And How Was Your Week?

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by FanChan »

Here we go!

Good: I spent Thursday until tonight in silence and in total fasting (a few sips of water a day), and it was a profound experience. I spent a lot of time looking inward, and learning more about the finer points of my faith. I read a few books, two of which had me in tears, and I'm halfway through a fourth that is very gripping (a detailed account of a possession and the subsequent excorcism). The past three services (Holy Thursday Mass, Good Friday service, and the Easter Vigil) were truly beautiful, and the fasting and prayer allowed me to appreciate them at a much deeper level, which has been my experience while fasting all through Lent. I have a much, much deeper love for my faith, and for who and what I am and what all of us are.

Bad: The personal pitfalls the past week don't seem so important after tonight, but there's something that happened outside of myself. Thursday night/Friday morning, a house just down the street burned down. I still don't know if anyone died in the fire (an old woman died in the last house fire we had here, about eight months ago), but I'm pretty sure that a family lived there. The good news is that the two houses on either side of it were unharmed.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Ahh you beat me to it for the week Fan! XD

Good: School was fine because it was only 3 days for the students. Thursday was an ISE day for teachers and we had an instructor for the Ruby Payne workshop present (hidden messages between financial classes) and then a bridal/baby shower at my school later on. Friday I worked Lani, the one daycare we had and got things straightened up in my room. Yesterday was soccer games and oh goodness how I loved it :) It was cloudy and rainy when I got there, and I was not looking forward to being a wet bumble bee (my ref uniform is yellow with thin black strips, black shorts, and socks). I reffed 3 games and coached/reffed my team's game. That was hard because I did not take the field but kept time and did the calls, as well as cheered on my guys. I look forward to Saturdays so much now simply because of it. Only bad thing about that was I was speaking with one of my student's parents and then said student got sick...that was the first time I've seen a kid get sick that wasn't daycare. She played her game later on and felt much better though.

Something random: It's always so nice when I can still go to my bookshelf and find books from Christmas I haven't read. It's why I always get a good many so I don't have to worry about buying any new ones until summer. I still have at least 4 after the current one I'm working on, which is Shadow of the Knife by Jane Fletcher. I love her fantasy stories.

Bad: Not too much for this. (And my cat is resting her head on my left hand as I type which makes all this harder). My folks are mad at me today, which really doesn't count, but it's the only bad thing I've got to report! I still don't get what all the fuss is, but oh well.

"If you're obsessed with your yesterday then you're destined to repeat it." - Ariel of Icon for Hire

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by FanChan »

I know the week isn't over yet, but nothing could be worse than colic. Seriously, I don't think there will be anything worse than this.

The good thing was that I've gotten myself a date for Sunday. Hopefully the actual date will be the highlight of next week.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

FanChan wrote:I know the week isn't over yet, but nothing could be worse than colic. Seriously, I don't think there will be anything worse than this.

The good thing was that I've gotten myself a date for Sunday. Hopefully the actual date will be the highlight of next week.
colic? as in crying baby colic? what happened?

And good luck with the date :D
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by FanChan »

There's a difference between baby colic and adult colic. Human adults share this type of colic with horses, which is why I was able to recognize it, because I've nursed colicky horses. When I realized the pain only eased after getting up and walking around for a while, I was able to think of colic and research it online. There are a handful of different situations that will get you colic, but I'm pretty sure mine's simply an intestinal blockage, due to the one major symptom - intestinal spasms. If you've ever felt the pain of severe hunger, that caving-in feeling, then you know what these spasms feel like.
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by TheWendybird »

FanChan wrote:There's a difference between baby colic and adult colic. Human adults share this type of colic with horses, which is why I was able to recognize it, because I've nursed colicky horses. When I realized the pain only eased after getting up and walking around for a while, I was able to think of colic and research it online. There are a handful of different situations that will get you colic, but I'm pretty sure mine's simply an intestinal blockage, due to the one major symptom - intestinal spasms. If you've ever felt the pain of severe hunger, that caving-in feeling, then you know what these spasms feel like.
Hmmm my digestive system has always been a little odd...i wouldn't be suprised if i had this at some point lol
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
"Hail Stormy full of fury! Rainbow is with Thee!" :P

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

I forgot to do this last week, so I suppose I should do one for this week:

Good: The week seemed to fly by, always a positive thing. Soccer has been a blessing and I adore what I do. It was hot again today and I got sunburned yet again on the parts of my skin that my ref uniform doesn't cover, but it was still good, even if I reffed 4 games for the U6 division. I've also discovered that I might be getting a new bookshelf for my room, but I forgot the measurements one of the teachers gave me at school. I could remember height and depth, but not the width, which was the most important! Oh and they'd be free too.

Oh and the quote from one of my small reading groups (a boy) this week: "I don't need to keep a journal. I'm a smart peoples."

Bad: Some of my students are driving me crazy. Not because they misbehave, but because they don't turn in work and don't apply themselves one bit even though they want the good grades. I tallied up missing work so that I could have it ready for them, and I've one student missing 21 assignments... in a 3 week period.

Outside of school, I've felt out of sorts. I've been reading some and it's set me thinking...I've been trying to hide away a lot and escape within myself. There's one person who sees through that with me, but there's a 5 hour time difference and other things against that, so it's rather easy to do. I admit, it's something I've become rather good at, sadly.
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Chibi Rachy »

Another week, another post.

Good: Well, I survived is always a good thing. School's been okay, but at this point I think I'm ready for it to end. I'm not as bad as some of the teachers who are counting down. I'm also tired of trying prepare these kids for testing coming up. I found out that Lacuna Coil had another CD out and have enjoyed some of the songs greatly. Oh and I got distracted by Lucky Star anime subs too. I've watched 18 eps this past week. Random and pointless show, but I love stuff like that. And the opening song is rather catchy too.

I got a nice package in the mail too that had two Rainbow Brite storybooks on record- Rainbow Brite Saves Spring and Rainbow Brite and the Brook Meadow Deer. Near perfect condition with records. It also came with a sprite, which I'm fairly sure is a knock-off. I plan to post that in a bit.

Bad: Besides one of my depressive spells, nothing too bad happened. I did make a mistake with my kids' book box project they've been doing...I told them it was due tomorrow and not Wednesday. I wrote it down wrong on my calendar. None of the students called me on it and I only found out tonight when a parent called me about it. My mistake.
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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by Major Ursa »

Good: Another Nascar weekend comes to my neck of the woods. I got to go over to Richmond International Raceway and did my first of two trips for the race weekends. Also good was that Jeff Gordon did not win the race Saturday night (hee hee).

Bad. My driver Kasey Kand did not win.
Rainbow brite fan since 1984.

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Re: And How Was Your Week?

Post by FanChan »

Good: I got to spend the first half of my Saturday up at a convent. The first Saturday of May every year they hold an open house and festival of sorts for the community, and a lot of families with their kids show up. I got to facepaint, and I even got the Sisters interested in inviting me up there to give them some art lessons, plus handed out a few business cards to parents interested in private lessons for their kids. It was a good day, sunburn and all.

Bad: I totally forgot the Kentucky Derby was the same day TT_TT Looking up the results, though, I'm not too upset. My favorite horse didn't win (in fact, he came in second to last -.-;;; ), though the horse of my favorite trainer, Bob Baffert, came in second. Not that that makes much of a difference. Second place won't get you the Triple Crown. *sigh* What's worse is that the actual winner is a nobody, a horse that's hardly won any races. Chances are, he won't win the Preakness and Belmont, which means ANOTHER year without a Triple Crown winner. I want to see one in my lifetime, gosh darnit!
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

-Excerpt from my yet unnamed RB doujinshi.
