more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Cypher »

I've had some weird paranormal experiences myself, so I believe this stuff. :) Random experiences with telepathy, some prescience, astral projection once or twice....

And I believe wholeheartedly in the existence of extraterrestrials and nothing would make me as happy as being able to meet them, but that's a whole sub-category unto itself.
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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by TheWendybird »

Cypher wrote:I've had some weird paranormal experiences myself, so I believe this stuff. :) Random experiences with telepathy, some prescience, astral projection once or twice....

And I believe wholeheartedly in the existence of extraterrestrials and nothing would make me as happy as being able to meet them, but that's a whole sub-category unto itself.

Hope this doesn't hijack the thread or anything but I just had to comment on this message cause AMEN AMEN AMEN hehe

Me and Starvoyager pretty much share one brain. I don't know if I think it's like telepathy but we tend to say exactly what the other one is thinking practically all the time. We also have some weird projection stuff. I've had it not only with him but I think many other times too even before I knew what it was. One example is...we like to storm chase when we get the chance...we love storms. And we both had a dream the same night of us looking out a window in the dark watching gold lightning in the night sky...and his ears getting hurt from a clap of thunder...this was loooooong after our last chase so it wasn't brought on by that. There was no storm going on that night either to influence our minds...and we hadn't watched Twister or anything the night before lol

There was also an incident in his childhood that he dreamt...with someone who acted and dressed like I did/do...for anyone who knows me...there are not many people who act this particular way this girl did...i wont get into detials makes you wonder. I've heard of astral lovers and friends...people who originally met on that heh maybe we're that I dunno.

I've seen a lot of weird stuff too. My nickname as you can see is Wendybird.....from Peter know how Peter Pan lost his shadow? When I was in the eighth and my friend Dawn were sitting in the living room and a shadow hand poked out from the shadows on the wall and WAVED at us was a fast kiddy like wave too haha Not saying I thought it was Peter Pan's shadow many people can say they've seen that in their life?LOL I've heard of a being called a Shadow ghost so in all seriousness I guess that's prably what it was I suppose. I've seen how they show up on camera and a picture taken of me and my cousin in the porch door (right next to the living room and the spot I saw it before) has black streaks going over it...was the only pic that had it when we got them...was not the camera strap and you can kinda see through it though it's yeah my grandparents old house had some interesting stuff going on in it (I use to live with them and my mom).

And extra-terrestrials!!! WOOT! I've been obsessed with aliens since I was like 8 or 9 years old..I use to draw them all over notebooks in class and I had a keychain that glowed in the dark of one. I even had a pretty unbelievable experience with that too....I'd rather not post it (NO I wasn't abducted LOL)...just something I saw. I really loved a movie called "Intruders" that came on tv when I was little. I am also a big fan of the Alien movie series though they are a completely different "breed" hahaha. I was an odd girl....10 years old with a Queen Alien toy and face hugger. That's the stuff right there hehe i love it! Also had a dream that we were taken away by a UFO. Sounds odd I wasn't like an abduction though...there was actually a party with both our families and we said bye to them and left..I remember looking behind me and seeing the earth get smaller and smaller and being sad to leave them....but then again....we are kinda out of this world anyhow hehehe

Thinking back I guess my life has been filled with the paranormal? heh And some things just plain weird hehe Glad to see we're not the only ones who believe in that stuff!

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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Dialga-Brite »

I hate how the government takes away cameras that catch pics of aliens and tries to hide it (at least I've heard of this happening).
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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by SunSpire »

Seeing how the entire UK is plastered with CCTV surveillance cameras, and the UK being known for its spooky places, I'm surprised I haven't witnessed any news coverage about ghost sightings on camera in the recent years. But then again I don't really believe in ghosts so maybe they're just hiding from me wherever I am? :P

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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Sarah »

it's really cool that there are others on here that are interested in this kind of stuff.

I've always been psychic, but it didn't really dawn on me until maybe a few months ago. I mean I knew all along that I was different, but I didn't really 'to myself that I really was. When I was growing up, people didn't really talk about anything like that, so I just felt kind of 'off', and not like others.

Let's see . . . I can sense when something is going to happen, like if the phone is about to ring stuff like that. Sometimes I can 'hear' what people are going to say right before they are saying it, or at the same time that they say it. When I was in high school, this girl had me do this 'test', which I guess was a 'how psychic/sensitive are you test', but I never really thought much of it until years later, and now I'm like wow! - she had a stack of hundreds of small pieces of paper, all in different colors. I closed my eyes, and she would hand me each paper, and I would tell her what color the paper was, and we kept going and going until all the papers were gone through, and I got every single color right. and I know that she was telling the truth because there was a whole group of us, so a lot of people where watching. And there was this other thing that she had me do - I had to walk a pretty big distance away from the school, and I had to walk from that point with my eyes closed, and then walk, and not open my eyes, and 'stop' when I thought that I reached the wall to the school. I'm not sure what made me do that, because it could have been really bad if I injured one of my knees, but I did it - and I was literally like 2 inches away from the wall.

My dreams are always in full color, and they are almost always about stuff that ends up happening months later. Sometimes I have dreams about people, especially kids who have died, and I know that they are spirits around me. Like Jessica, she drowned at a certain spot in where a dollar store is now, and I 'met' her dad in the dream, after she had died.

I wasn't really thinking about paranormal stuff until these past few months, when I needed something else to watch on tv, and I started watching 'ghost tracker', and it just kind of built up from there. I realized that I could tell when a ghost was 'there', or something about a specific area or object, or some kind of detail about a death . . . and then the more I got into it, the more I looked back on my life, and I realized just how sensitive I am.

sometimes I can sense when something is wrong with someone I know, even if I don't know what . . .

and now that I am more into this - I sense spirits, and 'see' umm essences of spirits all the time. Like the man who is dressed in black tie, who is outside the bathroom, or the ladies who gossip in the living room - but only late at night, or the spirits outside in our yard by the tree.

I never have 'seen' a spirit or ghost, (unless it's in a dream), but I'll sense things, or know things right away. I can't see auras, but I can tell what colors they are.

I see sparkles and glitter and rainbow all the time, like, that aren't supposed to be there - like in the air. and I know that these are spirits or entities that are helping me. I know that I've got a lot of children around me too, and animals . . .

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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Sarah »

years ago my mom got this book on earth angels, by Doreen Virtue, and she really wanted me to read it, but I never wanted to. Then something made me think about that book about a year or two ago, and I just had to read it.

And I realized that I was a starperson, but I still felt a little different. I mean, I didn't know where I came from, I've never seen an alien, and never think of myself as one . . .

and that's what got me into the new agey stuff. I found out about the indigos and crystals, and I figured that I was an indigo, because that's around when I was born, but just a few weeks ago, I read a book that talked about the indigos, crystals, and rainbows, and I realized that I was a rainbow scout. : )

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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Dialga-Brite »

WOW... that's all really cool and interesting! So... are you saying you actually ARE an alien, or just related to one somehow or can sense them or something? Sorry for my ignorance on the matter... :)
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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Sarah »

ha! ha! ha! That is SO funny. There are a lot of 'starpeople' out there it seems that consider themselves to be aliens. and some of the stuff I've read on the net or in books can get a little wacky. To me, to be a starperson is a little more complex. I don't really feel like an alien or anything, but I KNOW that I'm different. But I don't really know where I'm from either. There's this cluster of stars called nicknamed the Baby Boom Star Cluster, and I think, ok, maybe that's where I'm from?

I think that the universe is so broad, and I think that our knowledge of other life, I mean life on other planets is WAY bigger than what we think is out there.

Wherever I am from would have to be incredibly bright, incredibly colorful, and completely glittery. I feel like I was very much human looking, but probably younger - like 12, 13 looking . . . .

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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Dialga-Brite »

But like how did you get from where you are from to earth? Is a starperson a reincarnation of an alien, or one now in this life?

p.s. do you believe in reincarnation? I'm not completely sure if I do or not. My main belief is that I'll be in heaven with all my dolls and favorite things, but I'm open to other possibilities as long as they are good ones. If I am to believe in reincarnation, I also have to believe that in my next life (and every life after that), I'll meet up with my Moonglo and Tickled Pink dolls (and my other dolls, too).
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Re: more about me (Dialga-Read This!)

Post by Sarah »

it can get a little complicated. There are a lot of stories about people that remember where they came from, what they looked like, who else was with them, what the places looked like, or remembering ufo trips. But me, I don't remember any of that. A starperson doesn't necessarily come like we would think an alien would, like in a ufo or spaceship or something.

I believe that I chose my earth family, and I believe that I came from my mom, but I don't feel such a close connection to family in the same way as maybe most people would. My mom had me by C-section, which apparently is typical for starpeople.

I think that a starperson can come to earth in many different ways, and with many different background stories.

I do believe in reincarnation. But I don't believe that I will be or have been reincarnated. I feel like this is my first and only time here on earth, but who knows, maybe I was and I just don't know it in this lifetime here.

I believe after I have done what I have been set out to do in this life, I will go back to wherever I came from. But you never know, I might decide to come back ; )
