What is a color you DON'T like?

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Re: What is a color you DON'T like?

Post by SEGAGIGA »

TheWendybird wrote: LOL I know I know. Technically it is just easier to say color. I just always like to make the joke that if black and white are colors black and white tv's would be called color tv's :oP
Hehehe. That's right! LOL! :laugh:
Rainbow Brite wrote: I love yellow :) It's so brite and cheerful! My office is currently painted yellow and it really cheers me up.
I had my room painted yellow (not the intense kind) before and that was years ago...I remember how it makes me feel cheerful just by being there.

It's kind of hard getting to relax though... So 2 years later I had it changed to "Sky blue". That's what it is up to now. When I get the chance I'll have it painted yellow again. :rbsmile:
Last edited by SEGAGIGA on Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What is a color you DON'T like?

Post by TheWendybird »

Me and Starvoyagers room is a bright green I think it's called "Paradise green" or something? Anyhow..we have that and a bunch of disney faeries wall decals all over the place (don't laugh! :P) it's much happier in this room than it was before we painted it. And we painted the ceiling a sky blue.
Mrs. Starvoyager as of 11/22/09 :D
"Hail Stormy full of fury! Rainbow is with Thee!" :P
