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Major Ursa's Star Trek Ship collection

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:11 pm
by Major Ursa
I happen to be a fan of Star Trek. I got interested when I saw Star Trek: The Motion Picture back in 1980. Since then, I have collected many of the ships from all versions of Star Trek. Most of them are models that I have build. Others are game pieces and from the Micro Machines collection or from other toy lines Here is my version of Star Fleet.

1. The Generations of Enterprise:
NX-01 (ST: Enterprise), NCC-1701 (The Original Series), NCC-1701-A (from the movies), NCC-1701-B (from movie ST:Generations), NCC-1701-C (From ST:The Next Generation episode Yesterday's Enterprise), NCC-1701-D (From ST: The Next Generation), NCC-1701-E (From movies First Contact, Insurection, and Nemesis)

2. The Ships, Shuttles, and Stations of Starfleet:
Ships: USS Federation (most likely from the original series books), USS Reliant (from Star Trek 2), USS Excelsior (From Star Trek 3, 4, and 6), USS Grissom (From Star Trek 3), USS Stargazer (fron an episode of ST: The Next Generation), USS Saratoga (from pilot episode of ST: Deep Space 9), USS Defiant (from ST: Deep Space 9) and USS Voyager (from series ST:Voyager)

Shuttles: Original Series Galileo, Movie version Galileo (Star Trek 5), Vulcan Shuttle Surak (from ST: The Motion Picture), Shuttle Berman (from ST: The Next Generation), and Runabout USS Rio Grande (from ST: Deep Space 9)

Stations: Space Station K-7 (form Original Series episode The Trouble with Tribbles), Federation Space Dock (from the movies and several Next Generation episodes). Station Deep Space 9 (from ST: Deep Space 9)

The Aliens ships of Star Trek. Some former and current villian ships from all versions.

Klingons: D-7 Battle Crusiers (both Original Series and Movie versions), Bird-of-Prey, and Next Generation Battle Crusier.

Romulans: Orignal Series and Next Generation Bird-of-Preys, Scout ship

Ferengi: Marauder

Botany Bay: From Original Series episode Space Seed

Next Generation Villians (From Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager)
Cardassian Battle Cruiser, Gem-Hatar ship, Borg Ship.

5. The bridge of the Orginal Series Enterprise.

Re: Major Ursa's Star Trek Ship collection

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:06 pm
by ~Baby~Dragonfly~
Awesome Major!
Pssssssst you might want to watch those ships, think they were eating chips? tee hee

Re: Major Ursa's Star Trek Ship collection

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:44 pm
by Major Ursa
~Baby~Dragonfly~ wrote:Awesome Major!
Pssssssst you might want to watch those ships, think they were eating chips? tee hee
I forgot to clean off the area before I did the shot. :bg:

Re: Major Ursa's Star Trek Ship collection

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:06 am
by SunSpire
lol .. awesome collection tho! I love star trek, the original 7 movies that is. After that it lost its charme and originality a bit, me thinks. But they are still my favorites to date, I've had several star trek nights where me and my best mate Jan would watch 6 movies at once!!!!!!!!

I also love the original star wars movies, sadly the new trilogy didn't quite pick up on the success of the original.

Good memories! :)


Re: Major Ursa's Star Trek Ship collection

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:16 am
by Major Ursa
Thanks. My two favorites were the Excelcior and the Reliant.

Re: Major Ursa's Star Trek Ship collection

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:48 pm
by IndigoJoy
Oooh! I've been to 2 Star Trek conventions. I got to see Jonathan Frakes (Riker from TNG) in person. :) Nice collection!

Re: Major Ursa's Star Trek Ship collection

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:12 am
by Major Ursa
Here's my latest ship in my Star Trek collection. It is the Enterprise from the current Star Trek.

1. Side shot from the top.


2. The front shot with light blazing.


I bumped it so it can be updated.