Jelly-filled donuts

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Jelly-filled donuts

Post by FanChan »

My students have talked about this a number of times. I saw this episode when I was a kid, but I never thought anything of it, honestly. Ah, the joys of 4Kids editing.

Jelly-filled donuts
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: Jelly-filled donuts

Post by Chibi Rachy »

lol I knew exactly what this was when you posted it :) You should post the other edits video that you found too... sometimes these producers have no idea what should be cut and what shouldn't.
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Re: Jelly-filled donuts

Post by Starvoyager »

Now I know what to look at if I ever need a reminder of why I'm glad I'm not going through grade school in this era. :p
