Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by Chibi Rachy »

TheWendybird wrote:Not that I don't think it's horrible they changed strawberry shortcake...and people are free to disagree with this least she still has some resemblance in the face and what not to the old one....when I saw the new one in the store i still knew it was her...they just messed her up. Rainbow Brite and her friends I think look much much more different. Not the other way around...just my opinion.
I'll agree with you on it. I remember when it first came out and saw it. I was still able to recognize it as Strawberry Shortcake because of the facial similarity, but not much else.
BattySparkles wrote:Hi hi everyone! I'm the one who sent the picture of the stickers. I've lurked around a little bit. Anyway.. I like the new look for Rainbow. I very much prefer the old Rainbow, but I'm glad that she hasn't had a huge change like Strawberry Shortcake. I absolutely hate the new Strawberry. To me it looks like they sort of mixed Stormy and Moonglow for Moonglow's new design. I think that the new Tickled Pink is in charge of sunrise/set colors. Judging from her new look and companions. ^-^
And a proper welcome to you :) And thank you for sharing with everyone! As for Stormy... seems like they might have. Although, I'm very afraid to see what Stormy would look like if they ever did a doll for her.

I'm curious to know what everyone here is considering buying from the new release, doll wise. Do you plan to buy the entire set (dolls, sprites, and horses) or just part of it? Me, I plan on getting 2 sets of the dolls only. I don't care much for the sprites or horses, but I'd love to have a set of dolls that I can keep out of box, and another set to keep in box. I wish I would have done the same when they released the Red Ranger set for the 15th anniversary... I only bought the first three in that set, but I should have bought another 3 to keep in box and separate.
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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by Dialga-Brite »

I'm curious to know what everyone here is considering buying from the new release, doll wise. Do you plan to buy the entire set (dolls, sprites, and horses) or just part of it? Me, I plan on getting 2 sets of the dolls only. I don't care much for the sprites or horses, but I'd love to have a set of dolls that I can keep out of box, and another set to keep in box. I wish I would have done the same when they released the Red Ranger set for the 15th anniversary... I only bought the first three in that set, but I should have bought another 3 to keep in box and separate.
I plan to get every single character that comes out! :D

Only one of each though, to take out of the box, I don't leave my toys in their boxes.
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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by TheWendybird »

I'm not a fan of the new design...however I might want to get the dolls if they turn out looking nicer than the pics I see online...the dolls might still look pretty good I guess though I still prefer old school Rainbow and co. Colorful dollies are never bad hehe Whether my significant other will prefer us to not get them is another story as he can't stand the new design either...he doesn't even know i'm writing this yet...I guess I will find out when he sees this heh.

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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by Starvoyager »

Oy. Well, I can't say I'm not surprised. But I'm still dissapointed. Not as much as if I had held more hopeful enthusiasm... luckily. I won't repeat much of what I've already said in this thread...

I guess I could agree with what Sunspire said here. It's too girly. And that's only because of what "girly" is now. Pre Generation-Y girly would be another story.

Well it's official now. The artwork isn't a conceptual design. It's on the store shelf. It's terribly generic for a modern product. The style is suited towards a franchise centered on fashion... which has nothing to do with what Rainbow Brite is about. They all look like those 2-dimensional dress-up dolls with magnetic clothes. What bothers me the most above all else, is that the faces have the shallowest personality imaginable. They look too much like they're in front of the lens of a magazine photographer. There's no fun here, no joy. Just a false smile to satisfy the papperazi.

I'm also feeling even more like the original story is completely gone. Pink is in charge of the sun now. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but the three of them seem like they very much complete a circle of sorts. One girl to preside over the night, one over the day, and an intermdiary to control color? That's the impression I'm getting here, and it doesn't leave much room for something more complex. Stormy seems like a no-brainer to add to such a line-up, but I wouldn't expect it, or any of the other characters for that matter.

As for individual gripes: well, the only thing Moonglo got to keep of her old self was the color of her flesh. This is pretty dissapointing, since she had the most unique outfit of any of the characters. Again, not surprising though. She wore the same colors as Pink, which is apparently too confusing for a modern 12-year-old. Aside from that, she actually does look kinda cool. Though I don't see why EVERYONE needs to wear a miniskirt now. Actually yeah I do. They've got to be focused on looking sexxeh. Otherwise that target audience won't be able to relate to them.

Welcome to the digital Rainbowland, BattySparkles. Frankly though, I don't know how anyone can think that this is a better redesign than the Strawberry Shortcake one. Lest we forget what is truly important... the contents of the book, not the cover. Yeah the SSC's clothing is completely different, but you can tell by looking at her face that her personality has been kept intact. In this case, the opposite is true (unless you're Moonglo.) Rainbow and Pink's wardrobes haven't changed much. It's in the expression that they've changed. Their faces speak an entirely different language than classic RB.

Maybe the Wendy Lady is right about the dolls though. We'll have to wait and see how they look, since dolls often look nothing like the artwork. I have the Rani doll from Disney Faeries and it's adorable, but I'm not fond of the artwork for that character at all.

*sigh* At least the Sprites seem to have gotten away without a scratch. Except for Nite. I guess the other sprites kept making fun of him for having weird antennas. This would explain why he had plastic surgery done on them. Now he blends into the crowd better.

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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by Rainbow Brite »

I'll be buying all of the dolls of course :) And any other merchandise they come out with.

Welcome to the board BattySparkles! And thanks again! :D
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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by FanChan »

I'll likely only be getting the horses, unless the dolls turn out really well. There's so much of a change to them, that I just don't feel obligated to buy them, and with the quality of toys these days, it just doesn't seem like they'll ever become collectable a few generations down the road. Maybe I'm wrong, and I hope I am, but I don't have the money to bet on that.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Starvoyager wrote:*sigh* At least the Sprites seem to have gotten away without a scratch. Except for Nite. I guess the other sprites kept making fun of him for having weird antennas. This would explain why he had plastic surgery done on them. Now he blends into the crowd better.
I'm sorry, but this reading this gave me a good laugh. :)
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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by Color Newbie »

Chibi Rachy wrote:I'm curious to know what everyone here is considering buying from the new release, doll wise.

I plan on getting Tickled Pink, Sunriser and Twilight.

As what can I say, I like Tickled Pink. :)

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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by IndigoJoy »

Say, aren't we missing a horse here? Where's Shimmer?
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Re: Pics of the new Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Sunriser and Sprites

Post by Chibi Rachy »

IndigoJoy wrote:Say, aren't we missing a horse here? Where's Shimmer?
Yeah, we are. Perhaps they didn't want to release images of Shimmer yet since it's an entirely new creation, but it may be safe to say that it would be a variation of the colors for Moonglo and Nite that we currently see
"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire
