Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by Tom-sprite »

I think I have a good solution for this case.
I will contact Katy (RainbowBrite) ... maybe she wants to upload the fancy dolly version of these redesigns ! :)

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by Tom-sprite »

I sent Katy a PM ... maybe she can help and post a link here ! :-D

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by Tom-sprite »

O.K. guys ...
Katy helps me and uploads the picture ...
I guess she will post a link soon ! ^^

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Rainbow Brite
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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by Rainbow Brite »

Here you go, Tom :) Sorry it took me so long!

~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by Tom-sprite »

Thanks Katy for linking the version with my effects ! :)

I particularly want to point out at this point that the linework and colouring
was made by Alpha2 and cwmodels ... i only joined to make this a trio-collab and did some beauty-effects ! :)

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by cwmodels »

Thank for the hlep Katy.

Now Tom, how come you don't have a DA account? It's a good place to showcase your artwork.

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ cwmodels :

Mmmmh ... hard to explain ...

I often heared about it and visited it some times to look around but I am not really sure if I like the overall concept that much or how artists and people use the possibilities there... i am insecure about that ...

The biggest advantage of DA seems to be the big audience you can get as an artist and that you are able to communicate with a lot of people.
That s a very good thing.
One possibly can create an expressive online-portfolio there.

But I also personally see dangers.
My opinion is that a lot of creative people there seem to waste theirselfs on thankless (grab and run) - online - art-collecters ...
Some very talented artists there upload nearly everything they produce with a huge resolution. They give away everything completely free just to snatch some praise. I think this somehow could dilute the respect for art in the longer run.This is my individual personal fear ... maybe this sounds absurd ... I dunno !
:-))) :lol:

I still seem to be torn between creating a DA acount or not a little bit too much at the moment.
Do your experiences over at Deviant-Art make you feel happy or do you feel some emptiness from time to time ?

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by cwmodels »

I've been working as a professional graphic artist for the past 16 years, so I have encountered all kinds of ups and down in the art field. So I understand your feelings on not wanting to have people take advantage of your skills.

Here is how I look at DA, It's a free place to host and promote your work and get involved with people who share similar interest. After I upload my artwork there, it will always be there for people to view and those who are interested in the subject will go and search it out. Sometimes I get comments and feedbacks on artworks which I uploaded over 2 years ago, and that would stir up interest in a piece I have long forgotten. Certain pieces would also get huge amounts of attention that I've never expected when I did them.

Not to mention most of my stuff on DA are fan art based on existing properties, so they don't belong to me in the fist place anyway. I do them for fun so anyone else likes them and wants it, take it by all means. They are there for people to collect or do as they wish. Any original ideas or concepts which do run the risk of getting stolen, I do not post on DA or anywhere else online.

In a nut shell, I give away only what I want to give away, anything important stays safe on my computer. And in that sense I have a very simple relationship with Deviant Art and I do enjoy my experience there very much.

That's my thought on the subject.

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Rainbow Brite and Color Kids

Post by Tom-sprite »

Thank you for your understanding ...

While looking at your art over at DA I thought that your work is very professional ... you have such a good feeling for shapes and colours.
I like your robots/mechas ... they seem to somehow reflect your great talent the most ! :) ...but all your other works are great too ! ^^

Your opinion and attitude regarding DA sounds wise for me.
Posting some fanart over at DA can t be a mistake.
I prove you right ... as long as one does not give art-thiefs a chance to
steal original ideas/concepts it might be a enjoyable place.

Best wishes

