And How Was Your Week?

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Another week come and gone, and I'm slacking since I didn't do this last week.

Good: Students were actually quite good, and I've been able to cut down on the teasing in my classroom with a second bullying talk and pledge. We've been preparing for WESTEST, which is the state standardized test. This will be their first year to take it, and they are excited... I think. We rearranged the room, moving them from groups of 5 into rows...which they love. Seriously. These kids have wanted to be put in rows forever. Now they get their wish.

Soccer was fun as well this weekend. My kids got their team pictures, and as a coach I get a free 5x7 team shot. It looks really good and all my kids are smiling and happy.

Bad: Well, there's not too many things I can think of. I suppose the closest thing would be that the referee who was supposed to ref my team's game and the game after mine never showed up so instead of reffing 4 games, I had all 6. I don't mind it, but it becomes really hard to coach, cheer, and keep track of time and fouls all at once. I'd like to focus on my team and not worry with reffing when it comes to their game.
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Okay so I'm late doing this and I'm going to add all weekend to this, just cause I can :P

This was a great week. It was standardized testing week at school, so it was more relaxed and not so stressful. I got other work taken care of instead and my grading is almost all caught up, save for a few more of the kids' book boxes that I have to grade.

Fanchan came to stay with me this weekend as well. It was a lot of fun. She came Friday evening and just left a bit ago. We chilled on friday, getting Chinese to eat and then watching Howl's Moving Castle that evening, the one Miyazaki movie I hadn't seen yet. Saturday was spent mostly at soccer. I refereed 5 games and coached my team's game. Steph watched all the games. I also registered for the fall soccer season as both a coach and referee, which makes me happy. We went shopping after that and didn't get home til later that evening.

I also introduced her to the SNES and we started with Super Mario Brothers 3, which wasn't a good one to start with. For a beginner, it's too hard, especially if one is used to gaming on newer systems. We then went to Donkey Kong Country, which is a pretty easy game as far as the SNES games go that I have. We did a tag team game and it was a lot of fun. We got all the way through except for beating the last boss, which takes a lot of team effort. So I may end up taking my SNES to her house in July.

Sunday she went to mass while I took care of some chores around the house. When she got back, we went to my grandma's so I could get my summer clothes out of her basement. I dreaded it, so it was nice to have a friend to go along. We visited with grandma though when we took my boxes of winter stuff back. Came back and played video games and then DDR Super Nova before the cookout. That almost got rained out, but we were able to keep the fire going and it was only raining lightly when we started. Dad had put up a tarp so everyone was nice and dry. It was fun. My sister invited a friend over as well.

That night we played Taiko Drum Master on the PS2 with the controllers, as we don't have drums. Fan had gotten the game when we'd gone out on Saturday. I'm really not used to games like that, but it is a really fun game to play and I'd love to try it with the drums, even though I know I'd be worse.

Today's been very lax. We tried finishing up DKC, but couldn't get it straight. Played more Taiko before eating lunch. She got ready to go and we gave her some stuff from the yardsale.

It's been a great weekend though, probably one of the most fun weekends I've had in a very long time :)
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Wolf Ranger »

Good: Went to visit family on monday.

Bad: I got lost twice on the way.

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Clinozoisite »

This week I moved 600 miles from Philadelphia to Michigan...
Now if only I could find the motivation to unpack ANYTHING

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by TheWendybird »

Me and Starvoyager are currently visiting with his parents for a while. Last weekend we got to go camping and shoot nerf guns at a kid we know at the campsite..we took a drive one afternoon while we were out there and he bought me a pretty rainbow brite blue colored sun dress..I LOVE IT! We also got Coldstone ice cream which is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good....back at the campsite...i picked up gypsy mother caterpillers and let them crawl on me...we tried catching dragonflies....quite fun...watched some lightning at night...that coulda been better tho...we like to storm chase and we're still waiting on a real good storm. Today we went to see Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian (spelling?) on IMAX....really hilarious. Loved Amy Adams! (Im a big "Enchanted" fan and this is the first movie i've seen her in since that) Went to Barnes & Noble afterward and got a great book by Doreen Virtue on Indigo children, which me, Starvoyager and Dialga all seem to be...very informative book so far. Most of the week aside from this stuff has been pretty quiet.

On the negative side of things..not sure if I mentioned this in a past post but a few weeks ago my Uncle Howard passed away. This is the closest person to me to ever die..he's my grandpas brother and he used to play on the floor with me when i was really little and always had a great affection for each while that wasnt this week it was still horrible to find out. I think it's still affecting me...can't believe he's gone and it's had me contemplating a lot of weird things about life. I guess that part isn't that negative really...helps me understand myself better.
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by FanChan »

Haven't done one in a while...

Good: I went on a ten mile bike ride yesterday. It was a great ride with lots of exploring of a trail I've never ridden, and I'm not hurting too badly today, which is surprising. My legs were like jello yesterday and my knees were pretty sore, but today they're fine. I'm hoping this becomes a regular thing for me, riding this trail, slowly working up until I can ride the full forty miles. Maybe even eighty with the round trip. A friend of the family just did it the other day, and he's got cancer @_@ So I should be able to do it eventually xD

Oh yeah, my friend and I just finished watching the home videos of mine from when I lived in Japan - I was four and five in the videos. Talk about a trip down memory lane. It was really fun seeing how my parents were and interacted fifteen years ago. There was one particular moment during a christmas morning where my dad was still in his robe, without his glasses, and was starting to open his presents. He pulled this little flashlight out of his stocking and turned it on and started waving it at the camera, all the while mom and I are having this adorable conversation regarding jewelry and nail polish. My dad was making the funniest faces the whole time xD He's a real trip.

Bad: Well, I found out my PS2 - one of the first ones - no longer plays the old CD-ROM games, or at least not all of them. And the PS3s coming out are no longer backwards compatable. So I'm stuck with buying one of the PS2 slims if I want to play these old games again. It's a real pain 'cause I'd just bought a controller for one of them off of eBay, and now I can't play with it T-T Though I'm thinking of figuring out if I can play other games with that controller, like the DDR pad xD

Something a little more serious, though it wasn't from this past week: My aunt has gone off the deep end. She assaulted her own daughter, who was told after the fact that she could have her mother committed for at least 72 hours. She's always been a bit nutty and ecclectic, but never anything like this. Mom says it sounds just like what she went through with her husband. They live out in California, which makes it really tough, 'cause all that mom can do for her niece is talk to her and listen to her over the phone. She's invited her to come out here with her two kids this summer, but I'm not sure if she's still planning to do that. I hope she does. She doesn't deserve all of this, especially after having to divorce her husband because he developed bi-polar disorder and was treating the kids poorly -.-

So yeah, that's it for me.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Going to do this before I forget!

Last week overall was pretty good. My students were okay and aside from a few behavioral problems, we did well. This is their last week of school, only 4.5 days to go. This weekend I had a wedding and a graduation party to go to, all in the same day. The grad party was first. The wedding was alright. It was picnic style and outside the couple's home. It felt like a wedding up until the point after the dinner... they didn't do music or anything so at that point it felt more like a reunion. They lived about 4.5 miles off the main road and it was beautiful out there. It'd suck to deal with when winter struck, but it was still very beautiful.

I did a bit of shopping this week and was able to score a boxset of the anime Fate Stay Night for $25 when it runs $70. I was very happy with that deal. It should be noted that it's Fanchan's fault I got into the series :P

The only bad thing that happened (and it happened Sunday of this week) was that my siblings came home from youth group shortly after leaving to go to it. The youth leaders' daughter was taken to the ER with a fever that couldn't be broken. The wife was with the kid, but the husband came to the church to collect money for the trip they were going on. It affected me because it's one of my soccer kids. I'll have to see if she's in school today or not.
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

I'ma do this on time for once XD There's only 20 minutes left in the week so I think I'll be safe.

Good: This week of course was the last week of school for the students. It was crazy trying to control them at times, but all in all, a good week and a good year. I even found out Friday that the board office gives long-term subs an extra day to clean up their classrooms so I'm going back Tuesday to finish up what little bit I have and then help one of my fellow 3rd grade teachers with her room (she's also one of mom's daycare parents).

It has also been a good week for writing, as has been stated elsewhere. I've been rather inspired at times. Tonight I have been working on chapter 10 of Lost Storms and a oneshot for Fate/Stay Night. I've gotten about 3 pages of writing done, which doesn't seem like much, but I tend to take my time with these things so I can see the scenes play out in my head over and over again. It does help me figure things out.

Bad: Well, not too much to report for this, except that ungrateful kids drive me insane, but that is to be expected.
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Time for another weekly update :)

It's been a good week overall. It's been so nice to be off for the summer and not have to worry about a summer job. This is the first summer since the one before 9th grade that I've not worked. I've always had some sort of job so not to have one is interesting. I spend my days working with the daycare instead, and my nights reading or writing. I suppose that's the nicest thing about it. I have more time to free my mind up for writing and reading. I don't feel so exhausted in the evenings and my mind's not focused on work. I've written more in a week than I probably did in a month when I was teaching.

I got ahold of a few things this week too. I bought some really pretty dress shirts... they had such vibrant colors. I really am a sucker for that. That, and they were on sale. I also got a new rash guard to wear and it's a pretty burnt orange color. I got a brand new book at the church yardsale too, one by Rinaldi. I used to read her stuff all the time in high school. She wrote historical fiction and I loved it. I finished the entire book yesterday, all 300 pages. It was called Girl in Blue and about a girl who runs away from home to join the Union army so she doesn't have to marry this terrible guy that her father arranged. Gotta love a girl with spunk, eh?

I don't think there's really been anything too bad to report on. I've been going with the flow and seeing where that takes me. I'm determined to enjoy the summer.
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Almost forgot to do a weekly post XD

Good: There's not been too many daycare this past week and I have spent a good bit of time reading. I'm currently reading a book called Courting Justice, which documents all GLBT court cases that went before the Supreme Court. I picked it up last summer and had never gotten around to reading it. It was a bargain book steal really. I've never been one big on politics or law, but I find myself very fascinated by this book and just a bit more informed about the notions of the Supreme Court. I'm just now hitting the '90s (and nearing 400 pages). I know the book goes to about 2002. I find myself wanting to get more gay law books. Is very strange for me. I've also been working on my cosplay outfit for Otakon and have most everything I need. I dyed my one shirt yellow yesterday, as well as ordered the clip-on pearl earrings I needed. I've bought a second shirt so I can wear the outfit more than just one day, and am trying to bid on the dress I need for it, the very last piece. I'm certainly very excited to see it all put together, and to go to Otakon with Fanchan :)

Bad: I hesitate on posting this, because I'm still not certain of it. Friday night I was playing with Mittens, and found what appeared to be a liquid type lump on her upper chest. This has very much upset me. The lump has disappeared and reappeared the past few days, and now it's over the top left breast. So now I'm not sure if it's scar tissue from surgery or what. Debating on getting her into the vet again. I don't think I ever mentioned this here, since it happened before I joined the boards. You see, back in December I came home from finishing college to find she had a lump on her chest. It was small, pea sized. I took her to the vet, he said it was possibly cancerous, and that even though she was an older cat (11 at the time), she still should do fine with anesthesia. She had surgery and came home Christmas Eve. Not exactly the best present for Christmas. Test results came back and it was indeed cancerous- a malignant carcinoma. She's been fine since, but of course I worry about her a lot and this does have me concerned. I think I need to keep observing it for a few more days and then call the vet about it. Our vet's 45 minutes away so I need to be certain before I go in.

Overall though, despite that, it's been a good week. I have the house to myself currently, and am making non-spicy quesadillas for dinner, which I have been craving for a long time.
"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire
