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Star Wars

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:10 am
by PrincessJoy
If you like the SW characters, creatures, planets, ETC, then please feel free to join me here. All things Star Wars can be discussed in this thread.

So, let's start off with characters.
I like Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Sith Lord Darth Sidious/Palpatine, Count Dooku and Darth Vader. That's only a few.
C3PO and R2D2 are so cute and funny, and Chewbacca is so sweet.
I love the Ewoks too. They are simply adorable.

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:00 am
by Major Ursa
I was more into the vehicles of Star Wars. My favorite was the X-Wing fighter.

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:51 pm
by pinkpuff
Yes! Star Wars is so cool.

My favorite characters are definitely R2-D2 and Qui-Gon Jinn. I like R2 because he's so adorable yet so snarky. He's truly a little rebel in more ways than one. I like Qui-Gon because he's not afraid to stand up for what's right, even if it means going against "the code". He lets the situation dictate the right course of action rather than a set of absolutes.

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:35 am
by PrincessJoy
I was sorry Qui-Gon got killed in The Phantom Menace. He's another one of my favorites. I also like the X-Wing Fighters. I like hearing the snap hiss of the lightsabers in the movies. The lightsaber is my favorite personal weapon. I'm glad that GL gave them such a great sound.

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:07 am
by pinkpuff
JoeyAngel wrote:Hayden Christianson *swoons* sorry.. hes gorgeous as Anakin Skywalker.
Han Solo was always my fave from the original three. I have a thing for the rogue-ish charm lmao
Yeah, Anakin looks so great in ep3 when his hair starts to grow out!

And Padme is gorgeous too!

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:57 am
by Cypher
Padme Amidala was always my favorite character, but Obi-Wan comes close. Watching him and Anakin verbally sparring all the time provides endless entertainment. Though I think I'm beginning to appreciate all the characters a lot more than I used to. Palpatine is simply amazing in every scene.

Padme's costumes...what can I say? I want to own them. I'll be jealous of her fictional world for the rest of my life. XD Why is it that everyone in Star Wars has the greatest fashion sense and all the women traipse around in gorgeous, lavish gowns in a highly sophisticated scientific age, but we're all stuck wearing jeans and t-shirts? Sigh...there's just not enough magic, not enough appreciation of the gaudy in the modern world.

While we're on that, I like all the movies, but unlike most fans, I like the new trilogy better than the old. (Yes, I'm a total sap and Episode II is my favorite one. :P) There's just something magical about the tragic love story and an older world based on an honor code. In the first trilogy, the Jedi order is extinct and little more than a legend of the past. Everyone's out to benefit themselves. It's a rollicking adventure ride; Indiana Jones in space. The new movies are inifinitely more rich in folklore, and that drew me to them right away. The Jedi are a thriving order, political systems value ostentatious display of wealth and status (just check out Queen Amidala's dresses), and the systems themselves are often contradictory.

In the old trilogy the lines are clear-cut. Anyone watching the movies can tell that the Empire is evil and the heroes are justified in fighting it. The new trilogy introduces a whole slew of questions as to which political systems really work. Naboo, for example, seems like the pinnacle of civilization, but they have glorified ideas about virtue; notice how all the queens, the top figureheads of the government, are always very young. Why? You'd think that people that young wouldn't be qualified enough to rule, but somehow they all get elected. Naboo clearly values innocence as a defining marker of a person's potential for just leadership, and while no one can argue that Queen Amidala is a good person, she has a lot of faith in people who are only out to manipulate her. You got to wonder if their system of government is really such a strong model for the galaxy, seeing as the queens of Naboo are all too often dismissed as symbolic ornaments while corrupt politicians like Palpatine are really holding the reigns. In that sense, Anakin was right in Episode II when he said that all the Senate ever does is argue--too many clashing ideologies are coming into the debates. Amidala is important on her world, but does anyone really listen to her in the Senate when she requests aid for her planet (Episode I)?

Wow...yeah, I got carried away. But seriously, people who don't like the new trilogy probably aren't watching it enough. I used to think they were boring when I was younger, but they really grew on me. You discover nuances in the stories each time you watch them. :)

Re: Star Wars

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:07 am
by Cypher
As for the outfits, I'm not alone. Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) once said in an interview (loose paraphrase): "I have one--two--dresses throughout the whole trilogy. Natalie Portman walks into a room and she has a costume change." XD Do I sense resentment? Yeah, if I were an actress in the 70's/80's, had a role as a princess in a sci-fi movie, and only got to wear straight white dresses, I'd have a serious talk with Lucas. :P