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Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:27 pm
by SunSpire
Ever found yourself in the position of looking for a new job and everything you do to improve your chances seems somewhat pointless?

My CV (resume) is highly up to standards by now but I spend hours and hours of writing personalized cover letters for individual job ads and I get either computerized "sorry, you were unsuccessful" mails or no reply at all! And the few interviews I were invited to were either completely stupid, or promising at first but then got turned down halfway through the recruiting process due to the high amount of applicants applying for the job. The last interview I attended the manager said he's received 2.000 application letters in just a couple of weeks for one and the same position!!!!

I can't help it but to feel kinda useless when I hear things like that. It's like my current skills and experience mean crap when competing against such huge crowds of people in the same boat.

"sigh" ... I haven't given up yet, but it's frustrating.


Re: Meh.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:31 pm
by Chibi Rachy
I'm searching for a job currently as well. I'm set for doing substitute teaching in the fall, but I'd prefer to get a teaching position for the entire year. Better pay, benefits (subbing gives none), and working all 5 days instead of a day by day basis.

I turned in my application for 4 different elementary jobs in my area and know that if anyone who applies has more experience than me, they'll get the position. Right now, I'm only hoping that the long-term sub position I just finished up gives me a leg up at one of the schools I've applied for, the same school I did the position in.

Good luck... something will turn up... we can only hope!

Re: Meh.

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:55 pm
by Major Ursa
I know how hard it was for me to find work, especially full time jobs. But I did have succees thought.

Re: Meh.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:00 am
by Wolf Ranger
SunSpire i know how you feel. I've been out of work since last christmas. :(

Re: Meh.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:31 pm
by Tilas
My job is to help other people find jobs, I work in an employment office lol. What I suggest to a lot of people is to phone the company first. Introduce yourself, inquire as to the job status, ask questions about the position, then send in your application. It makes the employer remember you, they associate your voice to your resume. It also shows the employer you're actually interested in the job, not just one of the dozens who randomly send a resume out. Also, if you find you're applying and getting no response, follow up your resume with a phone call or email. Don't be afraid to phone a week or two later after the positions closing date and inquire about it. Again, it shows the employer you have genuine interest, and it keeps YOUR name fresh in their minds above the countless others. It's amazing how just a simple followup can mean the difference between getting the job and not getting it. Employers like to see commitment and effort!

A tip about writing resumes, keep them short and to the point! On average, an employer will spend only 20-30 SECONDS on a resume! If you're resume is exceeding 3 pages, you're chattering way too much (unless you're like a doctor or lawyer or something)! Most employers like a 2-3 page resume (1 page is too short). Avoid run on sentences, bullet form is ALWAYS best.

One last thing, and this is something a lot of people don't know, but FIRST AID can mean the difference between a job or no job, even if the employer never mentions it in their postings! Basic First Aid Certification is pretty easy to get, and it's not all that expensive; mine was $80(Canadian) for 3 year certification for Basic First Aid with CPR training, and the course was only 3 nights. Besides, job search aside, it's something I strongly believe ALL people should have, for their own safety and the safety of others. That said, a lot of employers look for it, and it is impressive to see on a resume. I have had many employers openly admit they look for it, and they want their workers to have it, no matter if it's just a cashier, or a heavy equipment operator.

Anyways, sorry if I got rambling a bit (work mode! XD; ), but I hope it helps, and good luck on your job search. :) If you (or anyone here) needs help or advice about writing a resume, feel free to PM me, I'll be happy to help. :)

Re: Meh.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:17 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Thanks for the advice, Tilas. The resume part is a good tip and thankfully mine fits that description...everything else... depends on the board of education...which I'm currently hoping to hear from about a position. If not, I'm a sub again! Oy. That does have some benefits though XD

Re: Meh.

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:48 am
by SunSpire
Thanks for the replies everyone! I hope all of you will find a job that you like very soon!!!!

And Thank You Tilas for your advice!! :) I agree with the bullet points, my CV has come a long way over the years and I found bullet points to be most effective if worded correctly.

I just got back from a job interview at maplin electronics, UK's biggest electronics store chain. The interview went really well I think, the manager was nice to speak to anyway. But what puzzles me is .. when I got home I received an email stating that I was unsuccessful with my application, but the email's timestamp was 9:47am, my interview was at 11:00am. So it was sent out even before I started the interview!! I called them to make sure this was an error and they told me to not worry and wait for a 2nd confirmation, if unsuccessful.

But man, my heart dropped into my pants for a second ... this was a shock :P


Re: Meh.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:48 pm
by SunSpire
So tomorrow's the big day ... gosh, I'm so nervous right now it's not funny. Image


Re: Meh.

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 8:10 pm
by FanChan
Good luck! I start job hunting tomorrow. My parents are paying to get my car fixed in exchange for me getting a second, more reliable job ((teaching one class a week isn't very rewarding :p )). I've got my fingers crossed for pizza delivery.

Re: Meh.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 4:39 am
by SunSpire
Oooh pizza delivery ... you bet I'd be a regular customer of yours if I was living in the states! :P There's nothing better than an online ordered pizza for movie night in's!! Good luck with the job hunt! :) :pizza:

I couldn't sleep all night, in fact I had only one hour of sleep before I woke up again and stayed awake most of the night ... now it's almost pointless to go back to bed cos I gotta work in like 3 hours so I put some french baguettes in the oven for breakfast. I don't feel that tired at the moment but I know when I get back home tonight I'll be shattered :P
