Wish me luck!

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Re: Wish me luck!

Post by FanChan »

Haha. I have been meaning to record some things now that I've got my new mic working. Maybe I'll find a moment alone this weekend to do that. Thanks everyone, for your support!
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Re: Wish me luck!

Post by TheWendybird »

*Blows into a noisemaker* Hurray! Congratulations FanChan!
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
"Hail Stormy full of fury! Rainbow is with Thee!" :P
