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20 question survey

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:10 pm
by alexanderbrite
1. What would you NEVER change about the past? getting my poodle
2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? yes!
3. Do you have a boyfriend? no
4. How do you align yourself politically? Independent
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? back in high school lol
6. Best body type? ??
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? NEVER EVER
8. Do you believe in Heaven? YES I DO
9. Who do you have a crush on now? no one, i'm asexual
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? about twice a week
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: Heaven
12. Do you ever use your full name? only in private email accounts or only when i have to
13. What does your name mean? Alexander means helper of mankind, if i'm not mistaking
14. What size shoe do you wear? 10 in men's, 11 in women's
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? right
16. Favorite food? cheese
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? nope lol
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? stuff on the computer
19. What is your heritage? well i am related to King Henry the 8th, and we have some sort of Indian in our blood
20. Have you ever sworn? *sigh* yes :-(
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Re: 20 question survey

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:00 am
by Chibi Rachy
1. What would you NEVER change about the past? I live without regret so to answer such a question would mean I would consider changing other aspects of my life.
2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? Depends on how attractive the living situation looked.
3. Do you have a boyfriend? *snickers* I date women
4. How do you align yourself politically? Democrat
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? sometime in college
6. Best body type? average
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? I do not bind myself to another
8. Do you believe in Heaven? I'm sure there's a place like it somewhere
9. Who do you have a crush on now? no one really
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? don't have any
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: hmm... I guess my apartment but I'm already there.
12. Do you ever use your full name? Only documents that require it.
13. What does your name mean? A ewe
14. What size shoe do you wear? 3 1/2 in kids, 6 in women's
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Right
16. Favorite food? Baked potato with cheese whiz
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? Nope but I did on my mom when I had eye surgery
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping all cozy like.
19. What is your heritage? heck if I know. I know it's a mix of French and German lines.
20. Have you ever sworn? If I'm not around my students or daycare, I do not guard my tongue

Re: 20 question survey

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:24 am
by pinkpuff
1. What would you NEVER change about the past? Meeting and getting to know the people in my life.
2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? Er, that depends on the nature of the planet...
3. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope, girls only. (Boys have cooties)
4. How do you align yourself politically? Anti-political
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? Earlier this afternoon
6. Best body type? Hm... female?
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? Supposing such a thing existed, certainly not.
8. Do you believe in Heaven? Not sure but if it's the one in the Bible it's not a place I'd want to be.
9. Who do you have a crush on now? No one sadly... I'm starting to think there's no one out there for me.
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? Don't have those. But if I did, probably once a day.
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: Bed?
12. Do you ever use your full name? Ew, no
13. What does your name mean? It means a puff that is pink.
14. What size shoe do you wear? Too big imho
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Mostly right but I eat with my left.
16. Favorite food? Cheesecake!!
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? Sick! No!
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping soundly
19. What is your heritage? My ancestors were apparently Irish.
20. Have you ever sworn? Well mostly only when quoting people

Re: 20 question survey

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 1:42 am
by Tom-sprite
1. What would you NEVER change about the past?
my fascination for art,my fantastic childhood etc.

2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible?
Well...this depends ... if it would be a crazy,beautiful and peacefull place and not too lonely ... then definitely but I would take some loved people along

3. Do you have a boyfriend? :-)))))
4. How do you align yourself politically? Democrat
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? some months ago but I prefer doing sports at home regularly
6. Best body type? from average to sporty (but I am not really superficial) ;-)
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? Ehhhrrrm ... I have to think about it ... ehrrrm ... noooooope !
8. Do you believe in Heaven? No ... I think there must besomething more incredible like this !
9. Who do you have a crush on now? hehehe ... too personal ! :-P
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? do not use this stuff ! ;-)
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: I am a natural born couch potato I guess ! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))
12. Do you ever use your full name? not often
13. What does your name mean? my name means twin
14. What size shoe do you wear? german size 42 ... american size 8 1/2
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Right
16. Favorite food? radishes ... cherries ... chicken ... almonds etc.
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? No ... this would be extremely embarrasing !!! ^^
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? watching TV (comedy)
19. What is your heritage? swedish

20. Have you ever sworn? from often to daily! ^^ :-))))))))))))
I guess there is always alot of crap to fuss about ! ;-)

Re: 20 question survey

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 6:01 am
by J3llyb3ans
1. What would you NEVER change about the past? The past no longer exists. Now is the only moment that matters. Well, that's how I look at it.
2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? If that planet was like earth minus pollution, sure.
3. Do you have a boyfriend? I would rather have a girlfriend, but I guess if he's an epic trap (looks, acts, sounds so much like a girl, you can't tell), I'd consider it. :P
4. How do you align yourself politically? Is extremely liberal an option?
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? yesterday morning
6. Best body type? average, fit, slender....One of those
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? Who is this Devil fellow everyone fears so much? Oh yeah, he's the guy all those underground black metal bands like so much, right?
8. Do you believe in Heaven? Not as a physical place, but as a state of being and as a goal we could attain if we look past our differences and appreciate each other for who and what we are, regardless of how different we are from each other. In other words, peace is heaven.
9. Who do you have a crush on now? No one in particular at the moment.
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? Does my blog count? If so, then daily.
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: Strangely enough, bed. It's been a crazy day and I'm tired.
12. Do you ever use your full name? nope
13. What does your name mean? Multicoloured, sugary, bean shaped candies that usually come in a plastic bag.
14. What size shoe do you wear? Men's size 11
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? right
16. Favorite food? There's so much to choose from.
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? nope
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? Posting on this forum.
19. What is your heritage? Irish, English, Scottish, and Native American.
20. Have you ever sworn?
Who hasn't? A good swear every now and then is good for you and can also be used comically.

Re: 20 question survey

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:24 pm
by WishBear2001
1. What would you NEVER change about the past? joining these boards
2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? If the planet is a version of Earth minus pollution/strange creatures.
3. Do you have a boyfriend? No, parents still say I'm too young.
4. How do you align yourself politically? My dad tells me to be Republican if that counts
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? I don't go to the gym, my cat brings it to me chasing me from side to side of the house.
6. Best body type? Slender when standing next to other 11-14 year olds, chubby when next to others at the same height, any age.
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? No
8. Do you believe in Heaven? I agree with J3llyB3ans on this one
9. Who do you have a crush on now? no one
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? Don't have one.
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: a Baby, the Stars Shine Bright store with bigger clothes
12. Do you ever use your full name? Only on my Yahoo when talking to other Girl Scouts
13. What does your name mean? The Minty green Care Bear, who always wears a shooting star in some form and who thinks unrealisticly positive
14. What size shoe do you wear? Kid's size 5, Women's 8-9 US/Europe
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? right
16. Favorite food? At the moment, anything mint flavored
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? no
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? Trying to go to sleep with thoughts of not being invited to Christmas parties for 11 years. What did I do that kept people from inviting me to parties?
19. What is your heritage? Native American
20. Have you ever sworn?
Never until recently when the kids destroyed tags and ripped a head off of 50 dollars of Hello Kitty and Care Bear toys I worked hard for then hacking into my accounts at this website and Strawberryland.

Re: 20 question survey

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:55 pm
by TheWendybird
1. What would you NEVER change about the past? Replying to Chris (Starvoyager) over youtube March 2007. Could never live without each other.
2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? HELL YEAH!
3. Do you have a boyfriend? My wonderful, sweet adorable, playful, affectionate hubby *le sigh* lol
4. How do you align yourself politically? Independent...if you sound like you can do the job get my approval.
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? Sometime last year but it was too expensive to keep going.
6. Best body type? BLEH!
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? I'd say to save someone else's life maybe but even then the devil is a deceiver so there would be more to this than meets the no.
8. Do you believe in Heaven? Not the Christianized version of it but I believe in heavenly realms yes :) Personally I hope to go to Neverland when I die :) hehe Or Rainbowland of course :)
9. Who do you have a crush on now? My hubby of course :) We're crazy for each other!
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? Facebook ....daily. Myspace..once or twice a month..thinking I might just get rid of it.
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be? Right NOW.....New York City, London or Disneyworld...don't make me choose you won't get an answer haha
12. Do you ever use your full name? On facebook
13. What does your name mean? Christ-bearer..same as my hubby's. Neither of us are christian though. But in greek Christ just means annointed .....we're annointed one bearers...or something lol
14. What size shoe do you wear? 5 and a half to a six in womens...4 or 5 in kids :D Still so ecstatic I can still fit into kids sizes haha
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Right.
16. Favorite food? FISH!, Cream of Broccoli Soup, Chili, all kinds of nummy veggies *drooling*..oh sorry *wipes it up off the floor*
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? no suprisingly lol
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? >:) Me and Chris were putting up a lot of lights in the family room without his parents knowing lol All they had was a tree and white lights on the mantle people! Gotta get more color up in here! And I must say..we succeeded :D hehehehe
19. What is your heritage? Mostly Irish, some scottish i think and English. But Irish is the dominant. I have a feeling I have some other crazy thing like greek or something in there somewhere too..perhaps hebrew as well lol Don't ask me why. I've just had a lot of interest in things to do with those places/peoples.
20. Have you ever sworn? I swear all the time if I'm fuming mad or I hurt myself really bad. Other than that...meh lol

Re: 20 question survey

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:56 am
by Rainbowbrite84
1. What would you NEVER change about the past? Some of the people that I've met
2. Would you live on another planet if it were possible? Nope. I'm good with Earth
3. Do you have a boyfriend? Yep!! Me and my boyfriend have been together for 5 years!
4. How do you align yourself politically? Don't know
5. When is the last time you went to a gym? I've never gone to the gym
6. Best body type? Average
7. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? No
8. Do you believe in Heaven? Yes I do
9. Who do you have a crush on now? I'll always love Mark Wahlberg
10. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? Don't use that stuff
11. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: Disneyland or Vegas
12. Do you ever use your full name? Only when I have to
13. What does your name mean? My name Shawna, means God is gracious
14. What size shoe do you wear? 6.5 womens
15. Right handed? Left handed? Both? Right
16. Favorite food? Chicken tacos
17. Have you ever thrown up on a dentist? Nope
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching Barney with my daughter
19. What is your heritage? Mexican, Samoan, and a bunch of other stuff
20. Have you ever sworn? Yeah, but I really don't like to