When in doubt, check with the Color Kids first!

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When in doubt, check with the Color Kids first!

Post by IndigoJoy »

I can't believe it. For the past 10 months or so I've been looking for my iPod Shuffle, which I misplaced. This is not one of the newer clip-on ones - it's one of the old white ones that's about the size of a pack of gum, with a lanyard. I have torn my closet apart looking for it (I had stuff in boxes in storage in my closet) and could not find it.

Today I came across my 18" Patty O'Green. Guess what was hanging around her neck?! That's right, my iPod Shuffle on its lanyard! Patty was keeping it safe for me, LOL! Next time I lose something, I'm checking with Rainbow Brite and the Color Kids first! ;)
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Major Ursa
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Re: When in doubt, check with the Color Kids first!

Post by Major Ursa »

I guess Patty likes your I Pod. :rbpatty:
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Re: When in doubt, check with the Color Kids first!

Post by Dialga-Brite »

that's so cute!
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