Favorite Things

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Favorite Things

Post by FanChan »

I couldn't remember seeing a post like this over here, so I thought I'd start one.

What are a few of your favorite things in relation to each sense? That is, what's your favorite smell, your favorite sound, favorite sensation to touch, favorite taste, and your favorite thing to see?

Smell: Old leather, especially mixed with horse sweat. If you've ever smelled an old, used saddle, or even an old briefcase or cowboy hat, it's a beautiful smell.

Sound: I love the sound of a good boy's choir (look up Libera Sanctus on YouTube *-*). I also love the sound of airplane engines; something I grew up with.

Touch: The feel of old paper, like the pages of an antique book, or an old, weathered map. The feeling of reins gently tugging in my hands is a pretty great feeling, too.

Taste: I love the taste of white chocolate, as well as a perfectly ripe apple. Though perhaps not the both together...

Sight: Well, there are a lot of these, and I imagine there would be for everyone. I love looking at the sky, how's it's different every time you look at it. I could look at a beautiful building or tall-ship all day, studying how it all pieces together, how the light and wind play off of each piece.

How about everyone else?
"I hope you know what you're doing, Rainbow."
"You still doubt me, after all this time?"
"I don't doubt," Krys said as he paused at the door. "I worry."

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Chibi Rachy
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Re: Favorite Things

Post by Chibi Rachy »

I couldn't remember seeing a post like this over here, so I thought I'd start one. What are a few of your favorite things in relation to each sense? That is, what's your favorite smell, your favorite sound, favorite sensation to touch, favorite taste, and your favorite thing to see?
Ohh this could be fun to think about...

Smell: Lavender or lilac... such a sweet, flowery scent that's not overwhelming

Sound: Tough one... but I do love a good female rocker... gimme a girl who can rock out a beat and have an awesome voice and I'm happy

Touch: I love the feel of my olive green and tan blanket. It's a no-sew blanket, the first one I ever made back in spring 2007. It ended up being the perfect size to cover me up with and has become the one blanket I sleep with and do not share at all. It's soft and warm and fuzzy and it always helps me calm down. (And if anyone knew how terrible my crafting skills were, they'd know why it was even more special to me.)

This one's hard...but I'll go with a baked potato smashed out and covered with cheez whiz... so yum

Nothing better than a happy toddler or baby smiling and giggling and making faces to see :D
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Re: Favorite Things

Post by Major Ursa »

Lets see here...........

Smell: Pizza in the oven or any good cooking.

Sound: The roar of a Nascar race car

touch: The soft fur of a Teddy Bear or any stuffed animal.

Taste: Pizza, tacos, macaroni and cheese, etc.

Sight: A good Nascar race at night or on Television.
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Re: Favorite Things

Post by Maki »

Major Ursa wrote:Sound: The roar of a Nascar race car.

You mean the cars zooming by up close?

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Re: Favorite Things

Post by Major Ursa »

Maki wrote:
Major Ursa wrote:Sound: The roar of a Nascar race car.

You mean the cars zooming by up close?

As well as when they start up.
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Re: Favorite Things

Post by pinkpuff »

Let's see...

Smell: Mom's homemade bread baking in the oven mmm...

Sound: Happy 80s music heehee

Touch: Velvet!

Taste: Strawberry!

Sight: The color pink!

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Re: Favorite Things

Post by Sarah »

This is so much fun! Great idea fanchan!! : )

Smell: the carnival/fair. Such a wonderfull mix of smelliness!! : D Movie theatres smell pretty great too. and the air after a good rain

Sound: the carnival/fair. That big noise that the movie theatre makes right before a movies going to start - that surround sound thing, crouds in a stadium.

Touch: umm, cotton candy, water . . . . this ones a harder one.

Taste: anything from the carnival or fair, curry, and anything tropical

Sight: city lights at night, waves of the beach, anything rainbowy, and anything sparkley, anything sparkly rainbowy . . . . Ben McKenzie (Ryan Atwood from the O.C.) ; ) ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

: D
