On-X custom

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Re: On-X custom

Post by Tom-sprite »

I am back from shopping ...
I didn t get the piece of round wood I wanted cause they were not able to cut the wood for me ... lousy shop !
I bought a lot of expensive(!) Fimo instead and hope that it is enough material ! :mellow: :(

Maybe there will be progress today anyway. ;)

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Re: On-X custom

Post by Wardah »

Why not use a piece of paper towel roll or a can for the inside? Look around your house for something of similar size and length and mold the fimo around that.

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Re: On-X custom

Post by Tom-sprite »

@ Wardah :

Sounds like a good idea ... but sadly a piece of paper towel or a can are too lightweight compared to the fimo-clay.The horse would fall forwards because of the imbalance. :mellow:

I gummed up the various parts ...
now I have to take a break and wait till the special glue is completely hard ! ;)

OMG ... this is such a tricky project.
I can not recommend it to tinker an On-X just 4 fun.

I pray for success.
The material was quite expensive and the process is very exhausting...
Please cross your fingers for me guys !!! :)

Besides I ve got 2 balls of Fimo left ... has anyone of you an idea what I could form with it ... maybe something included in the Starstealer-movie !?

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Re: On-X custom

Post by Tom-sprite »

The glue will be hard tomorrow ... then I will airbrush the model. ;)
Colour will be metallic marineblue with glitter-effect.
This evening I made the chest emblem and the saddle. (cellular rubber,glitter-glue,gemstones ,paint etc)
The saddle is quite plain in the movie but I wanted to pimp it just a little with bling bling ! :-)))))))) :lol:

After I finish the airbrushing tomorrow(I so hope that it works) I ll tinker the mane.
(cellular rubber+paint)

If all should work according to plan I will ask a friend to help me with potential LED-lights !

I am exceedingly antsy !!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
On-X chest-emblem and saddle.jpg
On-X chest-emblem and saddle.jpg (70.41 KiB) Viewed 864 times

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Re: On-X custom

Post by Tennyo »

I am so excited to see this custome! ^_^

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Re: On-X custom

Post by Tom-sprite »

I am glad that you are interested Tennyo ! :)

This morning I started airbrushing!
It seems like it works fine but I have to recheck when the varnish is dry.
Takes 1-2 hours ...
I have to do this twice because it is not possible to colour on top and at the same time the part between the four legs below.
I look forward to the decorating-part of this project.(attaching saddle,chest-emblem,do some filigree paintwork)
I ll also tinker a mane today.

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: On-X custom

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Sounds like your progress is coming along nicely, Tom!
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Re: On-X custom

Post by Tom-sprite »

I just finished On-X ! :lol:

I am content about how he turned out but the process was very annoying ! ;)
I think I will not do it again a second time ! :-))))))))))))))

I can add some more pictures of On-X if you guys are interested.
On-X and Krys.jpg
On-X and Krys.jpg (132.64 KiB) Viewed 827 times

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: On-X custom

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Aww he looks great! Shall there be a big horse race now?
"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire

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Re: On-X custom

Post by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel »


Tom-sprite strikes again!!!

Another excellent custom, Tom.
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