Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by SunSpire »

As someone mentioned before, I see it more as a "parallel universe" with different characters and events rather than a continuous plot that explains Rainbow's past and present. They've simply tagged on the "from earth and got parents" bit to make it seem like she's got a complex background story.. but it sadly doesn't take into consideration any of the original series' plots, the comics and especially the german story tapes. So this is more of a reboot than a continued series, with a totally new Rainbow Brite, kinda like the Zelda series with its various different timelines and Link incarnations that you can't really interconnect as it would leave too many plotholes.

The color kids have not been mentioned at all as of yet, I wonder what they will come up with.

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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by WishBear2001 »

Now, the relaunch of MLP and Strawberry (the Strawberry before Playmates) was okay, but Care Bears I cringe at. Care Bears was another favorite of mine growing up and it pains me to see what they've done to them.

yeah with strawberry season 3 after playmates there are poorly made eps and many bloopers

one example: Rockaberry Roll
Huckleberry tells Strawberry Jam (the rock band) that Crepes Suzette had to go home because her dog is homesick, but she is clearly seen a few minutes later in the episode during the Strawberryland Talent show.

another: in Season 4 (Hasbro) Orange is shown with a almost white skin tone in animation, but I've seen the Orange ragdolls and they are black (not meaning to be racist with this one)

With the Care Bears, I like some changes (like creativity) but bloopers and less belly fat *cringe*
At least burning questions have been solved. One is how baby stars (Twinklets) grow up and another is how (yes may sound silly) it rains in Care-a-Lot (Share bribes Thunderwhales with lolipops to head towards Care-a-lot).

The color kids in 2009 would be nice to see, but this is a alternate universe. Moonglo(w) looks pretty next to her new horse. Which is very similar to Strawberryland Fillies. Each girl has a similarly colored horse to their outfit.

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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by RainbowBrite1983 »

Leonardo Mystic wrote:
RainbowBrite1983 wrote:I just hope they do it right and dont ruin her like all the other relaunched charcters from the 80's have been over the years for example my little pony, strawberry shortcake, care bears, and ninja turtles.

I don't think they ruined Ninja Turtles at all, unless maybe you're talking about with Fast Forward and then recently Back to the Sewers. The earlier seasons, 1-5, were amazing and I enjoyed tremendously. I loved the dark and gritty universe, like the comics, that was created for it. And you got to admit, the Turtles are cute. Image

I respect the 80's show and those who love it, but it doesn't appeal to me anymore like it did when I was seven. While it's fun and campy, it just doesn't capture the real spirit of the Turtles for me like the 2003 series has.

Now, the relaunch of MLP and Strawberry (the Strawberry before Playmates) was okay, but Care Bears I cringe at. Care Bears was another favorite of mine growing up and it pains me to see what they've done to them.

I was never really that big of a turtles fan it was cool but when i see something that i grew up with come back and to see what they do to these charcters makes me sad bc thats not how i remmeber them at all and to give new storie lines or backrounds to the charcters that make no sence to what the orginal story was just makes it all very confusing to me. Its cool that we have all these advanatages in animation and flim but when they use those to literaly ruin charcters like what they did with care bears makes me cringe as well.

Now what they did with Strawberry Shortcake, MLP, and Care Bears is just so sad to me. They turned Strawberry in to a tomboy and made strawberry land look like is came straight out of candyland. Care Bears makes me wanna puke now. I loved them in the 80's and i still love them but what they did to them now is just horrible! Care a Lot looks nothing like it did in the show and the computer animation is horrid in the movies! My Little Pony has become just as bad. I wasnt too happy with that eather. For anyone who enjoys the new versions thats cool but to me its just all very sad.

I still cherish what these charcters where in the 80's like most of us do maybe not all but some and if its gonne be relaunched the least these people can do is make the charcters resemble what they were and definetly not chance their personalites at least not completly to where they are not even the same anymore.

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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by BabyDoll »

I'm too late....T_T The article is gone from that site as far as I can tell. Is there anywhere else to read it?

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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by Rainbow Brite UK »

BabyDoll wrote:I'm too late....T_T The article is gone from that site as far as I can tell. Is there anywhere else to read it?

The artical is archived on the site. You can find it here: ... 2009/kids/

Hope this helps!

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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by Starlight_84 »

Rainbow Brite wrote:
FanChan wrote:I always kind of assumed she was from Earth. But it's too weird to think of her as a 'toddler'. I could see six or seven. Not three. @_@ Ah well, that's a small issue. A non-issue, really. It's great that they're making a story at all. They seem to have a healthy respect for the tv series, which makes me think they just might make videos. Granted, they'll almost certainly be computer generated like MLP and CB and Barbie, which makes me sad, but that's the way things are done today, so alas.
For some reason, I always imagined her as being from another planet. Especially since she never seemed to age. But now that we see her and the other kids aging, I guess it does make sense for her to be from Earth. I wonder if that means the rest of them are Earthlings as well?

And yeah, I always thought of them being around 6 or 7 too. Perhaps their definition of toddler extends beyond 3 or 4 year olds?

I totally hope they make videos :) I'm thrilled to see them respecting the old material.
Same here, I always assumed she was from another planet. Image
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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by Tennyo »

I'm sorry but I'm confused. Where exactly are you getting this info? Where is this article you are all talking about? The link in the first post talks about children's physical and mental health. :/

EDIT: Nevermind I see

But hmmmm something about this doesn't sit right. It can't be picking up where it all left off. I mean, isn't Rainbow at LEAST 700 years old? And that's at least, since in the Monstromurk episode she says that it had been 700 since they last fought him. :/

Also Krys, please tell me they will have Krys!

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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Tennyo wrote:I mean, isn't Rainbow at LEAST 700 years old? And that's at least, since in the Monstromurk episode she says that it had been 700 since they last fought him. :/
IIRC, the quote is more like "The Monstromurk hasn't been seen in Rainbow Land for 700 years." That doesn't necessarily mean that the Color Kids are the ones who saw it. It could've been a part of Rainbow Land history that Shy Violet read about in a book. We're never expressly told.
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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Tennyo wrote:I'm sorry but I'm confused. Where exactly are you getting this info? Where is this article you are all talking about? The link in the first post talks about children's physical and mental health. :/

EDIT: Nevermind I see

But hmmmm something about this doesn't sit right. It can't be picking up where it all left off. I mean, isn't Rainbow at LEAST 700 years old? And that's at least, since in the Monstromurk episode she says that it had been 700 since they last fought him. :/

Also Krys, please tell me they will have Krys!
It depends on what "theory" you follow with Rainbow and crew. If you're part of the aging theory, then the Monstromurk quote above could be taken as something that the others learned. If you're part of the ageless theory, then the Monstromurk quote could be taken as what the Color Kids and Rainbow saw, or at least the Color Kids.
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Re: Two more Rainbow Brite Mysteries Solved

Post by Watercolor »

Tennyo wrote: But hmmmm something about this doesn't sit right. It can't be picking up where it all left off. I mean, isn't Rainbow at LEAST 700 years old? And that's at least, since in the Monstromurk episode she says that it had been 700 since they last fought him. :/

LOL, My boyfriend and I (yes, my boyfriend....I bounce theories off him all the time) had this same discussion.

Me: The 700 year old age always confuses people.

Him: Well, I honestly don't see "Rainbow Brite" as a name. Her name was given to her. "You will be hence forth known as Rainbow Brite"...To me, "Rainbow Brite" isn't a name. It's a Title. Like "The Dread Pirate Roberts" (That's "Princess Bride" reference for those who don't know). "Rainbow Brite" is a title given to those who protect the colors. The Rainbow Brite you know may be the third of fourth in a line of protectors this "Light" brought to help.

I so love him... he gives such a fresh perspective to these theories. He is NOT a die-hard fan, or even a fan at all. I showed the show to him, and this is what he came up with. Awesome, huh?

Over all, we are injecting too much reality in to a child's program, which was over all constructed to "Make Money". I say, just enjoy it...don't age it. :)
