Wake up flowers! I've been up for hours!

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Wake up flowers! I've been up for hours!

Post by Starlitefan »

There's work to do!

Okay, okay...enough of my fangirling! Hello to all on this fantastic board! If you do not remember me from the old board, my name is Starlitefan and I'm 25 years old. I'm FEMALE, despite my name...lol...and I love the look of this new board!

Starlite was always my favorite when I was a little girl and "Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer" was always my favorite movie (that and the princess scared the daylights out of me...LOL)!

So, if you see me on the board, hello!
Rainbow Brite: Starlite, quick!
Starlite: I will not wear booties!!
On-X: Better than falling down.
Starlite: [neighs in annoyance] Ooh, my poor dignity!!!

Oh, and by the way, I'm a GIRL, despite my user name... ;-D


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Major Ursa
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Re: Wake up flowers! I've been up for hours!

Post by Major Ursa »

I believe I remember you from the other board. Welcome to our new home.
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.

Radiant Bridge
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Re: Wake up flowers! I've been up for hours!

Post by Radiant Bridge »

Hi, Starlitefan! It's nice that you made it over. I don't remember you which is surprising because I would expect a name like yours to stick out to me. Starlite means a lot to me too because he was the first character whom I knew apart from Rainbow Brite. Everything about him is perfectly matched: he sounds exactly the way horses would if they could speak, and his personality goes greatly with his words. I've always loved his voice and loyalty.

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Re: Wake up flowers! I've been up for hours!

Post by Sarah »

Hi! My name is Sarah! Nice to meet you! I'm a girl ; ) and I'm 27 (so, I guess technically I am a woman, ha! ha!). : )


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Wolf Ranger
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Re: Wake up flowers! I've been up for hours!

Post by Wolf Ranger »

Ok I was going to start singing the rest of the song, but I forgot the words xD.

I'm Wolf Ranger, and I hope that you have fun here on the forums.
