And How Was Your Week?

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by TheWendybird »

FanChan wrote:I don't try to read too much out of my dreams. The only thing I've ever cared to read out of them is the fact that my big brother - who was killed before I was born - is looking out for me throughout them. He's been present from the start. Those times when things seem to be getting totally overwhelming, he pops up, and things aren't so bad anymore.

Some of the worst ones I've had involved being raped, sometimes by people I know. Countless ones that involved being chased, running for my life, others of being killed various ways - being locked in a car that's filling up with exhaust, or trying to fly a plane through a lightning storm are two examples. The one that really freaked me out last week involved walking my cat down the road (yes, walking my cat; it was a dream, after all), and this big mean dog tried to attack her. I kept protecting her, which eventually got the dog to try to attack me. The last thing I remember of that dream is being on my back, with my hands around the dog's head, just behind it's snapping and snarling mouth a few inches from my face. *shudder* It was very vivid, and the adrenaline rush it gave me really heightened the fear.

It's not as bad looking at it as some of the others I've had, but it really freaked me out.

wow....that's terrifying....the exhaust one kinda reminds me of a couple drowning dreams i've a car driving off the road into the water and seeing the water rise above the wind shield....very freaky.
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

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Yeah. They can be pretty traumatic. I woke up still being able to smell and taste the exhaust. I can still picture how it smelled years later. My shorter nightmares are usually very in-your-face wtf sort of things. The longer ones are very drawn out and epic and rather psychological as opposed to being horror-movie scary. They usually stick with me more than the short ones. Get under my skin and such.

But anyway, this is getting way away from what the thread was for xD If you want to keep talking dreams, we can make a new thread.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by TheWendybird »

FanChan wrote:Yeah. They can be pretty traumatic. I woke up still being able to smell and taste the exhaust. I can still picture how it smelled years later. My shorter nightmares are usually very in-your-face wtf sort of things. The longer ones are very drawn out and epic and rather psychological as opposed to being horror-movie scary. They usually stick with me more than the short ones. Get under my skin and such.

But anyway, this is getting way away from what the thread was for xD If you want to keep talking dreams, we can make a new thread.
oh gawd I've woke up still being able to smell and taste things before....this can be highly unpleasant even with non "scary" stuff.....sometimes it's just...icky. And yeah you're right lol *stops dream talk* lol
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

I do believe it's time to get the ball rolling for this week.

Good: School was fine. My kids did well, except for Thursday/Friday, and that's when behavior across the school declines...stupid weekend. I had my soccer coaches' meeting and got my team. We are called the Dragons. I had 5 players originally, but one girl has dropped. She shouldn't have been put in my league anyway; she's too old and should have been put in U8. I have my binder of stuff ready as well as my gear. Our first practice is Tuesday at 5 and I'm very excited for it.

I've also gone and made plans to do a roadtrip to see FanChan next weekend. Because of all that happened, she decided it'd be a good idea. So we're going to meet up and go to Tekkoshocon. I've never roadtripped before by car and I've certainly never been to a con. So it'll be fun!

Bad: Many of you know what happened to me last weekend, and that it's been tough. I cried a good bit the first few days, but then I stopped. I'm not going into details here, but basically it's not worth crying over someone who's doing everything they can to forget you. So I'm working to bounce back and throw myself into my favorite things, ie teaching, coaching, and writing. So far, I've done excellently :)

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Another week come and gone!

Good: Well, as I write this, I'm currently at Fanchan's house, as I roadtripped out here for the weekend. I went to Tekkoshocon with her and her friends and had a blast. I also got to get an autograph from the Johnny, who I will always remember watching as he played Adam, the 2nd Black Ranger on MMPR.

I had my first soccer practice with my team, and it rocked. I hope they did all right at their game yesterday, but I'll find out Tuesday. I need to make plans for practice.

I also bought my first custom doll, the Stormy I've wanted for months. I got my Stormy t-shirt in the mail as well and was very nice indeed. Another package I got was my Fablehaven book, which is the 4th in the series. Still haven't read it though and I forgot to bring it with me.

Schoolwise, it was also a good week. And my students finally did great for the most part on a test. They are going to be so pleased on Monday. And this week is only a 3 day week for them, which is good for me too.

Bad: I dunno what to say here. There's really not much if I ignore a few things. I dunno. Guess it was a pretty good week!

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by FanChan »

Huzzah! Guess I should follow up after Rachy's assessment of the week(end). The week itself was fairly stressful, though I had a good class on Wednesday. (For those of you that don't know, I teach a 'how to draw manga' class once a week.) But the weekend was quite awesome.

I'll leave the whole wrap-up of the convention for my own personal journal, but the highlight has to be the bit of interaction I had with Johnny Bosch. On top of his role in Power Rangers, he is also the voice for Vash (Trigun), Ichigo (Bleach), Renton (Eureka 7), among plenty of other voices in anime. He's probably one of the first very famous voice actors due to his success as Vash the Stampede. After witnessing his hillarious personality and outstanding humility, he's quickly become a favorite of mine. I had the pleasure of sitting through a couple of Q&A sessions with him, one as a voice actor, the other with his band. During the latter, I decided to take out my sketchbook and do a quick drawing of the band. When I liked how it turned out, I decided to stick around for the autographs and had them sign it. They were really impressed with it, so I gave Johnny my business card, to which he said he'd definitely check out my website. So. Hopefully that prooves fruitful. One can hope, ne?

The bad thing that happened this week... Minus the utter annoyance one of my guests provided for me (solidifying my decision not to persue a relationship with him), there wasn't much bad to speak of. I can't think of anything, so there must not have been anything too bad.

Something else good that happened was a visual I got from one of my dreams. Sometime this week, I hope to work on turning it into a painting. It was really quite beautiful.

Note: The quote written above the drawing is from the Q&A session; one of them was trying to quote a famous Vash saying "The world is made of love and peace" and got the words mixed up. It was quite hillarious.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

FanChan wrote:Huzzah! Guess I should follow up after Rachy's assessment of the week(end). The week itself was fairly stressful, though I had a good class on Wednesday. (For those of you that don't know, I teach a 'how to draw manga' class once a week.) But the weekend was quite awesome.

I'll leave the whole wrap-up of the convention for my own personal journal, but the highlight has to be the bit of interaction I had with Johnny Bosch. On top of his role in Power Rangers, he is also the voice for Vash (Trigun), Ichigo (Bleach), Renton (Eureka 7), among plenty of other voices in anime. He's probably one of the first very famous voice actors due to his success as Vash the Stampede. After witnessing his hillarious personality and outstanding humility, he's quickly become a favorite of mine. I had the pleasure of sitting through a couple of Q&A sessions with him, one as a voice actor, the other with his band. During the latter, I decided to take out my sketchbook and do a quick drawing of the band. When I liked how it turned out, I decided to stick around for the autographs and had them sign it. They were really impressed with it, so I gave Johnny my business card, to which he said he'd definitely check out my website. So. Hopefully that prooves fruitful. One can hope, ne?

The bad thing that happened this week... Minus the utter annoyance one of my guests provided for me (solidifying my decision not to persue a relationship with him), there wasn't much bad to speak of. I can't think of anything, so there must not have been anything too bad.

Something else good that happened was a visual I got from one of my dreams. Sometime this week, I hope to work on turning it into a painting. It was really quite beautiful.

Note: The quote written above the drawing is from the Q&A session; one of them was trying to quote a famous Vash saying "The world is made of love and peace" and got the words mixed up. It was quite hillarious.
I was hoping you'd post that drawing! I told mom I'd show it to her if you did; she got a kick out of the quote too. Although, she's not quite sure what to think of the Shin-chan wall hanging I got!
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by TheWendybird »

Good: Found out that in the last month or so I've lost a total of about 10 pounds....from healthier eating and what not. We (me and Starvoyager) went to the jeweler and gave him our custom design for matching rings. Some stuff that's way too private. Aaand....hmm donated a lot of clothing we don't wear much or at all to the salvation army thrift store.

Bad: Been very up and down in my moods....cried a lot...out of my system now with a major headache...but lots of hugs and thimbles (Peter Pan word for kisses) from my sweetie...I'm feeling a lot better now aside from the headache. Small lump under my armpit I found earlier the week...still waiting to see if it goes away *crossing fingers* Found a Rainbow Brite t-shirt online that I want to buy really badly but it's listed as being in the english pound and i don't think I have enough money for it *sighs*
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Wolf Ranger »


Good: My jobless streak might be over at long last, but I still have some resverations about going back to my old job. Mostly hoping I don't screw things up like I did last time. I'm also still working on an rpg with friends, and waiting to hear about another projct a friend of mine has in mind. I personally think that will be very cool to work on what he has in mind.

Bad: I really need to charge people for when I give them a ride somewhere. My firned asked me to give him and his friend a ride somewhere, and that turned into a trek across the state on half a tank of gas. We got nothing done, and one of them has proven to me just how stupid he really is.

I will keep my comments about the rest of that to myself.

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Wolf Ranger wrote:Heh..

Good: My jobless streak might be over at long last, but I still have some resverations about going back to my old job. Mostly hoping I don't screw things up like I did last time. I'm also still working on an rpg with friends, and waiting to hear about another projct a friend of mine has in mind. I personally think that will be very cool to work on what he has in mind.

Bad: I really need to charge people for when I give them a ride somewhere. My firned asked me to give him and his friend a ride somewhere, and that turned into a trek across the state on half a tank of gas. We got nothing done, and one of them has proven to me just how stupid he really is.

I will keep my comments about the rest of that to myself.
Congrats on the non-jobless thing :) Good luck with it!
"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire
