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Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:34 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
Galacticatt wrote:I am not going to get into this conversation, because it truly angers me- but I just have to say that I get really irate when people have to declare their heterosexuality prior to or after saying that they like a rainbow house. Really lame -

Sarah is CORRECT.

Rainbows have no owners.

They belong to everyone.

Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:35 pm
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
Chibi Rachy wrote:o.O

What is with the "I'm straight, but..." comments? Suddenly a mention of it being in SF and possibly linked to GLBT pride, and you have to affirm that you are not gay to still like it?

Thanks for that, Chiby Rachy. It really needed to be said.

Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:56 pm
by Galacticatt
Starvoyager wrote:
Galacticatt wrote:I am not going to get into this conversation, because it truly angers me- but I just have to say that I get really irate when people have to declare their heterosexuality prior to or after saying that they like a rainbow house. Really lame -
Sorry, but it really is fun when you come across an average person on the street who has accepted every stereotype as a 100% infallible method for gauging a person, and say for example, "I like monster truck rallies, but I'm not a southerner" Then you just sit back and watch the steam come out of their ears as their internal computer whines, "Error! Error! Contradictory paradox! Does not compute! System shutdown imminent"
I don't know about funny- I guess I have a hard time thinking prejudice is funny. IE the comment above might not be that funny if you were a southerner and someone said that to you. It is both pointless and homophobic to say "I am straight but I like rainbows" - uh- what the hay does being straight have to do with liking Rainbows?

The fact that you have to go to great lengths to re-affirm the fact that you are NOT gay is insulting to gays. Who cares if someone on this board thinks you are gay? I don't say "well I like fried chicken but I'm not black" because that's a stupid thing to say. Casual homophobia shouldn't make me so upset since it is so common that people hardly even know what they are doing, but it is still disappointing to encounter in a community that I like.

However, without getting carried away- I realize some board members might be young or from the sticks and can barley help themselves. There are plenty other people on this board that are completely awesome-

Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:13 pm
by TheWendybird
Bottom line is...society is MESSED UP..and no one should have to defend what they or straight...and i frigging hate it! Unfortunately all the morons in society make it near impossible to have any peace when you like certain things that imply you are something else it is REALLY STUPID!

Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:09 pm
by Chibi Rachy
Blondine Arc-En-Ciel wrote:
Chibi Rachy wrote:o.O

What is with the "I'm straight, but..." comments? Suddenly a mention of it being in SF and possibly linked to GLBT pride, and you have to affirm that you are not gay to still like it?

Thanks for that, Chiby Rachy. It really needed to be said.
Well really, it can go the opposite way too. I could go "I'm gay, but I don't like rainbows all too much" (which is true...I'm not overly fond of them), and someone who stereotypes might say "but gay people are supposed to love the rainbow."

It's all stereotyping. You don't look a role or you don't act a role, and people start to wonder or question it. It doesn't help when people try to affirm themselves, such as saying I am/am not ________, but _________". That doesn't make the situation any better.

Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:44 pm
by Starvoyager
Galacticatt wrote:I don't know about funny- I guess I have a hard time thinking prejudice is funny. IE the comment above might not be that funny if you were a southerner and someone said that to you. It is both pointless and homophobic to say "I am straight but I like rainbows" - uh- what the hay does being straight have to do with liking Rainbows?

The fact that you have to go to great lengths to re-affirm the fact that you are NOT gay is insulting to gays. Who cares if someone on this board thinks you are gay? I don't say "well I like fried chicken but I'm not black" because that's a stupid thing to say. Casual homophobia shouldn't make me so upset since it is so common that people hardly even know what they are doing, but it is still disappointing to encounter in a community that I like.
Being straight has no more to do with rainbows than being gay does. The only non-parallel here though, is gays don't have to worry about donning the rainbow and then stating that they're gay. Oh the joys of double-standards. And I'm not homophobic. That you so easily toss that word around hints at some prejudice on the other end. But we know that isn't true. A minority group can't be prejudiced... only a majority group can. That's how society works. It is illegal to poke fun at, or request compensation from, any partiular group of humans except for Christians, White Caucasians, Americans, and Heterosexuals.

It's ok for a hetero wanting claim to the rainbow as a symbol to be offensive to gays, but the opposite isn't true. Yeah, I know how "reverse racism" works. Gay pride can be everywhere, but curse (and possibly arrest) any heterosexual who dares show any self-confidence in his or her choice.

But I guess that attitude actually fits the definition of pride, "a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc."

If you think this isn't true... just ponder for a moment what would happen if someone ever wanted to ever have a hetero-pride event. It would be immediately slammed as prejudiced, even though they're just exercising the very same right. The fact that this would be viewed as prejudice, is a form of prejudice.

The black comparison is only fair if gays have a unique skin color... which they don't.

It's downright appalling that it is considered prejudiced for someone to want the same social privileges as another, simply because the someone who wants it is in a majority group that at some point oppressed the minority. I never gay-bashed, or forced a black person to sit in the back of the bus, or burned a Witch at the stake, but I still have to feel shame as if I did and tip-toe around people, just because of who I was born from.

But whatever. I'm a member of a majority group, so I automatically lost this debate before I even started typing.

Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:58 am
by Sarah

*blows kisses to everyone*

I come in peace!


Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:08 am
by Sarah
I didn't mean anything remotely hateful, I'm all about the love. :)

What I meant was, there was previous chat about san fransisco, and isn't it that san fransisco is well know for it's gay and lesbian population? and while I might not be, I was simply thinking how wonderfull and magicall it would be to live in a place that allows such freedom and creativity, like that beautiful house.

I had no idea that you could get into trouble somewhere else for having such a lovely house.

So, I'm thinking that if I move there, perhaps I can have a rainbow glitter house?


Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 7:28 am
by Blondine Arc-En-Ciel
From Starvoyager, above...

"But whatever. I'm a member of a majority group, so I automatically lost this debate before I even started typing."

Then why get into something that you know that you've lost before you even started? There's an old saying that it's better to remain silent and let people think you're a fool than it is to open your mouth and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are in fact a fool.

Re: Rainbow House

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:29 am
by TheWendybird
I can't speak for my husband..he'll have to reply on his own but from what I know of him and I'd like to think I know him pretty wants to make a point but knows for the most part they will fall on deaf ears because that's how people are..especially the way things are the past decade or so.