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Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:04 am
by TheWendybird
I am definitely TSH levels went to 10.41 from it's getting worse....he put me on a hormone pill and said he wants me to take 5000 IU's of vitamins d3 and k2 as well....which...sounds insanely high so i dunno about that...i read the average person only need 600-1000 IU's a day...O_O

Sukey..I recommend blood work to find out where you stand health wise...the symptoms can honestly be any number of problems...hypothyroid shares symptoms with chronic fatigue syndrome and well as diabetes even....the only sure fire way to know is blood work for sure.

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:35 pm
by Rainbow Brite
TheWendybird wrote:It's so ironic you told me you are hypo cause a friend of mine in the Phantom of the Opera community i'm a part of also had trouble conceiving and she has Hashimoto's Disease i think it's called. Which is autoimmune hypothyroid. When you said on facebook you had a hard time conceiving ...I started to wonder recently after reading about hypothyroid.
Yep, there's that, but I also have other hormone problems and my hubby's sperm are bad too. IVF is the only thing that would've worked for us, but even that didn't do the trick :(
The weird thing about my first test results is my T4 free is 0.8 which is suppose to be normal but low normal..and TSH is 8.61. However I certainly don't have a problem with cortisol it seems like the website you sent seemed to be mentioning...I have a hard time losing weight in my midsection more than anywhere..i have anxiety disorder so i certainly get a lot of cortisol lol I know I'm not huge but most of my little bit of excess weight is carried there.
The TSH test is good for diagnosing hypothyroidism, but is pretty useless once you start treating it. Free T4 and Free T3 (T3 being the active hormone, so is the most important test) will really tell you what's going on. I had low cortisol, but it sounds like you have high, so I'm not sure what to tell you on that front. I think there are supplements that can help lower it, but I'm not sure what they are.
BUT in case normal medicines don't work for me ( if these next test results are positive for thyroid problems still) then I will know what path to look toward to find my answers for sure so thank you for sharing that! I don't THINK my current Dr will have problems experimenting with stuff as long as it's a legit medication on the market...hopefully. I dunno why a Dr would! lol
You'd be surprised. I had to fight tooth and nail (and switch doctors more than a dozen times) to find docs who would let me try Armour and Cytomel. And even then they wouldn't give me the right dose. And these are legit meds that have been on the market for years - Armour especially has been around for decades.
I am definitely TSH levels went to 10.41 from it's getting worse....he put me on a hormone pill and said he wants me to take 5000 IU's of vitamins d3 and k2 as well....which...sounds insanely high so i dunno about that...i read the average person only need 600-1000 IU's a day...O_O
What hormone pill did he put you on? I took 10,000 IU of D3 for a few months to get my levels up. Worked like a charm. Now I take 5,000 to maintain those levels. And I very rarely get sick anymore. I get this kind:

But most K2 I've seen is dosed by mcg, not I'm not sure how it converts. This is the one I take:

Sukey - Definitely get those tests run as soon as you can. Being hypothyroid for years and not knowing it wreaked havoc on my body :(

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:49 pm
by TheWendybird
Well I am feeling MUCH better today. MUCH MUCH better. Talked to the nurses at the Dr's office as he's not in right now..put my mind at ease about a lot of things. They said my T3 and T4 is normal so i posed the hypothetical question about IF the T4 doesn't work..i mentioned about the Armour thyroid and they said no no he is VERY willing to work with patients to figure stuff out and wouldn't give a patient a hard time like that ...sad that he would MUCH rather get someone to eat healthy for them to get healthy than prescribe meds unless it's needed etc so I felt so much better knowing if something doesn't work out then he WILL try something else. They still dunno what's causing the thyroid problem...they said nothing is pointing to thyroid cancer or anything like that. But since my mom had some thyroid issues in her past chances are it was genetic. They gave me the powdered version of vitamin D3 with K2..which apparently you should take with D3 to prevent kidney stones and what feel overall much more positive that I am gonna get better (i hope).

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:44 pm
by Rainbow Brite
It sounds like you've got a real keeper there :) I wish I'd been lucky enough to find such an awesome doctor right off the bat! Did he test your thyroid antibodies too? I'm curious if you have Hashimoto's, or just standard hypothyroidism. I have Hashi's, so it's going to be a lifelong issue :( It runs in my family on my mom's has it, my uncle has it and one or two cousins has it. GRRRRR.

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:11 pm
by TheWendybird
He didn't test for anti bodies which disappointed me to find out :( My mom has had issues though so I figure I just turn after her?

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:45 am
by Rainbow Brite
TheWendybird wrote:He didn't test for anti bodies which disappointed me to find out :(
Poo :( Maybe he can test them the next time he checks your levels.
My mom has had issues though so I figure I just turn after her?
Very well could be. Especially if she was hypo while she was pregnant with you.

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:06 am
by TheWendybird
Rainbow Brite wrote:
TheWendybird wrote:He didn't test for anti bodies which disappointed me to find out :(
Poo :( Maybe he can test them the next time he checks your levels.
My mom has had issues though so I figure I just turn after her?
Very well could be. Especially if she was hypo while she was pregnant with you.
I don't think that happened but when I was 14 she had an acute hyperthyroid attack followed by hypo. Now she's considered borderline and checked every year. So there is stuff in my family...very close.

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:35 pm
by Radiant Bridge
TheWendybird, I'm very sorry to hear about your trouble. I have serious medical conditions too, so I know firsthand how frightening these can be. It certainly is torturous to be on guard constantly and always fear that you'll have another emergency. Wearing a halter monitor must be horribly bothersome. I hope that you are able to remove it soon. Since you mention supplements, you should be aware that those are not actually vitamins but synthetic imitations created in labs. Imitations of vitamins often have the opposite effects of their genuine counterparts and quickly build to toxic levels in the blood because those are not food or drugs. Unlike actual vitamin D3 which works alongside calcium, synthetic vitamin D3 disrupts the normal flow of the mineral in your body and causes it to deposit in random places. When this happens your blood will lack adequate calcium and start to pull it from your bones and teeth so that your heart will have enough to pump properly. Simply exposing yourself to outdoor sunlight every day will give your body the power to make vitamin D3 for itself, and potassium (vitamin K) is in many foods. (Being near a closed window does not suffide because UVB rays are needed to make vitamin D3, and only UVA rays can pass through glass.) These are easy and safe ways to get what you need.

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:10 pm
by TheWendybird
Potassium n vitamin k are not the same thing. Vitamin k is taken with d3 to keep weird clots from happening i was told. K is the mineral symbol for potassium but it's not the vitamin.

Happy thoughts/prayers?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:34 pm
by Radiant Bridge
Oh, I'm sorry. I was confusing potassium's ability to maintain bone fluid with vitamin K's ability to calcify bones. Remembering that both were important to bones caused me to cross the two. Everything else that I said was true, though. Good luck.