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RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:45 pm
by Major Ursa
Incomming message to all Star Trek fans of Rainbow Brite Forums from the Universe of Star Trek:

In May 8, 2009, The eleventh Star Trek movie will be released. It will be all about the early years of the Original Star Trek crew.

Check out the trailer: ... re=related

Get a load of the ending of the trailer.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:18 am
by Wolf Ranger
I saw the trailer for this a while back..I was not impressed.

Then again..nothing Star Trek impresses me much.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
by J3llyb3ans
I am looking forward to this movie, but not without some skepticism. I guess it's the really young actors ( and some other elements of the trailer) making me think they're trying to marker this new film as a teen movie and not as a sci-fi movie in the classic sense. I just hope I'm wrong on that and it's good enugh to stand alongside past Trek movies.

I'll have to see it before I can say what I think.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:42 am
by Rose Red
Comming from a family is trekkies this is old old old news. I only pretended to be a trekkie when i was seven because I had a crush on the eleven year old who 'played' the captain. Had a costume and everything.

so I will probably get dragged to see it, but am otherwise 'meh' about the whole thing.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:04 am
by SunSpire
Wow I didn't realize any of the original cast would still be able to appear on the big screen, that's awesome and even more so because it's Spock!!

That's where my excitement ends tho, this trailer doesn't look and feel like the original Star Trek AT ALL. Shame. :(

Guess I'll still be watching it tho just in case it's any better than the new (rubbish) indiana jones movie.


Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:15 pm
by pinkpuff
I'm looking forward to seeing it. It'll be interesting to see new actors in the old roles, and get a bit of background on the characters.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:50 pm
by IndigoJoy
I think doing a Star Trek movie without the original actors is blasphemy.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:45 pm
by J3llyb3ans
Whoa! I think we've covered every type of reaction possible here. lol. I should check with some of my Trekkie friends and see how they think the film will be.

I'm still cautiously optiomistic about it.

@ Pinkpuff - Awesome Minky Momo avi.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:28 pm
by rainbowstarfaery
WOW!It looks pretty cool, I love it!I´m a Trekker, and I´m a spaceship nutter.I always wondered what made Capt Kirk to be what he is now.It´s a great time.It´s just a pitty it doesn´t open on day 26, but hey,at least is on the same month as my birthday.

Re: RED ALERT! New Star Trek film in 2009

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:29 am
by TheWendybird
Only in the past year or so has my interest in Star Trek peaked. I liked the Next Generation a lot when I was younger but I was always more into Star Wars. I have to say though that the new Star Trek movie actually looks really interesting and I can't wait to see it!