Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:07 am
I wasn't sure if anyone else knew of this, but this site specializes in epic wins of the past, ranging from toys to movies, to fashion, whatever your mind can think of. It's a recent addition to the same network that does the LOLcats, among other things. On Fridays there are usually posts that showcase 80's fashion from viewers, as long as someone has submitted pictures.
You can submit anything, as the daily wins come from submissions that are then voted on by the viewers. I found one for Rainbow Brite on the voting page section. It's currently on page 123, but will be pushed further back as more submissions are added.
To add some discussion to this, let's talk about things you remember growing up that you enjoyed and are no longer available, or still are available, but in a different reincarnation.
Me, I enjoyed my tape player because I could listen to my cassettes and carry it around with me. To completely embarrass myself, I become hooked on Dolly Parton's music at age 3, and so my tape player was named Dolly... mom says I even took it to bed with me. You really can't find tape players for children anymore, and they don't really sell CD players for children unless you buy from an education catalog. Instead, children get these "CD players" that play discs based on the plastic bumps.
You can submit anything, as the daily wins come from submissions that are then voted on by the viewers. I found one for Rainbow Brite on the voting page section. It's currently on page 123, but will be pushed further back as more submissions are added.
To add some discussion to this, let's talk about things you remember growing up that you enjoyed and are no longer available, or still are available, but in a different reincarnation.
Me, I enjoyed my tape player because I could listen to my cassettes and carry it around with me. To completely embarrass myself, I become hooked on Dolly Parton's music at age 3, and so my tape player was named Dolly... mom says I even took it to bed with me. You really can't find tape players for children anymore, and they don't really sell CD players for children unless you buy from an education catalog. Instead, children get these "CD players" that play discs based on the plastic bumps.