Has your child or a child you known......

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Has your child or a child you known......

Post by Treasure_House »

Has your child or a child you known ever done something discusting in school? If so; what was it and how did you deal with it?

Mine decided to lick a door handle of the boys bathroom, while still in the bathroom. So my parents and I talked with him about it, I threatened him with a bar of soap in his mouth next time he does it. :raspberry:
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Has your child or a child you known......

Post by IndigoJoy »

One time when I was in junior high, we were making this goop in science class that would drip through your fingers like a liquid, but could also act like a solid. One of the guys threw it in my hair. His punishment was to scrub out the urinals! And this was a public school too, usually that sort of thing comes from a private school! So then later on another teacher who'd heard about it goes "man I don't want to shake your hand if you know what I mean" to the kid! HA!

(It wasn't the last time I had stuff in my hair. I got a perm and the lady left it on way too long and it completely fried my hair. Some kid at school then wound gum into it, somehow without me feeling, so badly that it had to be cut out.)

I did hear about feces being smeared on the wall at school at some point too.
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Has your child or a child you known......

Post by Clinozoisite »

I work at a middle school. Enough said. :lol:
