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Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:32 pm
by FanChan
I'm heading out tonight for a much-needed mini-vacation to Vermont. I'll be there until Sunday. I probably won't be bringing a camera - the only one I've got is also a video camera, so it's rather clunky and takes up a lot of space. So, sorry for anyone who wants pictures xD

We've got horseback riding, sight-seeing, kayaking, bike-riding, and lots of time in front of the fireplace lined up. It's going to be an awesome three days. I'll miss ya guys ^^

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:37 pm
by Rainbow Brite
Have fun!! :)

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:49 pm
by TheWendybird
Sounds like a blast have lots and lots of fun! :)

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:19 pm
by Starvoyager
Wow, have fun!

Has it really warmed up that much there? No need to worry about freezing to death in the river or finding roads to ride on that aren't snow-covered?

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:17 pm
by FanChan
Thanks guys!

@starvoyager: xDD It's warmed up enough that most of the snow's gone. We were going to go skiing, but all the places are closed because there's no snow. It might still be frigid, in the thirties or forties, but we're going kayaking right near the lakehouse we're staying at, equipped with a fireplace. So if anyone falls in, it's a quick run to the house to get warm.

I'm from Alaska, myself, so. Kayaking around ice flows is something common up there. Kayaking's not just for spring. Besides, it's a lake, not the ocean or a river, so there won't be any rapids to push us over.

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:51 pm
by Maki
I've been through northern Vermont a few times before. Have a good time there.

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:55 pm
by Major Ursa
Bon Voyage! Have a nice trip.

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:42 pm
by Chibi Rachy
You have fun :) I wanna hear all about it when you get back!

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:35 am
by FanChan
I haff returned! Finally T-T

We got there just fine. No real delays, made it to the lakehouse around midnight, went straight to bed. Woke up to the absolutely most breathtaking view I've ever seen. We were literally right on the lake, with mountains framing the view, the constant sound of seagulls and geese echoing around you. It was fantastic.

Thursday, we did a little bit of sight-seeing, not very much to speak of. Just getting used to the place. It was a little rainy and pretty cold. We prayed outside of an abortion clinic for a few hours for the 40 Days for Life movement, my first time getting the opportunity to directly participate (I've been indirectly participating the past couple of years).

Friday, though, was a major highlight. Horseback riding. Sure, it was only for an hour, but it reminded me just how at home I feel on the back of a horse. Before that, I had a really interesting moment, early in the morning. There was a fog on the lake, extremely thick. I walked down to the dock and looked out over the lake and could see nothing but white. The only way you could distinguish the water from the fog was when a duck came into view. Seeing a group of geese fly by through the fog was rather surreal, too. It was amazing.

And then Saturday. The weather was fantastic; it got up to about sixty-seven degrees farenheit. We went to the Humane Society so my friend (the one we went to visit) could adopt himself a kitten. Delilah is absolutely adorable, too. He gets to take her home on Tuesday. Upon returning home, drunk on the warm weather, we decided to get the kayaks out after all. Sure, we had to do a bit of iceflow dodging, but it was a really great time. Yes, there was still ice on the lake, but for the most part it was all slushy and broken up into a manageable pieces.

We had s'mores every night (for anyone who doesn't know, that's roasted marshmallows, hershey's chocolate, and graham crackers made into a sandwich) after watching a bit of anime (we watched all of Kino's Journey over the weekend, a personal favorite of mine). We also did a bit of a dress-rehearsal for our cosplay that'll be happening next weekend at the anime convention here in Pittsburgh.

So yeah. All in all, minus the dreams for me and the bugs for my friend, a great trip.

Until the trip home.

I got home an hour ago. We were supposed to be home eleven hours ago. Blame that one on the fog in New York. We had to land in Philadelphia, then the people in charge couldn't make up their mind what to do with us. We spent three hours on the tarmac while they made up their mind. They sent a bus to take us to the terminal, but we sat for an hour there while they tried to get everyone's bags out of cargo. Then when we got to the terminal, all of the airline counters were flooded with work, so it took an hour of standing around just to figure out what could be done with us. (We found out later that the airline had put us on a different flight; one that left while we were sitting around on that damn bus.) What they finally did was get us a car and driver, and we were driven the five hours home. Not the smoothest day of travelling.

Re: Vermooooont!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:54 am
by Chibi Rachy
Glad to see that you made it home safe and sound, though the airport thing sounds quite terrible. I've never heard of them actually getting a car to drive someone home though.
