Hello and thanks to all !
Chibi Rachy wrote:Welcome to the boards

Hope you enjoy your stay here! What anime or manga do you like?
I'm Rachel, but usually just go by Chibi on here. I'm a more recent RB fan (more like beginning of this year), but I love it, and fanfiction is my forte!
TheWendybird wrote:Regina wrote:Hello to all of you kidz
I am a huge RB fan and gone even more crazy in the last few years!
I currently live in London UK . I love vintage fashion, cartoons, movies and video games especially from the 80's and part from RB I am also a Jem and the Holograms, 'V', and Japanese anime/manga fanatic!
I enjoy drawing and i will soon start training to be a tattoo artist. I also luv animals, but as houses in London are very small, I can only afford to have a cat a the moment, would luv to have more space, also for my toys!
Speak Soooon!

Vintage everything is great haha Welcome!

I also LOVE Jem and 'V'...my fav anime's are AIR, Kanon and Naussica...apart from tv series like Astro Boy that I 'grew up' with

Have you seen any of them? I also love to draw! Do you have a deviantart? You have literal toys? So do me and Starvoyager....do you actually play with them like us? Cuz that would be cool haha


Glad to see that there are a loads of Manga/Anime Fans! I know Nausicaa ! My favourites, starting from the oldies are: Devilman, Urusei Yatsura, Bokan Desuio Saint Seya. From the newest ones I like Death Note, Apocalypse Zero, Octopus Girl and many more (I could write a book eh eh!)
Wow Fan Fiction, would luv to read it! I like playing with toys sometimes but most of them are in box so I can't

Don't have a deviant art yest but will soon as I've been thinking about it for long time! So I'll keep you posted!
FanChan wrote:Welcome! I'm Fan, from the United States. I teach a class on how to draw manga. Looking forward to hearing your input around the boards!
Wow You teach how to draw manga!!! That's supercool! I'll love to see some drawings!!!
And finally yes Jem Is truly Outrageous! and my little pony too!!!!