Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

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Major Ursa
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Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by Major Ursa »

Since we do have fans of Star Trek here, I wonder about what is thier favorites. Is it a series, movie, starship, villain, Captain, character, or episode? So I ask you all, what is your Star Trek favorites.

My favorite ships would have to be the Excelcior (NCC-2000) and Miranda Class frigate Reliant (NCC-1864)

Favorite TV episode: The Trobble with Tribbles (from the orignial series)

My Three favorite movies (in order of appearance):

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The ultimate rematch from the original series episode Space Seed between Captain Kirk and Khan. It also had an ending that wound up being the twist for the third film.

Star Trek VI: The Undicoverd Country. One disaster would try to bring two rival sides (the Federation and the Klingon Empire) to peace. But some want to ruin it. But Kirk and Sulu would fight together as captains to save it.

Star Trek: Nemesis. Pretty much another rivalry comes to an end. But its the Romulans that want peace. But some team up with the outcast planet Remous with a clone of Captain Picard.

It,s your turn now.
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Re: Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by FanChan »

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Re: Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by SunSpire »

"ST VI: Undiscovered Country" has to be the best out of the original 10 movies, basically it's a running gag between me and my best mate Jan who've been watching this particular star trek movie a dozen times back in the day ... aah the memories! :)

My other 2 favorite movies are "Generations" and "First Contact" - but I do love all of them up to the 10th one, after that the whole Star Trek franchise sadly went down the hill. The 2009 sequel - while being a good action movie, just doesn't have what it takes to deliver the true trekkie feeling of the past movies.

I never cared for the TV series past TNG, I really missed the action and humour found in TOS.

Favorite characters? ... Too many to count, but the original crew is the best! Data is pretty cool too, his experience with the "emotion chip" in Generations is absolutely hilarious.

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Re: Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by TheWendybird »

I was a fairly big fan when I was around 10 years old of The Next Generation...Deanna Troy was my favorite character I had her action figure haha Data was cool too tho! I hadnt had much exposure to the original series or movies aside from the one with the humpback whales cause they're my favorite animal so I saw that when I was real little kinda by accident. Watched it again a few months back with Starvoyager and his parents. I kinda wanna watch all the original movies now heh...I have seen a few episodes of star trek....I have seen the Trouble with Tribbles and I'm in love with the little furballs. And I really enjoyed the new movie too tho a little weirded out by the whole alternate reality thing heh..still great though. My life was always more Star WARS than Star Trek but Star Trek was there in some form and I hope to learn more about the original series/movies soon enough:) I've seen enough of Spock to say he's way awesome and my sister like...has a thing for him hahaha Him and Snape from Harry Potter :P
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Re: Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by Rainbow Brite »

FanChan wrote:Q.
I love Q!! And his bratty son...lol

My fav series is Star Trek Voyager...which would make Janeway my fav captain ;)
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Re: Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by FanChan »

Rainbow Brite wrote:
FanChan wrote:Q.

I love Q!! And his bratty son...lol

My fav series is Star Trek Voyager...which would make Janeway my fav captain ;)

Hehehe. Q's the best ^_^ I was the Voyager generation. Used to watch the reruns every night during middle and high school. I liked the fact that they were stranded, completely on their own, no big bad Federation to back them up. She always reminded me of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, which is a show I watched all the time in elementry school.

I liked the doctor, too. Who was the new Data. Who was the new Spock. Yaaay, character archetypes.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
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"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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Re: Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by Major Ursa »

I never had a favorite character. I liked the ships, shuttles and the gadgets that were used in Star Trek.
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Re: Favorite Star Trek Movies and TV Shows

Post by Tilas »

Uh oh, Trekkie mode here. XD

Fav Series: Voyager
Fav Captain: Janeway
Fav Movie: Star Trek 4- The Voyage Home
Fav Male Characters: McCoy or Scotty (The originals!)
Fav Female Character: Janeway!
Fav Ship: NCC 1701 (No bloody A, B, C, or D as Scotty says! XD! )
Fav Episode: Ooh tough one... Most of the Q episodes are great, and of course Trouble with Tribbles was one of the funniest!

The only Trek series I didn't like was Enterprise. I just couldn't accept it was Trek. :\ I never got into DS9 (though my brother says it was one of the best), but that's probably because I only saw a few episodes. He said it's a series your really need to watch form start to finish to understand whats going on. ^_^;

Oh yeah, fun for the Trekkies, did you know well over a dozen actors from Star Trek worked on Disney's Gargoyles? :) Quite a few of the TNG cast were reaccuring VA's for the series, with Marina Sitris (Deanna) as Demona & Jonathan Frakes (Riker) as Xanatos being main characters on the show. Xanatos even looks a LOT like Riker did, but the creators of the show swear that wasn't intentional, they designed Xanatos before they hired his VA. ;)

Funny thing thugh, even though most of the main cast on TNG played a role on Gargoyles, Picard (Patrick Stewart) was NOT on the show cause he was too expensive to hire! Just some fun little tidbits for you. :D
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