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Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:30 am
by TheWendybird
This may sound a little....i i'm a cry baby. But does anyone else here go on any other forums? And if so have you noticed how bloody MEAN everyone is these days? This past month I returned to a forum I go on for anxiety's meant to be for support...someone else said something accusatory to someone on there who was looking for help and I merely said to the girl that she really should try and state what she had to say in a different way because it's suppose to be a nice safe enviroment to go and ask for help in times of need. This man was having trouble with his wife...and she started saying she would like to hear his wife's side of the story because he was making himself sound "too perfect". I told her that while she COULD possibly be right that he's being one sided that she shouldn't accuse someone who might very well be perfectly innocent...the point is he was looking for support...not just trying to get people to join his side (like that would matter to his wife...she doesn't go on those forums). I just know she did the same thing to me once for no reason and I didn't say anything to her about it...and boy did she come back at me nasty this time.....and I find myself sitting here....late at night...getting depressed because I just don't get it....I don't get why everyone today is so friggin' was suppose to be a support forum and people are being accused when they are begging for advice and help because they are really sad and anxious...what kind of world are we living in?? *sighs*

*end rant* :(

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:43 am
by Tom-sprite
I prove you right Wendybird !

You really have to be carefull even more nowadays.
There are many people out there which are totally ill-natured ,unbalanced and dissatisfied ...
those people see it as some kind of cruel sport to just torture people without any obvious reason.
In fact noone should torture anybody at anytime.
They only do it to feel better ... perverse isn t it ?
Mobbing and cyber-mobbing is a big problem nowadays.
On the one hand it s the best thing to believe in the good in man anyway but on the other hand one should not always expect a lot of smpathy.
It s a double-edged sword ...

Here on the rainbowbrite-forum it is very peaceful compared to other forums ... that is one reason why I love this place so much ! :-)

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:41 pm
by TheWendybird
Tom-sprite wrote:I prove you right Wendybird !

You really have to be carefull even more nowadays.
There are many people out there which are totally ill-natured ,unbalanced and dissatisfied ...
those people see it as some kind of cruel sport to just torture people without any obvious reason.
In fact noone should torture anybody at anytime.
They only do it to feel better ... perverse isn t it ?
Mobbing and cyber-mobbing is a big problem nowadays.
On the one hand it s the best thing to believe in the good in man anyway but on the other hand one should not always expect a lot of smpathy.
It s a double-edged sword ...

Here on the rainbowbrite-forum it is very peaceful compared to other forums ... that is one reason why I love this place so much ! :-)
I agree I was saying that to Starvoyager last night about how it's not like that at all here even when there has been bickering it's never outright nasty...I'm half scared this place is going to go too :( Not necessarily from mean people just something happen to it cause for some reason it seems my internet world is getting smaller and smaller....I had to deactivate facebook because of a nut....and this other forum where I went for help about the "nut"....which was SUPPOSE to be a compassionate place......and I dunno it's just really getting depressing :( Soon it's going to feel like there will be no reason for me to have the net at all anymore. Starvoyager has been having the same things happen too...he only has 2 or 3 forums he posts on but he finds he never want's to play his online games anymore...and I havn't in ages.

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:02 pm
by Tom-sprite
Just bounce back ... there will always be stupid and bitchy people everywhere and everytime !
The best way to cope with it is just ignoring grotty people ... this is very easy online ! ;-)
Honestly ... at the moment I only post here on this forum.
Even if somebody would try to mob me here I would never let somebody break my strength !
You seem to be a very likeable person ... keep smiling ... people like you a lot here ! :-D

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:12 pm
by TheWendybird
Tom-sprite wrote:Just bounce back ... there will always be stupid and bitchy people everywhere and everytime !
The best way to cope with it is just ignoring grotty people ... this is very easy online ! ;-)
Honestly ... at the moment I only post here on this forum.
Even if somebody would try to mob me here I would never let somebody break my strength !
You seem to be a very likeable person ... keep smiling ... people like you a lot here ! :-D
Thanks Tom that's sweet of you. I guess I've just felt really let down as it was suppose to be a place for support.

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:54 pm
by Tom-sprite
:lol: Rainbow brite fans stick together !!!

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:51 pm
by TheWendybird
Tom-sprite wrote::lol: Rainbow brite fans stick together !!!
YEAH! I've met some of the nicest people from forums ever on here I must say! Prably because we all share a love of one of the most loving characters ever :)

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:52 pm
by Aquarius
I know Wendybird of what you mean. I even get it on Ebay, even after asking the simplest question. (Think about 3 pages of complete nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.) I always come here for help b/c its a much nicer forum than any others. A lot of people like to sit behind their monitor, and like to troll and say nasty, nasty things to other people. I see a lot them as people with their own problems that really don't have a life and are miserable with their own.

I don't even bother reading the comments on things such as MSN anymore, often people seem to clump into one pack and tear into anyone who does not see it "their" way. I was attacked on one topic of good deals, saying I bought a spice rack at Kohl's for a good price, and was called greedy, think about all the other people that can't afford one, etc. Like OMG!. Or on others when someone is a victim, they make fun of the victim and say they deserved it, crack horrible jokes about them, etc. I believe in opinions and disagreeing, but if your attacking other people in a nasty/hurtful way, or saying someone deserves bad things, then its crossing the line.

I'm sorry that you went through that. If you ever want to talk about anything, this is a very good forum to come too! And if you ever want to about anything, you can PM me too:)

:rb: :rbtwink: :rbstarlite:

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:12 pm
by TheWendybird
Thankyou! You guys are all great....I'm sorry you had people say things like that to you that is REALLY off the mark to can't figure out why else anyone would say that stuff only for the purpose of being mean. I mean, have you ever read some of the youtube comments out there? That is one angry website!

Re: Mean people

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:39 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
First of all, Wendybird, there are other forums that people can use in the situation that you described. Not everyone is like that and maybe the wrong people have gotten the upper hand on that forum. You can also report the post or send a PM to an Admin and ask to have the other party banned.

On the other hand, today's world is not at all the same as the one I grew up in. In some ways there has been progress, real progress in various things. In other ways it seems that we have certainly gone downhill on a lot of issues. People are less polite than in the past. They think more of themselves and less of others. And, as you've noticed, they are ruder than ever before.

Next time someone pulls that on you, tell them to go kiss a dead hippopotamus! They won't know what hit them and you can ignore them forever after.