Can't decide

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Can't decide

Post by SunSpire »

I'm stuck between worlds as I have just quit my job of 4 years, or have I?

A week ago I handed in my written notice of resignation because ongoing problems at work made me doubt my own performance and I was about to break under the sheer weight of anger and disappointment I had gathered on my shoulders. I just couldn't bear another disapproval after working to the best of my abilities, so I thought I had to leave ... which I deeply regret now.

It wasn't until after I handed in my notice that I realized how attached I really am to the toy store, yet I am certain that I couldn't carry on the way things are - problems would just start all over again. I started to look for other jobs and applied at a few places but had no luck so far. My colleagues were first puzzled as to why I resigned and not sure how to respond, nobody would speak to me for a few days until recently when I started to ask them for advice.

Pretty much everyone told me to think it over and speak to the store manager ASAP to see if there was a chance to withdraw my resignation. But would that be a good idea? Leaving is a really bold step to do and surely I can't just walk in and beg for being taken back on. I'd look like an attention hungry idiot if I did that. On the other hand it was probably a bad idea to leave before I had a new place to go to .. it's just that any words of disapproval felt like a dozen arrows hitting me at the same time, for so long I've tried to improve my performance and try to "impress", yet all I get is a "you can do better" attitude which really hurt me in the end ...

I never wanted to leave the toy store, I just felt very helpless and misunderstood at the time :(

I may be going to try and talk to my manager tomorrow and see what happens. I have little faith tho that I can shake things around after all this ... sigh

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Rainbow Brite
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Re: Can't decide

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Perhaps if you explained to the manager WHY you felt you had to leave, they could do something to turn things around. Nobody deserves to be chastised all the time when they're doing their best. We all need encouragement! So someone is definitely dropping the ball there and not being a good leader. Is it possible the manager doesn't know this is going on? Or is it the manager that's being cruel?

I'm wishing you lots of luck in either decision!!
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Re: Can't decide

Post by SunSpire »

Thank you Katy!

Well I've had a little chat with the store manager today, only took about a minute. All he said is that he accepted my notice and that's final. So friday is definitely my last working day.

I was expecting that tho. In a way I'm glad it ended this way cos now I know for sure how he thinks about me and that I should be moving on rather than looking back. After all there was a valid reason why I resigned and that reason still stands, I need a place where I can develop my skills further and that was not the case anymore with The Entertainer.

I'm sad, and I know some of my colleagues are as well, but at the end of the day I had a great time and made great friends and I've earned a qualification in retail as well as a handful of certificates ... now I just need to figure out how to put them to good use! :)

Job hunting will be a pain!! ... good thing I finally got my internet back!

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Star Stealer
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Re: Can't decide

Post by Star Stealer »

I'm a little late on this, I know but just to let you know, we all make decisions we regret.
I'm pretty sure you'll find something much better though Marco.

This was a toy store?
Is there another in the area that might be looking for someone that has a chance for advancement?
What about school?
Have you thought about going back to get a better job in the future?

What ever you do, I know you'll be fine.
You're one of the tough ones :)
