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I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:26 pm
by Rainbowbrite84
TheWendybird wrote: If piercing babies ears is so bad because they cry then I guess vaccinations are abuse too.
Thank you Krista! That's exactly the point I was trying to make! Regardless of what the purpose is of vaccinations, a baby is still being stabbed and put through pain. And last time I checked babies don't give their consent to being stabbed with a needle to get vaccinations.
silverorangetears wrote: the important thing, though, is that you sensationalized the topic to make everyone who opposed you look evil, which forces us to argue our point.
Thank you for saying this, because this is exactly why I'm all fired up about this.

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:03 am
by Chibi Rachy
Erm... a bit over the top much with the title. This isn't something I'd consider abuse. Rather, something people disagree with. You don't like it and that's fine, but some parents do it and that's their perogative. It's not your place to judge the parent based on something like this. If it were truly considered to be abuse, piercing places wouldn't do it under legal obligation.

I'm pretty sure my parents had it done to me when I was small. I don't remember. I stopped wearing earrings when I was maybe 8 or so, but I wouldn't yell at my parents for piercing my ears without my permission as a kid. My holes never did close completely... it still looks like I can wear earrings.

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:27 am
by Clinozoisite
silverorangetears wrote:the important thing, though, is that you sensationalized the topic to make everyone who opposed you look evil, which forces us to argue our point.
This x1000.

Radiant Bridge: In your first post you claim to be, "...a calm, collected, logical person." Yet, you made some highly inflammatory statements in your original post, going so far as to call for the sterilization of parents who choose to pierce their infant's ears.
I completely understand being upset by something you saw at the mall and wanting to share your feelings online, but I believe you could have done so in a less fantastical manner. Simply stating what you saw (infant ear piercing) and eliciting opinions from the forum would have been appropriate. Then we could have had a real discussion about this topic, even though it does not relate to Rainbow Brite.
Instead, you chose to voice some very strong opinions without regard to the sensibilities of the other people who belong to this forum. As you can see from the responses, you've managed to insult a number of members due to your provocative declarations. If you don't like infant piercing, fine. You can say that. But don't disrespect other people's life choices just because you don't agree with them. This is the internet. Just because we all share a love of Rainbow Brite doesn't mean that we will agree with you on everything. Think before you post.

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:00 pm
by Radiant Bridge
Clinozoisite, yes, I am those three. I mentioned that I was to show how horrible I thought that the event was. I made it clear that I was disturbed by what I saw, and that it took a great deal to get an individual of my demeanor very upset. Logical does not mean robotic. I'm a very sensitive person. I knew that this had nothing to do with Rainbow Brite, which was why I posted on this general discussion board. Also, I never said that I expected everyone to agree with me on everything. The world would not exist if all people had identical minds and personalities. I merely wanted to say that I knew that what I had seen was wrong, even with the possibility of fellow members disagreeing with me. Silverorangetears, I can't help pointing out the discrepancy in your post. At first you said that I unfairly put a black cloud over those who had not shared my view, but went on to say that you would let your future children decide if they wanted to be pierced because you knew that it was a choice. Chibi Rachy, it's actually the place of anyone to judge a parent on this action, because parents don't have the right to force their children to get their organs pierced. Don't be certain that something is moral just because it's legal. There are many legal tactics that should be illegal. I don't wish to drag this argument out to the point where it will lose its essence, so now that I am finished defending myself I will lay my original topic to rest.

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:50 am
by silverorangetears
Radiant Bridge wrote: Silverorangetears, I can't help pointing out the discrepancy in your post. At first you said that I unfairly put a black cloud over those who had not shared my view, but went on to say that you would let your future children decide if they wanted to be pierced because you knew that it was a choice.
I'm sorry that you didn't see my original point. I'll say it more clearly, so that you can understand it: I am pro-parents-choice. I love that my Niece had her ears pierced as an infant, it makes her feel like a big girl now. I also believe that it is a parents choice as to when a child should get a piercing.
I want my children to appreciate working and maintaining their piercings, it has nothing to do with it being " infant abuse" because it's NOT infant abuse, In my opinion. The point is, it's my opinion and I'm not attempting to force others to agree.
for the record, i didn't say you had "unfairly put a black cloud over those who had not shared your view" I said you called us names, actually you said that people who disagreed with you should be "sterilized before they can reproduce".. (harsh) which made us want to argue against you. Big Difference.

I'm glad you're gracefully backing away from this argument, and now that I've had my say, i shall too, back away :)

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:52 pm
by SunSpire
Don't be certain that something is moral just because it's legal. There are many legal tactics that should be illegal. I don't wish to drag this argument out to the point where it will lose its essence, so now that I am finished defending myself I will lay my original topic to rest.
I agree that it is immoral to do this. Seems to be more a benefit for the parent who wants to show off their little 'pretty' one to everyone, than the infant itself who couldn't care less about pierced ears. But yeah, there are also people who dress up their dogs, don't have to agree with everything :)


I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 4:01 am
by Dialga-Brite
I agree, it was horrible. the child should have had a choice, and since they cant make it yet they dont get the earrings. too bad they left so soon. If they hadnt I hope you really would have said something to her, I don't support the idea of you keeping it to yourself.

I side with you, the tc, completely. You were not overreacting, and it is child abuse. I stand against those that support doing this, especially those that said they did it to their own kids. It sickens me to see people who do that on this forum. >.<

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:14 pm
by Wardah
I guess my mom was a child abuser then. Gee thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure to cut her out of my life for the terrible trauma she must have caused me.

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:09 am
by Chibi Rachy
Wardah wrote:I guess my mom was a child abuser then. Gee thanks for letting me know. I'll make sure to cut her out of my life for the terrible trauma she must have caused me.
I know, right? I think my mom would laugh if I told her that.

Parents don't take too kindly to being told how to parent. It's one thing to talk about what they did as being wrong, but telling them to their face will not go well, especially if the person in question doesn't have children of their own. Are there bad parents? Yep, but they don't want to be told that, especially in a public place. Yes, you clearly feel that it was wrong. That's fine, as everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, not everyone is going to react so kindly to that opinion when shared. If it's child abuse, report it to the proper authorities.

I have witnessed a horrific event and need to talk about it

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:54 am
by Radiant Bridge
Thank you SunSpire and Dialga-Brite. I will keep my word on no longer arguing about this topic, but still want to thank those who support me.