Happy "early" Birthday to me!

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Happy "early" Birthday to me!

Post by Watercolor »

I was talking a few weeks ago to my friend Francis about how I haven't had a Birthday Party in years, and my birthdays consist of me making myself a cake.

This year is my last “20th” as I am turning 29 on Thursday April 16th of this year. I always go out of my way for my friends birthdays, helping where I can and surprising them. (last year I got my boyfriend a autographed copy of his favorite movie, I made Francis' wedding cake, etc)

So this Easter I went to their house expecting an Easter dinner and walked in to the following: (NOTE: I didn't KNOW about any of this so only had my phone to take pictures)
Lily had colored some "Fairy" cards for me. (She's one of the Daises in the Girl Scout Troop I help with)

Rainbow Brite Plates, napkins...and spinich dip! They made a "holiday" dinner for me! A full size TURKEY, Spiral Ham, Stuffing, Veggies, and cranberry Sauce! OMG IT WAS SO YUMMY!
My Presents! Rainbow Brite: Hair clips, buttons, thank you cards, plates, goodie bags


The kids Lily (age 6) and Tylor (age 4) made me a banner, covered with Rainbows and Stars.

Brianna (age 7 months...I call her banana..because they call her Nana...which is my nick too) was dressed in a "Rainbow Brite" Nighty (Originaly fit a Rainbow Brite Doll, but they fit her now....LOL...they gave me the nighty to keep.)

And a CAKE! with my name on it.
EDIT: More pictures! NOT taken with my phone, but Francis' camera

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I'm as old as I am...but this was TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder what I will get for my Real Birthday
Last edited by Watercolor on Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:48 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: Happy "early" Birthday to me!

Post by Chibi Rachy »

For those being phone pics, they're pretty darned good! That's awesome that your early birthday turned out so well!

"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire

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Re: Happy "early" Birthday to me!

Post by Major Ursa »

Happy Birthday Watercolor! THat was nice of them to give you a Rainbow Brite themed party.
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.

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Re: Happy "early" Birthday to me!

Post by Rainbow Brite »

How cute and sweet!!! I'm sure that made your day :) Happy early birthday! I've got 2 other friends who were born on April 16th too...that's a popular day!
~Katy Cartee Haile~

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Re: Happy "early" Birthday to me!

Post by SunSpire »

Happy early Birthday, Renee-san! :)

I still haven't got the tinterweb back yet, but just popped on over at Joey's place to say Hi. Hope everything is going well at work and at home and with the website etc. .. hehe, will chat with you later, in a week or so when I get the net back, fingers crossed.


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