line before it's even started.

Maybe we will be in for some more pleasant surprises, like Nite Sprite keeping the Sprite part of his name, and Puppy Brite's appearance.
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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by FanChan »

The instances of criticism have been constructive. It hasn't just been "I hate it. Period." It's been "Ugh, they really blew it, and here's how." If Playmates is reading this, and they actually give a hoot about a couple dozen 80s RB fans, then the constructive criticism will help them know the areas they should work on in order to make the line even better.

For the most part, it hasn't even been the story content that people are upset with. For me, it's the quality of the work that's been a disappointment. Hopefully the things they want us to actually pay for will be of a much higher quality. We're all excited to see the merchandise when it comes out. Plenty of us have said as much. We're all eager to see what they have in store, we're simply trying to figure out what direction they're taking based on the information they've provided us so far. If some of us don't like where it seems to be heading, that's our opinion, and if a big-time company gets discouraged and drops the line because of a few people guessing about what they're going to do, then it's a wonder they make money at all.

Perhaps you should just stop assuming that we want Rainbow Brite to fail. Our freedom to voice our concerns and debate the possibilities of the upcoming storyline and merchandise shouldn't be curbed just because a company might read what we have to say. I want Rainbow Brite to succeed. That is why I'm concerned with what they've put out so far.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
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"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by Patreek »

FanChan wrote:
IndigoJoy wrote:I'm beginning to think there's nothing that could please anyone on this board short of redrawing the original RB in the exact same style, which just isn't going to happen.

Uh, now that sounds awfully pessimistic, and a big blanket statement. You're not the only one happy with the new release. Quite a few have voiced the fact that they're overjoyed with it. More power to you, and to them, for liking it. I don't understand it, but hey, I'm coming at this with a different perspective, different reasons for my nostalgia, etc. I'm allowed to be dissatisfied with what seems like a half-assed attempt at what was so-far released. Will they raise the bar and release things of a much higher quality in the future? I sure hope so. But I can't help being realistic.

I too am not loving it Fan. BUT i recently saw the 94... or was it 96 line for the first time. I somehow missed this line existing.... anyway its not a surprise since its an abomination!!! lol... after seeing those toys... I am feeling a little bit warmer to this new launch... at least it resembles the property a BIT! lol

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Re: Four Sky Powers

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Agreeing with Tennyo and Fanchan and adding my own two cents into the mix.

Okay so when the first images of the line came down, I really wasn't happy. Heck, wrote that fanfic too. But once I began thinking of it as an AU storyline and design, I was better. Then it became a question of "Will the line be done in a way to make it successful and stand out to stick it through?"

With the quality of the video and voices we've seen, so far that answer is no. It's been said before, but flash animation can look so much better than that and not so clunky. I've watched many videos over the years and then when I find out they're flash, it's like "Really? You're serious?" My question though is "Why is the site released early and the dolls are to be released late?" It's not as though it's a difference of a few weeks, but a difference of a few months.

As for the company reading these posts, good. They really should. Even if they do nothing to amend the animation, they'll at least know how others have felt about it. Think about it though. When you first introduce something, you want feedback and constructive criticism. You want it to be better. That's how products evolve and change over time. They become better because others offer feedback. That's why boxes of food have that number to call. If people just say something's super and don't say why, that's not going to help down the line. As a fan, I don't have to accept everything that's thrown to me in my fandom if I choose so, but I need to give reasons why.

Finally, the Stormy/villain bit. It's moreso she shouldn't be the villain with that voice actor for one and two, it's something always done. Got a bad character, but want him to join the good guys? They start out bad, and then end up good, sometimes overzealously good. It's nothing new. Power Rangers (always the first show I tend to think of for comparison) did it with numerous seasons. Tommy anyone? They didn't do it with every season, but the last season I watched, Dino Thunder, they did it with quite a few characters. Even the villian villian became good in the end. Stormy could go that route too, but once she's on the "good side" don't make her lose her personality, that stubbornness and wanting to do what she wants at times. Have her keep rivalry when she's in the mood to argue.

In the end, we don't want Rainbow to fail. We also don't want terrible quality in products and promotions. A good idea means jack if the quality is terrible.
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