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Too much baking!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:18 am
by JoeyAngel
Yeah I still work for that company. Not in store normally tho cos I go round the UK opening new stores all year! So I am tired from that and now am in the busiest our our stores up until christmas. Luckily I have week off next week though so that's good :)

Too much baking!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:18 am
by TheWendybird
Sounds kinda like the life my Uncle has. He's in charge of the Subway stores (do you have that chain out there?) in all atlantic canada. He has to travel a lot too and do similar stuff. But yay for Christmas vacation!

Too much baking!

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:31 am
by Patty-O
I over tested everything my mother made today and yesterday. I'm in bed with the flu so I got special sneaky treats and I got to lick bowls,spoons,mixer beaters..ect I don't know if my tummy ache is the sweets or the black death lol

Too much baking!

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 5:45 am
by Radiant Bridge
Silverorangetears, you went caroling? That's fantastic! Caroling is rarely engaged in nowadays. It always makes me happy to hear about old-fashioned Christmas traditions being carried on today, like caroling and baking. I love cooking, but can relate to feeling overdrawn with sugary foods. I also love special candy and popcorn for Christmas, but have never made either one this time of year. We always jump right into Christmas, decorating the house and putting up the Christmas tree during Black Friday weekend. We still have the vinyl Disney Christmas album that we play while decorating the tree. A few years ago I added the Rainbow Brite Christmas album to the playlist after buying it on eBay. Since our traditional Christmas Eve dinner was pizza, I was thrilled last night when I found out that the pizzeria just a minute away from our house was going to be open today. Many years ago we went to Pizza Hut every Christmas Eve but had to stop when the dine in version left our town. Pizza Hut is now closed on Christmas Eve anyway. I'm currently donning my Santa Claus hat with my name on it. I wear it every Christmas Eve. It's about twenty-five years old, but the glitter letters are still intact and readable. I'm really glad to hear that others here are as passionate about the Christmas spirit as I am. :bg:

Too much baking!

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:33 am
by silverorangetears
thats so fun Radiant Bridge :)

Yes we went Caroling, in the neighborhood next to ours, it was a blast! it was amazing how many people tried to give us money.. O.o they assumed we were out for a charity or something. We could have easily scammed a few hundred.. of course we didn't! we returned the cash with a smile, and offered them rainbow coloured candy canes instead :D

we took my best friends 5 year old, my god daughter, and one house gave he a big bag of "raindeer food" (puppy chow, chexmix) she was SO excited, and confused when we wanted to eat it.. lol!

My friends and i have many traditions that we uphold separate from our families, but we are all respectful of our separate family traditions as well.. it's really interesting considering the different backgrounds we come from..

I personally am pagan, which many of you already know, but celebrate a "Christmas" with my friends, because it's easy :) my two best friends are Catholic and Jewish, so we have to work impossibly hard to include everyone without offending anyone.

I love this time of year, i wish more people could hold the onto their cheer from this season just a little longer than they do :)

Oh! if anyone is reading this far... i'm looking for a specific christmas album from the 80s-90s.. i couldn't tell you more than i think it had a lot of Mark Blanc songs..
i'm specifically looking for the song that has these lyrics, and seems to be sung by either central-american children, or maybe.. asian? not sure.. but it's like a choir of children singing :

"And the preacher man said to us...
chrissy-mas is not snow and ice,
chrissy-mas like a party,
party that all man kind can share,
so... we tell everybody!
You.. you don't have to have snow and ice to have chrissy-mas
you don't have to have snow and ice to do it right!
and when there's no snow and no ice there's still chrissy-mas
'cuz chrissy-mas is chrissy-mas if chrissy-mas's not white!"

i swear.. we can't find it anywhere.. i'm beginning to thing that my sister and i made it up! :( let me know if you've heard of it! or know where to find it ><