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Post by Treasure_House »

If this helps in anyway, I know just how you feel...

For example:

Growing up I didn't have any friends. And the ones I thought were friends were just ones that wanted to bully and pick on and sometimes do things sneeky to my family so that I'd be the one getting into trouble. All the while I was going to theropy cuz I "wasn't right" and there was something wrong with the "old attick upstairs". Just cuz my two fav cartoons were Rainbow Brite and The Chipmunks. Especially those two! So over time I just kept it to myself. Yet as I got older, it just got worse and worse. Even after I got married. The guy I married barely paid no mind to me, my one and only son was ripped away from me, and today I am stuck living with my folks. I don't blame the cartoons. I hide them. Everything I have collected is now is storage and I only get hollard at now for the tons of movies in my room. 75% are movies, the rest cartoons. Disney mostly. My husband and I have been separated for the past 3 1/2 years, he's in one state while I'm in another, and my folks had to adopt the child just to keep him in the family. As for my love of the Chipmunks and Rainbow, I just keep it to myself. It's sad to think. But one day (and hopely soon) I will have my own place. No I still don't have any friends. Other than those online, 95% of which don't know about my love of the cartoons. My folks still treat me like I'm six, and I'm up in the 30's. They consistantly tell me what I'm "not" allowed to have and what they "want" me to do, day in and day out. Yes I get sick of the rules and regulations and I'm tired of explaining that my site is just a hobbie, and that I have to report to them when and if I am mailing something out or getting something in. But more importantly, they get last say in my child and I get treated as the "other one".

So as far as being picked on about loving cartoons or anything for that matter, yes I fully understand where you are coming from. This doesn't mean you need to hide it like I have, just learning to expect that others just don't care and to just ignore them is all one needs to do.

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Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2010 11:00 pm


Post by yazbelle »

I'm so sorry, y'all. I've had much support for my collections. I've been lectured on my "hoarding" though. Collecting... hoarding....same thing. J/K :P
