Wish my friend and me luck please

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Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by mtaylo28 »

We were in a wreck last night. My car is totaled but everyone got out ok we think. I was driving so I got a couple more injuries than my passenger. Went to the hospital but they hardly checked us out. My friend had blurry vision and a bloody nose. took 3 hours for them to admit us to be checked. She may have a concusion but they didn't check her. I got hit in the stomach by something that left a big horseshoe bruise on me. Bad burns and abrasions on my left arm (on steering wheel) from the air bag. Bruise on my chin from air bag, and bruise/cut on both our necks and shoulders from the seat belts. I told the hosp I might be preggy but they didn't even check to see. Hope I'm not cuz my chest and stomach got hit hard. I feel like I got hit by a train
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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by Jenny »

Aww hun, sounds pretty bad!

If I were you, the first thing I would do would be to take a test to see if you are preggy and if you are go straight to the docs to get them to send you for a scan!

I can't believe how unprofessionally the hospital have acted!

Hoep you're feeling better soon and let us know how you get on!!



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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by Major Ursa »

I hope you get well soon.
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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by mtaylo28 »

I went to work today. luckily there weren't many customers wanting heavy things so I got a bit of a break. I have pretty good use of my arm now and the bruises are better than they look and now the only thing is that I am stiff all over. I kinda feel like I got hit by a football/rugby player. My friend has come away with just a headache and a bruise around her nose. Found out the kid that hit me was only 16. he just got his license in July of this year. I hope his parents are too rough on him, but that he learns to pay attention to where he is going. Maybe I will get some money from all this. We were just about to put it on the market to sell so that we could put it toward a newer car. I'm gonna miss my honda civic...
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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by SunSpire »

Glad to hear you and your friend are okay. Car accidents are the worst, I've never been involved in one but it's been close a few times. Personally I'm glad the age for driving here is 18+, yet many drive very irresponsibly even after years of experience.

Hope your body will recover fully soon! :)

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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by Rainbow Brite »

I seriously recommend that you go to a chiropractor, or get a deep muscle massage at the very least. Car wrecks can wreak havoc on your body and cause long-lasting injuries if you don't treat them right away. I wish you lots of luck on your recovery!
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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by Dialga-Brite »

I'm glad you and your friend are mostly better. I don't like hospitals that neglect their patients. That was just not right of them.

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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by Allison »

Car accidents are the worst, hope everything's okay. But definately take a preggy test and go get checked out if you are, it's not good if you were hit hard in the stomach.

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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by Starlitefan »

:hug: I'm glad to hear that you and your friend were okay. I remember my accident and *bless my Saturn..* all the damage on my car was that the back bumper was slightly indented, but the other car was totaled (her fault). You let us know how things go, hear?
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Re: Wish my friend and me luck please

Post by mtaylo28 »

Well, so far everything is going well. The insurance company is talking to my grandfather, he owns my car, and they are working on a price. The insurance company is also going to cover our bills for med stuff so YAY!
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