This image is from a shirt I bought at Hot Topic many, many years ago and is the image that inspired the costumes by Darkfire Wolfe on this page:
https://www.rainbowbrite.co.uk/index.ph ... wolfe-2215
Me either. How did RB get that image of being a raver anyway?silverorangetears wrote:hope people don't. i'm not a fan of "Raver rainbow brite"
I am not a raver myself, nor was I ever (tho I liked the music and the fashion I preferred to sit in front of my computer back then and anyways I never knew where any raves were), but what is wrong with ravers? I know there are some not so good sterotypes about ravers but there were/are also straight edge ravers that stay away from anything illegal and only get high on the music (which is the kind I would imagine Rainbow and friends to be). Rainbow got the image because ravers often would wear shirts with 80's characters, including Rainbow Brite, on them and colorful things.Rainbowbrite84 wrote:Me either. How did RB get that image of being a raver anyway?silverorangetears wrote:hope people don't. i'm not a fan of "Raver rainbow brite"
Actually, your comment came across as incredibly critical and rude. I was pretty shocked when I first read what you wrote. Telling someone you HOPE that no one makes a doll like that is VERY critical, hands down.silverorangetears wrote: i don't think you've been criticized for saying you liked the Raver Style, you just weren't agreed with...
Wardah wasn't asking for opinions about Raver Rainbow. The query was specifically about whether or not custom dolls had been made in this style. A simple "yes" or "no" would have sufficed.silverorangetears wrote:i never said you COULDN'T like Raver Rainbow Brite... just that I don't like it... you're going to have to accept that just because you DO like something doesn't mean everyone will
Aren't the dress up dolls naked underneath anyways? I know the hard body 2003 dolls are naked underneath also.jazzycreations wrote:i've never seen outfit made like that, but I think a couple of them would be cute for the dress up versions, like indigo, since it actually covers her stomache I like the outfit with the hat. it's cute & I think lala looks cute with the little hat visor on too.