Remembering Old Toons

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Remembering Old Toons

Post by Treasure_House »

I was flipping through the channels and stumbled across "Jem" I watched the show for several days and wow I couldn't believe the show. I hadn't seen it since I was kid. Sometimes I wish they'd come back with the Wuzzles, Littles, Rainbow, and so many others! Far too many to name off. :wacko:

Which toons would you like to see come back?

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Remembering Old Toons

Post by Clinozoisite »

I believe Nickelodeon has a new nighttime block of early 90s cartoon running right now. Not sure of the shows because I don't get that cable channel, but I seem to recall one of my friends being really excited about some shows they were re-airing.

What channel did you find Jem on?

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Remembering Old Toons

Post by Rainbowbrite84 »

I watch Jem all the time on the HUB! I remember watching it with my 2 older sisters growing up :)
Of course I wish they would bring Rainbow Brite, but also Popples, Lady Lovely Locks, Herself the Elf, Count Duckula, Danger Mouse, Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater, Poochie, The Wuzzles, Moon Dreamers, My Pet Monster, Paw Paw Bears, She-ra, and tons more :P

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Remembering Old Toons

Post by Sukey »

Jem is going to be re-released this October(truly outrageous! ;) ). They are going to release the entire series and season one. I don't know if I can be patient enough to wait for the other seasons to be released. I have Seasons 1 to 3(part one). Anyone know how many seasons there were- was it just 3 seasons?

I was just saying today how I wish they'd release Rainbow Brite to DVD- that is the cartoon I want most of all. Maybe I'll to put my tapes on DVD, last time I did that I put the Star Stealer movie on DVD and soon after that it was released to DVD :lol:

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Remembering Old Toons

Post by TheWendybird »

I was soooo obsessed with Jem! i started watching it as a toddler and when I started school my grandmother had to start taping it for me lol Jem only had 3 seasons it got cancelled. Ironically though the last episode in which Starlite house girl Banee got her father back had a song about goodbye because she was leaving with him and it was a rather suiting ending. So it didn't feel all that abrupt really.

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Remembering Old Toons

Post by Treasure_House »

Clinozoisite wrote:I believe Nickelodeon has a new nighttime block of early 90s cartoon running right now. Not sure of the shows because I don't get that cable channel, but I seem to recall one of my friends being really excited about some shows they were re-airing.

What channel did you find Jem on?

On our TV in comes up on channel 101 DKIDS, which I'm guessing that means disney kids. Tho I didn't think Jem was a disney's toon. I thought it was a different one. Like hasbro or nickelodeon or something. Aw well.


I was on couple of our other toon channels and watched pound puppies, strawberry shortcake, and my little pony. Which are the "newer" style toons and not the original ones. First off; I don't like my little pony or pound puppies. They really screwed up those cartoons. Talk gross. I really hope for future referrence they don't do that Rainbow Brite. In fact; I was online surfing Rainbow and the so called new toy line (i.e. barbie style) and was watching some of the preview clips about the dolls in cartoon style with Rainbow, Tickle, and Moonglo. Since when do they have wands? :irked: I figure that was a promo for the toy line. I'm hoping they don't make it into a toon on tv. It was bad enough so many people made fun of Rainbow and turned show into something it wasn't. As for StrawBerry, the new style toon isn't too bad. The older virison was cute, but I don't think it had many shows like the new one does.

I really hope they come back with the Wuzzles, the Alvin Show, the Littles, and many other classics. Or even the original Alvin puppet show that started the chipmunk line. Maybe even other toons like Zelda, Mario, and others that started the video game line. I too would love to see Herself the Elf, but always thought that Herself only had one 30 minute toon. Which sucked since the toon was really cute. Just short lived.


Most of the toons they show today are really dumb and some you can't really understand them. A lot of them are so dumb only a 3 - 5 year old would enjoy it. It's like you would rather watch seseme street than some of the junk they post on tv. :laugh:

I started to watch Transformers Prime. But after a month of watching it, it started to show nothing but reruns. So I got tired of watching it. :sleep:
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Remembering Old Toons

Post by Stormyfan »

I should find Rainbow Brite episodes. I have Mario Bros. 3. The Koopas are so funny! Jem is on channel The Hub.

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Remembering Old Toons

Post by Iris »

I was a disney afternoon fanatic: Gummi Bears, Duck Tales, Darkwing Duck, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, Talespin, Bonkers, Mighty Ducks...if they would just release these in their entirety on DVD I would be a happy fan.

As for others...She-ra rocked. The Littles was good. The old school My Little Pony was good...I can't stand the new one. Thundercats is good, both old and new. I actually think the redone one is quite well done. Impressed, I am.

