Clashing Colors

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Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

It was night in Rainbowland. Everyone, even a certain foul-tempered midget and his bumbling henchmen, was getting some much needed sleep. So no one noticed when a what appeared to be cross between a motorcycle, a spaceship and a bird of prey swooped into the sky. The strange craft circled around the Color Castle once and then landed on a far off hill covered in shrubs.

A dark figure stepped off the strange craft. The figure was a lanky pale skinned boy who looked like he was in his early teens. He wore a patchwork black leather outfit that was held together by numerous zippers and buckles all over. His eyes were hidden a black eye mask with a beak-like nose and bright crimson lenses. His spiky short cropped hair was bleached white with red streaks.

"So this is Rainbowland." The boy mused to himself. "This is the home of that little girl who caused so much trouble for my dear elder sister in the past. Well, then it's only fair I cause trouble for her in return." With a mocking chuckle, the boy faded completely out of sight.


The next morning....

"Ah... Aah... ACHOO!"

"Oh, poor Indigo..." Shy Violet touched Indigo's head with one hand while checking a thermometer with the other. "Well... You don't have a fever, but that's still a pretty bad cold. You should just stay in bed today and take of it." Indigo started to protest.

"B-but.." Violet gently pushed Indigo back into bed.

"Don't worry. Our hues are similar, so I should be able to handle your duties in addition to my own without too much trouble."

"And I'll be there to help her." Hammy added.

"Actually, Hammy, I'd prefer if you'd stay here and look after Indigo." Hammy thought for a moment, then gave Violet a thumbs up.

"You got it!"

"Good, I'm off to work now. I'll be back later with some chicken soup."


Red Butler exited Color Castle and began walking down the steps. Just then, he noticed Buddy Blue lacing up for his morning jog.

"Good morning Buddy. Going out for a jog?"

"You know it, Red. How about you?"

"Morning patrol, naturally." Red thumped his chest in pride. Buddy chuckled.

"You do know Murky's almost never up until at least Ten, right?"

"Yeah, but it never hurts to be careful." Red's eyes rested on Buddy's shoes. "Hey, are those new?" Now it was Buddy's turn to beam with pride as Red stooped down for a closer look.

"Yup! I just got them yesterday. They're the latest aerodynamic design. With these new babies, I'm gonna demolish my old record!"

"Heh, I'm sure you will. So long Buddy." Red went back to his morning patrol. But just a few moments later he heard a "WHOAH!" and a loud thud. Red spun around to see Buddy picking himself off the path to his usual jogging route. Red rushed over to help. "Buddy! Are you O.K.?"

"Yeah, no thanks to you" Buddy snarled. "That was really funny, what you did to me, Red!"

"What are you talking about?" Red demanded.

"I'm talking about this!" Buddy pointed to his shoes, which had been unlaced and then tied together. Red was incredulous.

"Y-you don't honestly think I did this, do you?"

"Well no one else was near them!" Buddy answered back as he picked at the knots. "Geez, you made these really tight. If I have to replace the laces, YOU'RE paying!"

"I told you it wasn't me!"

"You honestly expect me to believe that?"

"Forget it! I have WORK to do!" Red stormed off. Giving up on the knots, Buddy slipped off the shoes and went back to Color Castle for his old ones.

"If Red tries to mess with me again, he'll be sorry..." Buddy silently promised himself. Buddy was self absorbed, he didn't notice a snicker that seemed to come out of nowhere.

To Be Continued...

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Major Ursa
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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by Major Ursa »

Very interesting. Looks like a reletive of The Evil Princess. Keep it up!
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.

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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

[One thousand useless bonus points to Ursa for guessing on the first try. Anyway...]

"But Red, if you didn't tie Buddy's shoelaces together, who did?"

"I dunno know, Romeo, maybe he was so busy bragging he accidentally did it himself." Red kicked at the dirt as he and Romeo made their way to a lookout point. When they reached their destination, Red reached into a pocket. "Aw crud, I left my telescope back at Color Castle."

"Don't worry Red, I'll go get it." The red Sprite saluted and sped off to the castle. A few moments later, Romero returned with a shiny red telescope. Romeo handed the telescope to Red.

"Thanks pal." Red held the telescope to his eye and adjusted the view so that Murky's cave was in clear view. There Red saw nothing except Lurky cheerfully sweeping the entrance.

"Well, Lurky is up and about. But he's harmless without Murky around. Let's go back home Romeo." Red placed the telescope in his pocket. Suddenly, Romeo started giggling. "Huh, what's so funny?"

"Someone left you a surprise, Red." Romeo opened a pack and pulled out a mirror. When Red saw his reflection, he saw he now had a bright blue ring around his right eye. Red instantly pulled out his telescope and checked the eyepiece. Sure enough, someone had covered the edge with blue ink.

"Buddy..." Red growled as he stomped back towards Color Castle. He was so intent on confronting Buddy, Red missed the sound of muffled cruel laughter.


"I agree with Champ, Buddy. It's really hard to believe Red would do something so mean spirited." Violet had just met with Buddy as he finished his jog and heard what happened with his shoes.

"Aw Violet, he was just trying to be funny and went too far." Buddy let out a sigh. "Well... Maybe I was a little too hard on him. I'm still making him pay for the laces if I can't fix them though."

"BUDDY!" Red's voice boomed out as he approached Buddy and Violet. Both Buddy and Violet tried to keep straight faces when they noticed Red's new fashion statement. "I know you were sore over your shoes. I'd be too. But this-" Red held up his telescope so the others could see the blue ink "was low." Buddy's smirk disappeared as he marched up to Red so they could look each other right in the eyes.

"Unlike you, RED, I don't mess with other people's things!" Violet gasped and ran up to the two boys.

"Now now now, let's calm down. Maybe we can all wait for Rainbow to get back from Earth and help us sort it all out." Buddy glanced at Violet, then back at Red.

"You know, Red, I have a good reason to think why it was you who messed up my shoelaces. Why do you think I had anything to do with your crummy telescope?"

"Like I said, you were still steamed over your stupid shoes. You HAD to go back inside to change into a different pair, and the BLUE ink was a dead giveaway."

"Well what about Romeo? Everyone knows how he loves a good joke." Red grabbed the front of Buddy's shirt. Romeo quickly caught the dropped telescope.

"Trying to pin your crime on a Sprite, Buddy? That's even lower!" Buddy grabbed back.

"You take that back Red! You KNOW I'm stronger!"

"Sometimes I wonder!" As the two boys tussled, Violet tried desperately to get a word in edgewise.

"Now boys, this whole thing is getting out of hand, please stop... Please? Come on, you're both scaring the Sprites... Oooh... Red Butler and Buddy Blue! Stop this nonsense RIGHT NOW!" Champ sadly shook his head.

"Violet, I don't think they're going to listen. Buddy can be really stubborn."

"So can Red." Romeo added glumly.

"Maybe I ought to give you the real thing!"

"Just try it! I DARE you!" Violet let out a sigh. Why did things like this always happen while Rainbow Brite was away?

"All right Violet, you can handle this... Just not alone." Violet turned to the Sprites. "IQ, Romeo, Champ, I want you three to try and keep the fight from getting even worse while I go get help."

"Right!" the Sprites answered together. Violet went off towards the gardens.

"Maybe Lala Orange can help me to at least get Red to calm down" she thought to herself.

Unfortunately, someone far ahead of Violet had different plans for Lala.

To Be Continued...

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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

In the garden, Lala Orange was planting some new flowers while Canary Yellow was skipping rope on a nearby path. Both were so busy with what they were doing, neither of them noticed a spade float out of Lala's gardening basket.

Canary certainly noticed, however, when a small clump of dirt hit her in the face. Canary turned to where the dirt had come from and spotted Lala digging out spaces for the new flowers.

"Lala! Be more careful."

"Huh? Uh, sure thing Canary." Lala shrugged and went back to gardening. Canary tried to get back to skipping rope, but then another dirt clod nailed her.

"Lala! Cut it OUT!" This time Lala looked up to answer back.

"Cut what out?"

"Quit flinging dirt at me!"

"Of all the... I'm doing nothing of the sort! The very idea! Now if you excuse me, I have gardening to do!" Lala turned away from Canary with a sniff and went back to gardening.

"Hmph Fine, be that way!" Canary started to stomp off, but then an even larger dirt clod went sailing right smack into the back of her head. "Oh that does it! Now I know she's doing it on purpose!" Canary muttered to herself as she walked over to Lala, being careful to step around the freshly planted flowers. Canary spotted a pile of loose dirt, and started kicking dirt into Lala's face. "There! Let's see how YOU like it!"

"Canary! What's gotten into you?" Lala sputtered and stood up so she could look Canary in the eyes. Suddenly, Lala let out a small gasp and brought a hand to her mouth. "Oh, Canary... How could you?"

"Wh-what do you mean? All I did was kick a little dirt..." Canary paused as Lala pointed behind her. Canary turned to see a line of trampled flowers between herself and the path. Canary turned back to Lala "You... you don't think I did this, do you?"

"Well I don't see anyone ELSE here!" Lala snapped at her. Canary growled.

"Well I could say the same thing!" It was just then that Shy Violet showed.

"Lala! Canary! I ne-"

"Perfect timing Violet!" Lala dramatically swept out her arm. "Isn't it obvious Canary here stomped all over my beautiful flowers?"

"I did NOT! Anyway, this all started when YOU started throwing dirt at me!"

"I already told you I did no such thing!" Violet sagged her shoulders.

"Oh no. Not again." Not wanting a repeat of Red and Buddy, Violet quickly stepped between the two girls. "Come on now. Rainbow Brite will be back in just a few hours. Maybe she can help-"

"An excellent idea, Violet." Lala clapped her hands, and glared at Canary. "I'm sure Rainbow will have plenty to say when she sees what Canary did to those poor flowers."

"Why you..." Canary couldn't think of any words. So instead she gave Lala a hard push. Lala froze in shock for a second, then pushed back harder. Push came to shove, which led to an impromptu shoving contest.

"No, that's not what I meant! S-STOP!" Violet tried to separate Lala and Canary, but only ended getting knocked to the ground. As she picked herself up, OJ and Spark arrived. Once they got a grasp of the situation, they tried to pick up where Violet left off. But they weren't having much success. Violet forced back her tears, and started towards Color Castle.

"What a day. I just hope Patty O'Green or Tickled Pink can help."

"Don't count on it." A mocking voice answered once Violet was out of earshot.

To Be Continued...

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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

Inside Color Castle, Patty O'Green and Tickled Pink were seated across from each at a table. They were passing the time working on watercolor paintings. Suddenly, Pink heard a scotching noise. She looked from her painting to see the water can she and Patty were sharing was now closer to Patty.

"Hey Patty, don't hog the water." Pink moved the water can back its' original position. When she took here eyes off it, the can lifted up and moved a few inches closer to Pink. When Patty tried to wet her brush, she saw the can's new placement.

"Wha- YOU'RE the one trying to hog the water!" Patty picked up the can and placed it back in the center. But before Pink saw, the can was moved again to Patty's side of the table.

"Patty O'Green! Knock it off!" Pink moved the can again. But before she could take her hand off Patty saw her and made a grab for the can.

"Oh no you don't!" Patty tried to pull the can away from Pink, but Pink pulled back. Just as Shy Violet entered the room, a furious tug-o-war began over the water can.

"Hey! Both of you! Stop that before-" It was too late. The water can slipped out of both grip, flew into the air, and crashed down on the table. Water was spilled everywhere and both watercolor paintings were completely ruined.

"Ooooh... Now look what you've done Patty!"

"What I... It was YOUR fault Pink!"

"Was not!

"Was too!"

"Was NOT!"

"Was TOO!"

"Both of you, please!" Violet pleaded. "Let's calm down and talk this over." Patty and Pink growled at each for a few seconds, then turned their backs on each other with a "HMPH!"

"I'm not speaking to Tickled Pink until she apologizes!"

"Well I'm not speaking to Patty O'Green until SHE apologizes!"

"Come on, don't be like that." Violet from Patty to Pink and back again. Neither were budging an inch. "Well... At least these two aren't trying to kill each other." Violet thought with a sigh as she left the room and headed for the kitchen. Indigo's chicken soup would be nearly ready by now.

"That's at least one thing I could do right today." Violet said sadly to no one in particular. Violet glanced out a window to see Red and Buddy had finally released each other, so they could use their arms for punching and blocking. It was almost certain that Lala and Canary's fight had also gotten worse. Violet sighed and looked up to the sky.

"Oh Rainbow Brite, what's keeping you?"


"Oh dear, I lost again."

"Wow, Rain-*Cough* Rainbow, you're really good at- *Cough* this game!"

As it happened, Rainbow Brite had decided to pay Brian a quick visit after finishing her rounds. But when Brian, who was home with a cold, showed Rainbow and Twink the new TV set and video game system he got for Christmas; What was supposed be a quick visit became considerably longer.

"Come on Rainbow," Twink bounced up and down still holding the game controller. "Just one more game. I know I'll beat you this time!"

"You- *Cough* better make it a quick game. My folks- *Cough* will be home soon." While Brian's parents couldn't see the denizens of Rainbowland, game controllers floating in the air would be rather hard to explain.

"Ahem!" Starlite poked his head inside Brian's from the outside window. "I do hate to be a wet blanket, but we were supposed to be back in Rainbowland 30 minutes ago!"

"Oh Starlite, don't worry," Rainbow said with dismissive wave of her arm. "Just one more game, then it's straight back to Rainbowland. I promise. Besides, it's not like Rainbowland's going to fall apart in just a few hours."


Having finally crawled out of bed, Murky Dismal was enjoying a cup of coffee just the way he liked it. Dark, bitter, and ice cold. No better way to get the afternoon started.

"Hey Murky!" Lurky lumbered in bellowing, causing Murky to nearly spill his coffee. "There's something on the spy monitor you gotta see!"

"Really?" Murky asked as he took another slurp of coffee.

"Uh-huh, the Color Kids are fighting!"

"Oh, O.K. Why not?" Being a group of children with no adult supervision, occasional squabbles among the Color Kids weren't uncommon. Murky didn't see what Lurky was so excited about, but watching such things was fairly entertaining. Besides, Murky had no immediate plans for ridding the world of color at the moment.

"All right Lurky, which camera?" Murky asked as he sat down in front of the monitor.

"I wrote them all down Murky." Lurky answered as he handed Murky a notepad.

"Them?" Now Murky was starting to get interested. Murky first switched on Spy Camera 62. On the monitor Patty O'Green and Tickled Pink were still standing with their backs to each other, arms crossed and noses turned up. "There's more, you're said?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh. Just check the other cameras Murky." Murky changed to Spy Camera 09. With teeth gritted and fingers interlocked, Lala Orange and Canary Yellow were each trying to force the other down.

"Interesting!" Murky was sorely tempted to just sit back and see how this one played out. But Lurky had written one more number, and Murky just had to see what was behind Door Number Three. Or rather Spy Camera 24, to be more accurate. There Murky could just make out Red Butler and Buddy Blue in a cloud of dust and flailing limbs. Murky stroked his mustache and giggled as he flipped between the two physical fights for a few minutes.

"Geh ha ha ha! This is PERFECT!" Murky declared as he jumped up and made his way to the lab.

"Uh, it is?" Lurky asked as he followed behind.

"Oh yes indeed Lurky" Murky crowed. "This is the perfect opportunity to unleash my Super Deluxe Ultra Gloom Bomb!" Murky pulled out a black metal sphere with a single red button and a skull painted on it. "The only problem before was getting it past those Color Brats. But now that they're nearly all at each others' throats, we can easily get to the Star Sprinkle Mine. The Gloom levels produced by this explosive will render the Star Sprinkles useless for years!"

"But Murky, what about Rainbow Brite?"

"Oh, that's the best part Lurky! Even when Rainbow Brite shows up, she'll be too busy breaking up all those fights to pay us any mind." Lurky snickered. "Now, fire up the Grunge Buggy. We're off to make a bad situation even worse! Geh ha ha ha!"

To Be Continued...


Just out of curiosity, how accurate to the original show is my fanfic so far?

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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

"Poor Shy Violet. You've really had a rough time today."

"Don't remind me. *Sigh* Maybe I shouldn't have left things to the Sprites, if the boys are any indication.." Indigo gave a weak smile and patted Violet on the shoulder.

"I don't think you could have done much more. Don't blame yourself." Indigo paused a bit to think. "And... I don't think the others are entirely to blame either... I find it very hard to imagine any of them would do those awful things to each other."

"Exactly! These fights are because they're all jumping to conclusions!"

"Yes... But think about it, Violet, we've all had our differences before. Even the best of friends don't always agree. But a major quarrel and two actual fights all in the same day? There's something going on here." Indigo went back to her chicken soup while Violet mulled over what she said.

"So... What do we do now?"

"At this point Violet, there's not much we can do except hope Rainbow gets back before someone gets seriously hurt."


"Finally, home again!"

"Yeah, thanks for waiting Starlite."

"Hpmh, if you two had stayed at that silly contraption for just one more minute, I would have left without you!" Rainbow stroked Starlite's mane.

"You're right, I'm sorry..." Suddenly, Twink gasped and pointed to the towards the ground.

"Rainbow, Starlite, LOOK!" Looking where Twink had pointed, Rainbow and Starlite saw Red and Buddy's brawl was still in progress.

"Good heavens! What's gotten into those two?"

"I don't know... But I'm going to get it out!" Rainbow Brite pressed the star on her belt buckle. A rainbow sailed straight out of the Color Belt and into the cloud of dust and violence. In a second, Red Butler and Buddy Blue were sitting on the ground bound up with rainbows.

"Rainbow!" Violet called out from the window in Indigo's room. "There's another fight at the garden!"

"I'm on it!" Rainbow turned to the boys, who didn't look quite ready to talk yet. "You two can stay here and cool off for a while. I'll be right back. Twink, keep an eye on them."

"Got it." Twink answered as he hopped off Starlite.


At the exact same moment Rainbow returned to Rainbowland, the Grunge Buggy had reached the road to the Star Sprinkle Mines. Murky chuckled as he watched Rainbow Brite send out a rainbow and then heads towards the location of Spy Camera 24.

"Geh ha ha ha! Just as I predicted Lurky. Rainbow Brite should have noticed us by now. But she's so busy stopping her friends from hurting each other, she won't pay us any mind... Until it's too late! Geh ha ha ha!"


Lala and Canary where still grappling when Rainbow and Starlite arrived. Just like with Red and Buddy, the Color Belt sent out a rainbow to break up the fight and gently restrict the fighters.

"Rainbow Brite!" Lala cried out. "Just look what Cana-"

"Not now, Lala," Rainbow interrupted. "Let's get back to Color Castle where I'll hear out everyone." A just then, a panicked mining Sprite came running down the path. Rainbow listened to his panicked babbling. "Huh? Murky and Lurky! Heading straight for the mines! With a BOMB?!"

"We better get going!" Starlite said as he made a sharp turn towards the mines.


"Murky! Rainbow Brite's coming straight at us!"

"I know, lint brain! Just keep your eyes on the road. Even with a rainbow, she'll never reach us in time!" As the Grunge Buggy began the final approach to the mines, Murky pulled out the Super Deluxe Ultra Gloom Bomb and pressed the button. The button started beeping slowly at first, then steadily got faster. "Geh he he he... In just a few moments, Rainbow Brite will be out of the coloring business for good!"

"Ooh, look Murky, a horsie!"

"Yes, Lurky, I know. A 'horsie' that can't stop us now!"

"Oh, not Rainbow's horsie. The other horsie."

"Huh? What oth-" Suddenly, Krys and On-X swooped in. Krys snatched the bomb from Murky. The jolt caused the Grunge Buggy to fishtail and slam into the mountainside.

"Quick On-X! UP!"

"Af-fir-ma-tive." On-X soared high up above Rainbowland. Krys gave the bomb a toss and sent it even higher with a blast from his prism. As Krys and On-X went back down, the bomb exploded. The explosion left behind a colossal skull-shaped gloom cloud. As the cloud faded away, Rainbow brought a hand to her mouth and started to hyperventilate a little.

"If that... If that had gone off in the mines..." Rainbow Brite couldn't bring herself to finish.



"You're right, Murky." Murky froze in mid-tantrum. Did he just hear Rainbow Brite just say he was right? "If it wasn't for Krys, your plan would have worked." Murky coughed and attempted to look dignified.

"Well... You just keep that mind. Lurky, we're going home!"

"Right Murky!" As Rainbow watched the Grunge Buggy speed off back to the Pits, she sadly shook her head. This was truly a dark day in Rainbowland history, and it was nearly the last. Rainbow turned and watched as On-X landed and let Krys off.

"Thank you Krys."

"Anytime Rainbow," Krys replied "But you're not out of danger yet. The Wicked Prince is still loose in Rainbowland."

To Be Continued...

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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

Rainbow Brite let out a small sigh as she looked over the Color Kids gathered in the meeting room. Red Butler and Buddy Blue were complete mess. They had bruises all over and thier clothes were covered with dust and small rips. Lala Orange and Canary Yellow, while relatively clean and uninjured, were completely disheveled. Patty O'Green and Tickled Pink bore no signs of a physical confrontation, but were still refusing to even look at each other.

"OK, who wants to explain what happened while I was at Earth?"

"Well Rainbow, this morning I was showing Red my new shoes and he thought it'd be funny to-"

"I told you that wasn't me! And at least I didn't sneak into someone else's-"

"Never mind the boys Rainbow, you must have seen what Canary did to-"

"I did not! And anyway this all began when you-"

"Rainbow, Patty's being mean! I was just trying to make a watercolor, but she kept-"

"Don't listen to her Rainbow! She's the one who was-"

As the bickering continued, Rainbow silently counted to ten in her head. Then, she decided enough was...

"ENOUGH!" The Color Kids all froze in place. "I can't believe what I'm seeing! This is exactly why Murky nearly beat us today!" Rainbow Brite took a few calming breaths. "Until I sort this all out, you're all confined to Color Castle. Red, Lala, and Pink will stay on the west of the Castle. Buddy, Canary, and Patty will stay on the east side." Glaring at each other, the Color Kids filed out.

"Can I come in now? Or do you need a moment?"

"No, Krys, come right in." Rainbow calmed herself a bit more as Krys came into the room. "Now then, you said something a 'Wicked Prince'? That name sounds familiar."

"It should. He's the Evil Princess' younger brother. The Wicked Prince isn't quite as powerful as his sister, but much more clever. He travels from world to world, tricking the inhabitants into fighting each other. Sometimes to weaken them so his father can conquer them, sometimes just for his sick sense of fun."

"So, are you saying the Wicked Prince might be responsible for all these recent fights?"

"'Might be' nothing! I was patrolling around Spectra when I know I saw his spaceship heading for your planet!"

"Then we've got find him and stop him!"

"That's the tricky part. The Wicked Prince can make himself completely invisible. I couldn't even track him with my helmet's sensors. But..."


"Before I left for Rainbowland, I checked with Orin. He said that on one planet, the Wicked Prince was exposed with Magnetic Powder. I don't suppose you have any?"

"Not here in Rainbowland... But there is one place on this planet we might get some... If he's in a good mood."

"Huh? If WHO's in a good mood, Rainbow?"

"You'll see soon Krys, I hope." Rainbow made her way to the front gates, Krys followed close behind. "Twink, you and Violet are in charge until I get back. Paint a line dividing the east and west halves of the castle, then make sure no one crosses that." Twink saluted and went off to carry out Rainbow's instructions.


A short while later, Rainbow and Krys were riding Starlite and On-X beyond the boundaries of Rainbowland.

"If I may ask, just where are we going?"

"To Shining Spire, Starlite."

"Shining Spire!?" Starlite was incredulous, but didn't slow his pace. "You do realize any plans involving that place are a desperate gamble, yes?"

"Yes, Starlite, I know. But we have to try anyway!" Krys scratched the back of his neck.

"What's the big deal about this 'Shining Spire'?"

"Ah, you see Krys, Rainbow Brite is about to ask help from the one person on this planet who hates color almost as much Murky does!"

To Be Continued...

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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

As Krys continued to follow Rainbow, he noticed that while the landscape became less colorful, it was still quite bright. In fact, everything seemed to be shining.

"What is this place, Rainbow?"

"Metal Valley. Not much color, but still pleasant enough. As long as you're careful, that is." A short while later they came across a large tower made of various shiny metals riveted together surrounded by a sparkling moat. "Here we are Krys, Shining Spire."

A bridge extended from Shining Spire's entrance where Raibow and the others were waiting. Krys tried to cross, but Rainbow stopped him.

"No. We have to wait until we're greeted." Before long, the door cracked open to let out a small creature. It looked like a metal egg with arms, legs, a wind-up key on top, and a Sprite-like face. It tottered over to Rainbow Brite. It's "nose" blinked as it talked.

"Gree-tings Rain-bow Brite. The Mas-ter wis-hes to know your bu-sin-ess in Me-tal Val-ley."

"I need to speak with Silvern Gold, right away. May we come in?"

"Oh dear. Oh dear. Rain-bow Brite, you of all peo-ple should know the Mas-ter does not nor-mal-ly al-low an-y-one in Shi-ning Spi-re with-out an in-va-tion." Rainbow got off Starlite so she could talk to the creature face to face.

"I know. But there's a real emergency in Rainbowland, and only Silvern Gold can help us."

"Is there threat of in-va-sion?"

"Well... Possibly."

"I will con-vey your mes-sage to the Mas-ter. Please wait here." The creature went back inside. Krys disembarked On-X and went up to Rainbow.

"So who's Silvern Gold?"

"While I make the world cheerful and colorful, Silvern Gold makes metals bright and shiny. He doesn't seem to like colors much, I suppose he prefers his metals. And as you probably already guessed, he doesn't like company at all. Other than that, he's OK though."

"And what was that, some kind of robot?" Rainbow giggled at Krys' question.

"That's exactly right Krys. Silvern is allergic to real Sprites, so instead he makes Robosprites to assist him." Just then, a group of Robosprites ran out of Shining Spire and surrounded Onyx.

"Un-ac-cep-ta-ble! Un-ac-cep-ta-ble!" They all chanted together.

"HEY! What are you doing to my horse?" One of the Robosprites turned to answer Krys.

"By de-cree of Sil-vern Gold, Mas-ter of Me-tal Val-ley, all me-tal in his do-main must spar-kle and shine! No ex-cep-tions!"

"Well he can't just do that to other people things, let alone their friends!" Krys declared. "I'm gonna go in there and set him straight!" Krys marched straight towards Shining Spire.

"Krys, no! Stop!" Rainbow was too late. The moment Krys set foot on the bridge, two holes opened on either side of Shining Spire's entrance. Out of the left hole came a silver dragon's head on a long neck. A gold dragon's head popped out of the right hole. Both angled themselves to look directly at Kyrs.

"Intruder," the silver dragon head spoke "this is your first and only warning..."

"No one enters Shining Spire without Silvern Gold's permission!" The gold dragon head continued.

"I Silveragon..."

"And I Goldragon..."

"Will see to that!" The two heads finished together. Krys thumbed his and continued on his way.

"You don't scare me."

"Then perhaps..."

"This will." Silveragon and Goldragon opened their mouths and started shooting energy bolts at Krys. Krys nimbly dodged around and tried to fight back, but his prism wouldn't respond.

"Krys!" Rainbow called out. "Just come back here and the guardians will stop attacking!" Krys listened to Rainbow this time and ran back to the far side of the moat. The guardians stopped firing and retracted their necks until only their heads were sticking out.

"Why didn't the prism work?" Krys wondered out loud.

"Orin said it could it only be used for good, remember? The guardians were only doing their job, protecting Shining Spire."

"But I was in real danger!" A Robosprite walked up to Krys.

"Do not wor-ry. You were on-ly a mi-nor threat, so the blasts were not le-thal."

"Hmm, they just sting like the Dickens." Starlite added.

"Besides," Rainbow added, "All the Robosprites are doing is giving On-X a much needed cleaning." She pointed to where the Robosprites were buffing On-X and applying a fresh coat of wax.

"Mas-ter Krys, I ap-pre-ci-ate your con-cern. But I do not ap-pear to be in an-y dan-ger." Krys hung his head and kicked at the dirt.

"Aw geez, I really made a mess of this. Sorry Rainbow."

"It's all right Krys. You were concerned for On-X. I'm just glad you're not hurt." Just then, a Robosprite with a gold colored wind-up key exited Shining Spire and approached Rainbow. "Oh, hello Rivet. What did Silvern say?"

"The Mas-ter says if it is tru-ly an e-mer-gen-cy, Rain-bow Brite may en-ter. But ON-LY Rain-bow Brite."

"All right. I accept his terms." Rainbow turned to her friends. "It'll be all right. The worse Silvern will do is say no and tell me to leave and never come back."

"Like he always does when we come here." Starlite sighed.


Rainbow followed Rivet across the bridge to the entrance, which opened just enough to let her in. As Rainbow stepped in Shining Spire, the entrance closed behind her. The inside of Shining Spire was also made of various metals, which shined in the light of numerous lamps along the wall of the main hall. In the center of the hall was a spiraling staircase made of numerous metal shards.

Down the staircase came a boy. He had silver colored hair, with a gold streak in the middle, tied back in a simple ponytail. He had sky blue eyes. He wore a silver jumpsuit with gold lining, gold boots, a gold scarf with silver fringes, and a white belt with a gold star in the buckle.

When he came the floor of the main hall, the spiral staircase broke apart. The metal pieced rearranged themselves into a throne, which the boy sat down on. He looked at Rainboe Brite with a sour but still respectful expression.

"This better be good, Brite, I was in the middle of a really good book."

To Be Continued...

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by Chibi Rachy »

I've been reading this since you posted it, but I have to say, I enjoy your introduction of Silvern Gold. Now I could definitely see him as a natural part of Rainbow Land
"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire

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Re: Clashing Colors

Post by SwordKing »

Rainbow explained everything that happened so far to Silvern. He seemed to be paying attention, but Rainbow knew that was no guarantee he'd cooperate.

"So, most of the Color Kids are fighting amongst themselves?"


"And this friend of yours, Krys, says the Wicked Prince is behind all this?"


"So now you've come here, hoping I'd give you Magnetic Powder to use against the Wicked Prince?"

"That's exactly right!" Silvern drummed his fingers on the armrest of his throne. After a few moments, he stood up.

"Rainbow Brite, I have a good mind to tell you it's the Color Kids' own fault for being so stupid and send you and your idiot friend on your way. With the Guardians' assistance if necessary!" Rainbow let out a small gulp, this was exactly what she was afraid would happen. Silvern Gold crossed his arms and let out a sigh. "But instead I'm going to help you."

"You are? Oh than-" Silvern suddenly waved a finger in Rainbow's face.

"Uh ah ah, not so fast Brite. First I'm going to explain WHY I'm helping, just so you don't go thinking I'm your friend or anything like that." Silvern returned to his throne.

"If it IS the Wicked Prince, and I believe it is, there are three possible reasons why he's turning the Color Kids against each other. The first, and most likely, is for his own spiteful amusement. The second could be he's getting revenge on you for the times you defeated his sister, the Evil Princess. Besides their father, she's only one in the universe he shows any respect. If it was either of those reasons, it'd be no concern of mine."

"And the third?" Rainbow asked.

"The third reason is the the least likely, but still very possible. It could the Wicked Prince is disrupting Rainbowland so his father can conquer it. And if the forces of darkness conquer Rainbowland, it wouldn't be long before they turned their eyes towards MY domain. Quite frankly, that's headache I don't need. So my reasons for helping you are purely political."

"Of course they are, Silvern." Rainbow answered as she stifled a giggle. Silvern clapped his hands and Rivet entered the main hall.

"Yes Mas-ter?"

"Collect a bag of Magnetic Powder and give i to Rainbow Brite."

"At one Mas-ter." Rivet left the room and soon returned with a small bag which he handed to Rainbow Brite.

"Be careful with that Brite, there's only enough for one shot. It's all I can spare right now."

"I understand. Thank you Silvern."

"Hmm, you're welcome. Our business is finished and you can go. Now." The throne broke apart and reassembled itself into a spiral staircase. As Silvern ascended the staircase, Rainbow waved goodbye and made her way to the entrance.

To Be Continued...
