a couple of updates

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:57 pm
Location: Fullerton, CA, USA

a couple of updates

Post by D2s2b4gn »

Hi All!

Just wanted to take a minute to post an update. a couple people knew that things were crazy around here, but I haven't been replying to many messages lately. Still working in Downtown Disney, but hours are getting hard to come by. Matt is working 4 days a week when he's lucky, and I keep getting called off since it's so slow. Who ever thought Disneyland would be slow? But, at least we have our jobs. Of course, that was perfect timing for our rent to go up again. Word of advice for all, NEVER RENT FROM FAMILY. Doesn't matter how close you are! Repairs will not be done and they have no problem raising your rent so they can have more spending money.

Also, my grandma had been in and out of the hospital for the last half of 2008. She went in again at the beginning of this year, and passed away at home on Feb 4. It's been a hard month, but at least we all know she isn't in pain anymore. We're having the memorial in the beginning of March in Santa Barbara.

Anyway, as we're coping with that, we are still looking for a place to buy down here. We're focusing on paying off the last credit card right now. Oh yeah, I HATE WAMU!!! I never had a problem with my card, then wamu took over. Things got bad, then wamu went under. Now things have been worse. They canceled a payment that I sent through for no reason, then said it was "fixed" when I called about it. 2 months later my interest rate went up to 28% because I "missed" a payment. Grr... So, we're paying off most of it with our income taxes and the money my grandma left us, and then taking out a personal loan for the rest. We'll have it paid off in 1/5 of the time and save $200 a month.

So, that's life here. Oh, and we have another dog. That makes 4 now. Winnie, Buddy, Cubbie, and Mina. For those of you who know me on myspace, I have some pictures up. Cubbie is the fat tan puppy that doesn't look like he fits. Mina is the black one. Once things settle down I'll get back on there and post some more. Once the memorial is over we're going to stay and help go through my grandma's room. Then hopefully we can start to catch up on things at home. I stopped all of my auctions on ebay just because I didn't have time anymore. I have one more thing to ship and then I think I'm done for a couple weeks.

Anyway, that was more than a minute and it's after 6am here, so I need to go to bed. I guess I can sleep in since I don't start work until 6:30pm.
