New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Dialga-Brite wrote:My bad, I thought people were talking about the possibility of him actually getting banned from existing/being sold in stores, rather than just him getting his name changed. I must not have read some of the earlier posts, or maybe just skimmed through them....
Ohhh no. I wouldn't stand for that! ;)
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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Rainbow Brite wrote:
Chibi Rachy wrote:Other derogatory terms were already in use long before that.
I don't think of twink as a derogatory term at all. It's just a subset of gay men, much like bears (large, hairy gay men). Sorry, but I do not think gays were classifying themselves as different types in the 70's. They were just happy to know that other gays existed and they could now find them/socialize with them more easily. I could be wrong, but I don't know any older gay men to ask. All of my gay friends are around my age or younger.
They weren't classifying themselves. Derogatory terms were used in the 40's with the bar sweeps and such. It's terms that L.A. police used and other gay men knew it too. We won't go into the women...they weren't as widely persecuted and it was somewhat easier to mask.

I believe the chapter entitled L.A. Noir in the book Gay L.A. would do better at explaining it. That chapter goes into the 40's...I didn't look at the chapter on the 30's. Believe me, I was surprised when I read the history.
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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Chibi Rachy wrote:They weren't classifying themselves. Derogatory terms were used in the 40's with the bar sweeps and such. It's terms that L.A. police used and other gay men knew it too. We won't go into the women...they weren't as widely persecuted and it was somewhat easier to mask.

I believe the chapter entitled L.A. Noir in the book Gay L.A. would do better at explaining it. That chapter goes into the 40's...I didn't look at the chapter on the 30's. Believe me, I was surprised when I read the history.
Ohhhh so twink was used as a derogatory term towards any gay man back then? I didn't realize that.
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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Rainbow Brite wrote:
Chibi Rachy wrote:They weren't classifying themselves. Derogatory terms were used in the 40's with the bar sweeps and such. It's terms that L.A. police used and other gay men knew it too. We won't go into the women...they weren't as widely persecuted and it was somewhat easier to mask.

I believe the chapter entitled L.A. Noir in the book Gay L.A. would do better at explaining it. That chapter goes into the 40's...I didn't look at the chapter on the 30's. Believe me, I was surprised when I read the history.
Ohhhh so twink was used as a derogatory term towards any gay man back then? I didn't realize that.
I'm not sure if it was one of the ones used...but many terms that have been reclaimed as positive were once negative and were used during that time period. I only am guessing it was among the others as the term is believed to originate from Twinkies and those were made in the 30's. But yes, lots of terms were derogatory and I will not post them here for obvious reasons. Many think of the terms coming to fruitation during the gay movement but in truth they were in use long before that. It's just not well known.

I would guess that such terms did not come to fruitation in rural areas until the 70's/80's and so were not known, but largely populated areas, especially in CA had them long before the movement.

Personally, even though I do not like the name change, it really doesn't matter much because we are getting a new line of toys that are hopefully better than what has been predicted so far.
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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Chibi Rachy wrote:Personally, even though I do not like the name change, it really doesn't matter much because we are getting a new line of toys that are hopefully better than what has been predicted so far.
My hopes exactly :)
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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Sarah »

it is a little weird for another name change, but I'm actually glad for it. For me, Twink goes with the 80s cartoon that I grew up with and loved so much. So, if 'Twinkle' is for the new line, then that's fine for me, because if they're revamping the characters, the new Twink/Twinkle won't look the same as the old one.

Actually, that goes for the other characters for me too. The classic one wouldn't be nearly as nostalgic for me if they kept them too much the same. and now, new, for the new, which is so great! Because now it's many years later, and it will be something new and fresh.

So whatever they look like, whatever they change, names included, I don't care. I'm so happy that there is a new version coming out, and that we are lucky enough to have her legacy continue on (and more rainbowey things for me to love!)

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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by IndigoJoy »

Any time I hear someone say rainbows are gay, I like to say that rainbows were in the Bible long before they were a gay symbol, even though I'm not a Christian. I just like to point out that symbols can have different meanings. That said, I *am* careful to wear either 5 or 7 color rainbows, not 6. Just so I'm clear on what the rainbow means to me.

Another one I like to say is this: When people say Bert and Ernie are gay, I sarcastically say that Telly has the Triangle Lovers' Club and triangles are supposedly a gay symbol, and so Telly must be gay too. (I make sure to sound really sarcastic.)

I don't know why they have to impart sexuality on these kids' characters, like Rainbow, Bert, Ernie, and Spongebob.
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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Patreek »

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

I gotta say i'm very bummed by a lot of these reveals. Its one thing to change the name of the secondary sprites... but TWINK... and to Twinkle? *rolls eyes* I guess I'd mind it less if they are just saying thats his real name and that Twink is a nick name... idk...Nite sprite's "name change" i don't really mind as it doesn't really change much. I guess though the twink nite stuff really doesn't bug me that much just slightly

moving on... Pink's sprite being named Twighlight? I really don't even get that... and it sounds like they are basically completely redesigning Moonglo... so great I wait my whole life to finally get a moonglo toy and they are giving me something else that they are just going to call moonglo. :-( :-( :-(

With them keeping Pink's horse Sunriser AND making her sprite named Twilight it really sounds like they are putting her in charge of the day or something... which again I just don't think really fits. I've never loved her being in charge of pastels but at least it makes sense.

Sorry to be so negative, but I'm just really bummed by these changes. I was REALLy nervous when I heard playmates was doing RB as I've seen what they've done to other properties... but then I saw that first RB picture they showed us and didn't hate it. I still prefered the old design but the new one is a good compromise and was FAR from what I feared it would be. So then I started to get my hopes up... but this latest news is really making me nervous.

The danger is that once you go this way its really hard to go back... :-(

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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Chibi Rachy »

IndigoJoy wrote:Any time I hear someone say rainbows are gay, I like to say that rainbows were in the Bible long before they were a gay symbol, even though I'm not a Christian. I just like to point out that symbols can have different meanings. That said, I *am* careful to wear either 5 or 7 color rainbows, not 6. Just so I'm clear on what the rainbow means to me.

Another one I like to say is this: When people say Bert and Ernie are gay, I sarcastically say that Telly has the Triangle Lovers' Club and triangles are supposedly a gay symbol, and so Telly must be gay too. (I make sure to sound really sarcastic.)

I don't know why they have to impart sexuality on these kids' characters, like Rainbow, Bert, Ernie, and Spongebob.
It's all stereotyping, that's what it is. Stereotyping throws out good judgment.
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Re: New Info Re: 2009 RB Dolls!

Post by Dialga-Brite »

Just because rainbows are used by gay people shouldn't mean that EVERYTHING with rainbows in it is gay. Rainbows are also used to mean joy, happiness, and kindness, and some people need to realize that and get their minds out of the gutters.

Also, rainbows are used by the gay rights organization. It's simply an organization advocating tolerance for gay people, it has NOTHING to do with porn.
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