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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:02 am
by Chibi Rachy
And so another week is about to end:


School was better this week than last week. So proud of one of my boys that actually put forth some good effort this week, despite one day of not having his medicine. And I actually had no kids fail their reading tests or get D's... about 3 C's and the rest were B's and A's. So pleased. Outside of school, I was able to apply for a new credit card to switch to and use the credit I'd get just for signing up to buy Maximum Ride #5 (both the hardback and audiobook) which comes out Monday, as well as #4 in the Fablehaven series, which will come out at the end of the month.

Oh! And I'm officially gonna coach little kids' soccer again. I did this in high school and since I'm now living back home after college, I decided to sign up again. All I know at this point is that I'll have a U6 team (4 & 5 yr olds), but I'm super excited. I've missed this.

In writing, I was able to write a short oneshot fic involving slashing 2 RB characters. It was not my idea at all and no I didn't post it anywhere but my journal, but it did turn out well, for what it's worth. I also worked on Lost Storms and got a bit done as well, and am continuing to work on the synopsis.


Well, there was the day that my one boy (mentioned above) did not have his medicine and was worthless in school. Oh and did I mention he threatened to kill someone Friday? Yep. Besides being utterly exhausted by Friday, it was a good week for school.

Outside of that, it was an okay week, except for what happened today with my father. I'm not going into any of it here, but I have very little respect for my parents as is, and today I lost the bit I had for him. Let's just say I found out what he really thought of my being gay after knowing a few years, and it's not a pleasant thing to have things screamed at you.


Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:42 am
by Aquarius
Chibi Rachy wrote:And so another week is about to end:


School was better this week than last week. So proud of one of my boys that actually put forth some good effort this week, despite one day of not having his medicine. And I actually had no kids fail their reading tests or get D's... about 3 C's and the rest were B's and A's. So pleased. Outside of school, I was able to apply for a new credit card to switch to and use the credit I'd get just for signing up to buy Maximum Ride #5 (both the hardback and audiobook) which comes out Monday, as well as #4 in the Fablehaven series, which will come out at the end of the month.

Oh! And I'm officially gonna coach little kids' soccer again. I did this in high school and since I'm now living back home after college, I decided to sign up again. All I know at this point is that I'll have a U6 team (4 & 5 yr olds), but I'm super excited. I've missed this.

In writing, I was able to write a short oneshot fic involving slashing 2 RB characters. It was not my idea at all and no I didn't post it anywhere but my journal, but it did turn out well, for what it's worth. I also worked on Lost Storms and got a bit done as well, and am continuing to work on the synopsis.


Well, there was the day that my one boy (mentioned above) did not have his medicine and was worthless in school. Oh and did I mention he threatened to kill someone Friday? Yep. Besides being utterly exhausted by Friday, it was a good week for school.

Outside of that, it was an okay week, except for what happened today with my father. I'm not going into any of it here, but I have very little respect for my parents as is, and today I lost the bit I had for him. Let's just say I found out what he really thought of my being gay after knowing a few years, and it's not a pleasant thing to have things screamed at you.


I'm sorry you had a fight with your father. I know I haven't known you for very long since I signed on here but I think your a nice person and I enjoy reading your stories. I know this isn't too much but just trying to make you feel a little bit better. I think it's cool that your coaching soccer for little kids, how fun and exciting. Seeing little kids have fun just makes my day :)


I have a job interview Monday afternoon, the phone call totally caught me off guard, but am pretty excited to hopefully get the job and start work soon. I'm finished with my classes the end of April, Thank Gawd!

Got an incredible RB lot for a great price, Included was Indigo with clothes and her sprite, Shy and her sprite, Lala and her dress, Buddy and his sprite Red and his sprite, Starlite, and a lot more for about $22.00 or so. What a deal!


Ebay sellers, UGH. 3 sales, 1 couldn't find the item, so they gave me a refund, 2nd shipped out item and the label came off, so resending me another one, and the 3rd has not sent out item priority or replied in 2 weeks, so I have a dispute with them.

Have horrible headaches, it's a lot to explain but the pain escalates through my whole body and feels like I'm being crushed. Going to Chiropractors again soon.

:rb: :rbtwink: :rbstarlite:

Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:14 am
by Chibi Rachy
Aquarious wrote:I'm sorry you had a fight with your father. I know I haven't known you for very long since I signed on here but I think your a nice person and I enjoy reading your stories. I know this isn't too much but just trying to make you feel a little bit better. I think it's cool that your coaching soccer for little kids, how fun and exciting. Seeing little kids have fun just makes my day :)


I have a job interview Monday afternoon, the phone call totally caught me off guard, but am pretty excited to hopefully get the job and start work soon. I'm finished with my classes the end of April, Thank Gawd!

Got an incredible RB lot for a great price, Included was Indigo with clothes and her sprite, Shy and her sprite, Lala and her dress, Buddy and his sprite Red and his sprite, Starlite, and a lot more for about $22.00 or so. What a deal!


Ebay sellers, UGH. 3 sales, 1 couldn't find the item, so they gave me a refund, 2nd shipped out item and the label came off, so resending me another one, and the 3rd has not sent out item priority or replied in 2 weeks, so I have a dispute with them.

Have horrible headaches, it's a lot to explain but the pain escalates through my whole body and feels like I'm being crushed. Going to Chiropractors again soon.

:rb: :rbtwink: :rbstarlite:
Thanks. It does make me feel a bit better. And yes, I'm excited about being able to coach the kids again. I've seen a few of the kids I coached when they were 4. They're in 3rd grade now, so I see them quite often. One is in my class even. I look at the old picture I have and then at them now and smile. I can't wait to start with a brand new team.

Congrats on that ebay lot! Were they in really good condition? And did Buddy have his headband? cause he's a rare one to get it seems. I love ebay... I was watching one item and the seller went on vacation, so I have to wait until April 1 to see how that goes.


Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:04 am
by Aquarius
Indigo was in mint condition, even had her pants, (which was on Lala) vest, (on Murky) & original ties and ribbons, and the rest of the color kids were pretty near mint and had all their clothes as well. A lot of their clothes were on the other dolls or just put in the auction. I don't think other bidders really looked at the pictures to see the contents of the auction, but I did. :bg: Buddy didn't have his headband though. I was just watching this auction and decided the last minute to bid and I couldn't believe I won it.

Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:46 am
by Chibi Rachy
I really didn't think things could get worse as I spent the later half of the week down and out with sinuses, still teaching.

It all got worse yesterday. I'm really hurt. The one I thought I loved kinda broke my heart. I don't want to get into details here. Fan knows some of it....I just... I don't really know what to do or where to turn. I feel like this sort of thing is just meant to happen to me.

The best part?

It was the same day a year ago my other ex dumped me. How's that for good memories?

Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:27 pm
by FanChan
*hugs Rachy super tight*

Okay, so, I haven't posted in here yet since it started. Perhaps I should now. I had a bit of a roller-coaster week, myself.

Worst part: I had some vicious nightmares Friday morning that really threw me off. I suffer from chronic nightmares (multiple nightmares just about every night, for the past seven years), and they vary in severe-ness. Hormones tend to make them worse, and I believe that's what happened Friday. Anyway, it put me in a slump the past few days. Friday I was moody and snapped at a few people who didn't deserve it, which led to having a pretty silly but big fight with a best friend. We argued a bit more the next day, but after I cooled off, we made up and things are fine again. That Friday, though, I saw a movie that I was sure would keep the intensity of the nightmares up, so that, coupled with the fight just before bed, I was petrified of going to sleep. It was a pretty uneasy night involving a few nightmares, but none as bad as before.

Best part: Some would expect me to say my hair transformation. Yeah, it's pretty awesome (still getting used to it, though; my forehead itches like crazy from the bangs rubbing on the freshly-waxed browline) but something even better happened. My genius creative mind came up with (another) project to work on. It involves illustrations of an epic rp scene, music, and windows movie maker. Oh yeah, this is going to be fun. For a preview, just check out this piece of music. It's what inspired the whole project.

Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:23 pm
by TheWendybird
FanChan wrote: Worst part: I had some vicious nightmares Friday morning that really threw me off. I suffer from chronic nightmares (multiple nightmares just about every night, for the past seven years), and they vary in severe-ness. Hormones tend to make them worse, and I believe that's what happened Friday. Anyway, it put me in a slump the past few days. Friday I was moody and snapped at a few people who didn't deserve it, which led to having a pretty silly but big fight with a best friend. We argued a bit more the next day, but after I cooled off, we made up and things are fine again. That Friday, though, I saw a movie that I was sure would keep the intensity of the nightmares up, so that, coupled with the fight just before bed, I was petrified of going to sleep. It was a pretty uneasy night involving a few nightmares, but none as bad as before.
Wow...I'm so sorry you have horrible nightmares. No doubt I don't get them as often as you but when I do..I end up very depressed a lot of the time. It's usually foolish stuff that gets put into my head to worry about things that I need not worry about at all.....even though I conciously know this they still plague me....*hugs* Any idea what triggered these for you?

Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:37 pm
by FanChan
Not a clue. All the research I've done says that chronic nightmares are triggered by post-traumatic stress disorder, usually from sexual abuse or some major tragedy. Which isn't anything that's happened to me. It just seems that my turning thirteen changed everything. All sorts of health problems - physical and mental - were triggered then. My knee, my mis-diagnosed depression (wasn't actually depression, and the meds they stuck me on messed everything else up @_@), the nightmares, the insomnia. Ah well. I'm learning to live with it all now. There are just those bumps in the road that make everything very difficult for a while.

Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:13 pm
by TheWendybird
FanChan wrote:Not a clue. All the research I've done says that chronic nightmares are triggered by post-traumatic stress disorder, usually from sexual abuse or some major tragedy. Which isn't anything that's happened to me. It just seems that my turning thirteen changed everything. All sorts of health problems - physical and mental - were triggered then. My knee, my mis-diagnosed depression (wasn't actually depression, and the meds they stuck me on messed everything else up @_@), the nightmares, the insomnia. Ah well. I'm learning to live with it all now. There are just those bumps in the road that make everything very difficult for a while.
Bah puberty sucks! It not only brings on the usual junk but this stuff can happen too now yeesh. I had a hard time when I was a pre-teen..actually when I was 9 I even freaked out about turning 10 cause it was "double digits". So when I was 12 about to turn 13 I was like "OMG I DON'T WANNA BE A TEENAGER!" I guess I was traumatized in my own way. Oh well I AM still 12 anyhow no matter what my body tells me. I had a lot of nightmares in my teens and up till a couple years ago about tornados and murderers coming after snipers and stuff...or bounty hunters or something weird like that...I once had a nightmare that me and my family were sitting down at a fancy table in the middle of a wooded was dark and trees surrounded us. The trees went up a bit of a hill and the sky was a dark blue (but not black) over the hill.....and some guy...shadowed...was standing on top of it and he began to shoot every member of my family...i could see the blood as the bullets hit them..and i crawled under the table and survived it .....I have no idea what that meant but it was scary as hell! I kinda wonder if it's the same guy in every dream. I can only remember one or two dreams where it was more than one of which Starvoyager was with me in the dream and we escaped them...most dreams I've been alone....until we had gotten together anyhow...maybe it was symbolic of alienation? lol i dunno...

Re: And How Was Your Week?

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:39 pm
by FanChan
I don't try to read too much out of my dreams. The only thing I've ever cared to read out of them is the fact that my big brother - who was killed before I was born - is looking out for me throughout them. He's been present from the start. Those times when things seem to be getting totally overwhelming, he pops up, and things aren't so bad anymore.

Some of the worst ones I've had involved being raped, sometimes by people I know. Countless ones that involved being chased, running for my life, others of being killed various ways - being locked in a car that's filling up with exhaust, or trying to fly a plane through a lightning storm are two examples. The one that really freaked me out last week involved walking my cat down the road (yes, walking my cat; it was a dream, after all), and this big mean dog tried to attack her. I kept protecting her, which eventually got the dog to try to attack me. The last thing I remember of that dream is being on my back, with my hands around the dog's head, just behind it's snapping and snarling mouth a few inches from my face. *shudder* It was very vivid, and the adrenaline rush it gave me really heightened the fear.

It's not as bad looking at it as some of the others I've had, but it really freaked me out.